From Arms Dealer To King of War

Chapter 1246: A messy carnival

 Chapter 1246 A chaotic carnival

The banks of the Ubangi River…

 Francois from Central Africa gave a speech amidst boos...

As a director, Bang Bangbei felt the emotions of the audience. He picked up the radio and shouted: "Notify Mr. President and ask him to hurry up a little bit..."

As soon as Bang Bei finished speaking, Francois came down from the podium with a smile.

The DJ at the scene played cheerful music without hesitation, and then a beautiful black beauty in a sequined miniskirt came on stage with a microphone...

 “Let us welcome the team from Tobruk, Libya, the hometown of the Devil Bird…”

Following the host’s introduction, a cement boat with big red flowers slowly drove out from a corner in the upper reaches of the Ubangi River...

Dozens of athletes from Libya, waving the three flags of Libya, Tobruk and P.B., ran in circles on a cement boat dozens of meters long. The louder the cheers around them, the faster they ran. joyous…

 “Let us welcome, from the homeland of kittens, the Brazilian team Rocinha…”

 Another big ship sailed out...

However, compared to the Tobruk team, the Brazilian slum team is much more unrestrained...

Several girls with curvy fronts and backs were dressed in gorgeous and revealing costumes only used at carnivals. They danced to the music while inciting the emotions of the people in the stands on both sides of the river.

 A group of young athletes put their shoulders around each other and gathered around the outside of the cement boat, and then they kept sitting on the waves.

People in the stands soon learned the lesson, and then everyone started to cheer and make waves in the stands, having a great time.

 “Let us welcome, from the homeland of owls, the Syrian Safe Zone Team…”


 “Let us welcome the Tobruk representative team from Sevia…”


 “Let us welcome the team from the American branch...”


 “Let us welcome the delegation from Yemen…”


 Following the host’s introduction, athletes from various provinces began to appear…

 Representatives from Ndele, representatives from the diamond town of Nova, representatives from Bangui, the capital of Central Africa, and representatives from Kinshasa, the capital of Congo...

 The following came the representatives of various mercenary companies, and the atmosphere of the entire opening ceremony began to slowly rise.

However, these are not the main procedures of the opening ceremony. When most athletes completed their entry with the boats, two transport planes began to enter the venue...

 Tong Tong, Rafa and Sara from Dubai completed a skydive amidst much anticipation...

The three girls jumped out of the C-130, with colored smoke behind them from thousands of meters high. With the dazzling smoke, they drew a gorgeous path along the Ubangi River from east to west. rainbow…

 Qiao Jia didn’t care too much about parachuting. When Tong Tong and others jumped off, he bent down and grabbed the sliding rod on the side of the dragon boat...


 Let’s give them a little kick! "

 The teams of the dragon boat race, after Boss Qiao initiated the call sign, stood up one after another and drove the irrelevant people out of the preparation area...

 Then Boss Qiao took the lead and in a group of 40 people, they lifted up the dragon boat and set off towards the reception passage...

 The dragon boat in Sengha Town is 70 centimeters wide but reaches 18 meters in length.

 There are 40 people in a boat, including the dragon head hand, the dragon tail hand, the bamboo pole hand, the needle point hand, the push hand, the middle hand...

As the ‘leading hand’, Qiao Jia took the initiative to go to the leading hand’s position after the athletes entered the field, picked up the sliding pole made of bamboo poles, and together with all the guys, lifted up a huge dragon boat that still smelled of paint...

The size of the dragon boats in Sengha Town is not too large, but in order to combine with the local style, all dragon boats are carved from a whole giant wood.

 Don’t be cheating on anyone. When a big tree is cut down, there are specialized people who will process it into the same size. Then you carry it back and find someone to hollow out the trunk and make a dragon boat.

The only thing that can be added to the entire ship is the carving on the bow, and it doesn’t have to be a dragon. You can add any meaningful carving that you can think of.

The cost of building such a boat is not low at all. It requires the people from the dragon boat team and the sponsors behind the scenes to jointly fund the construction.

 In Qiao Jia’s observation, the most luxurious dragon boat was built by the cheap brother-in-law Hassan and others.

 Tobruk developed earlier, so it is richer, and a group of senior Chinese oil executives who joined in the fun provided them with the necessary technical support and financial support.

Who would have thought that among a group of senior managers of an oil refinery making a living in Libya, one of them was born as a carpenter, and the others were all mechanical professionals.

With the help of these people, Scarface Hassan hired a group of local people to work day and night. It took him more than a month to build two dragon boats...thinner, lighter, more reasonable weight, and better balance. Well, even the paddler’s seat is more comfortable…

 The worst team built by Dragon Boat is not the poorest Yemeni team, but the branch from New Jersey.

 Spurs, Orange Cats, and Flow Arrows brought a group of old bailiffs who served as referees, as well as a group of mixed soldiers from Russia and HRT...

The American branch of P.B. is very rich. They bought a lot of various tools, found professional people to draw drawings, and temporarily learned carpentry skills...

I just fiddled with it for a month, and when I finally started to do it, I realized that I was nothing...

 A broken boat that was sure to capsize if it went into the water, in the end, they actually got 150,000 yuan in sponsorship, and the person who paid for it was actually Boss Qiao’s P·B video website.

Those **** who don't take it too seriously to watch the fun, what they want to watch is not a serious game, but various car-turning performances.

The New Jersey branch’s dragon boat training videos have been made into joke collections and posted online.

 Any competition is secondary, entertainment is the most important!

When Boss Qiao was shirtless and led a group of strong men to carry a dragon boat onto the stage, there were huge cheers from both sides of the Ubangi River...

Who cares about the competition?

This is the internal display of P.B. Every civilian or soldier from other countries has integrated with the locals of Sangha Town at this moment.

 We are all the same boss, so we are happy anyway...

Boss Qiao, who was in a good mood, kept waving and greeting people on both sides. The clever Jino and Jacques rushed to both sides of the dragon boat and placed two fireworks...

 The flying colorful debris makes the surrounding atmosphere even more lively!

Just when Qiao Jia wanted to praise this kid, Jino turned around and pulled Briella. With the little girl’s cute smile, he sold the ‘paid fireworks’ to the onlookers on both sides...

Two yuan, just two yuan can help P·B’s Jackal and express your admiration at the same time. If you buy ten, you can take a photo with the little princess of Monaco...

Qiao Jia shouted slogans loudly and led everyone forward when he heard Jino not far away holding a loudspeaker and shouting: "Cooper Noodle Shop is sending ten fireworks to cheer for P·B... "


As soon as Qiaojia said a curse word, Jacques, who had evolved into a naughty child, with a shy smile on his face, pulled a few dressed-up Yemeni war orphans and started to "shoot off"...

 While playing and returning, I shouted...

 “Cooper’s Pastry Shop sends ten gifts…”

The clear voices of the children were particularly clear in the noisy scene. When the wealthy people along the way discovered that they could actually have another way to gain a sense of participation, they went crazy...

Anyone who has a small business in Sangha Town must fire a few cannons...

 Because there were too many people, it was impossible to get the children to shout their names every time, so they began to rush to buy fireworks and shout them themselves.

 The richer people will temporarily hire people around them to help set off cannons and shout slogans!

Elder Beerus, who is already very old, loves to have fun with the people, because he feels that only by being with the locals can he show his wealth.

This rich country man came to join in the fun. He was sitting in a wheelchair and being carried by eight strong men.

This country bumpkin old man had nothing but money. When he saw this good opportunity to flatter him, he bought 100 fireworks and then asked his bodyguard to rush to the top of the crowd of onlookers with the cash and fireworks. Ahead…

 A gift plus a dollar plus a slogan...

 “Elder Beerus wishes the Jackal eternal victory…”

Hundred people fired salutes at the same time and shouted one sentence at the same time. The chaos of the scene is indescribable.

Some people were slow to set off the fireworks, some remembered the slogan incorrectly, some took the money and did nothing, and then sold the fireworks at a high price to the onlookers who were seeking a sense of participation...

 As a director, Bang Bei can no longer control the scene at all...

The fireworks riot on Boss Qiao's side has rendered the camera useless. When the camera was on the aircraft, it could only capture the big ship riding the wind and waves in the waves of colorful fireworks, and the people below could not be seen.

Those fireworks are like barrage, they never stop from the beginning...

 Boss Qiao's side went off track, and there was an accident in the infield...

The three girls who were skydiving for fun kept gliding along both sides of the bank. As a result, the change in wind direction caused them to deviate from their original track. Then, whether on purpose or out of help, the girls passed over the Arab nobles' stand. Leaving behind a mess of colorful paint...

Although the athletes on the boat were unable to go ashore, they were very appreciative of the girls' defiance of authority...

People on each ship were screaming and jumping, cheering the three girls on, asking them to keep up their efforts and sprinkle paint on the heads of other so-called senior officials...

Handbaby’s head was scratching his head. He kept yelling with the radio, but he couldn’t control the situation at all...

 In the end, the great director simply gave up control. He let out a sigh of relief, took off his sweaty T-shirt, and rushed out of the studio when Qiao Jia's dragon boat approached the water's edge...

 “The cameraman sticks to his job, everyone else can go to hell…”

 (End of this chapter)

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