From Arms Dealer To King of War

Chapter 1265: the evil of human nature

Chapter 1265 The Evil of Human Nature

Qiao Jia and Dorian took care of the situation in the alley, put on a peaked cap and a mask respectively. When they appeared in front of the small building, several Filipino gangsters wearing flowery shirts were holding sawed-off gun barrels. Shotguns and shotguns were about to rush out from the hotel door...

Seeing Qiao Jia and Dorian wearing body armor, the big men were stunned for a moment. When they subconsciously wanted to raise their guns, the bullets hit them.

 “Papa, papa”

Joja held an M9 equipped with a silencer, and Dorian held a Sig Sauer equipped with a silencer. The two of them attacked along both sides of the steps at the entrance of the hotel in a pincer-like motion...

 The long-term tacit understanding means that Boss Qiao doesn’t need to say anything, Dorian knows how to cooperate with him.

If it was just a kick on the legs and shoulders before, now Boss Qiao has realized what these people are doing and has no intention of showing mercy.

Two people with two guns. Before the people walking on the street had time to react, they used crossfire and broke into the hotel lobby with guns.

  Dorian found a switch for the rolling shutter door on the side of the door. When Boss Qiao was filling the heads of the gang gunmen, he pressed the switch of the rolling shutter door hard amid the screams of several front desk ladies.

When the rolling shutter door fell, Dorian rushed to the glass curtain wall on one side of the lobby and lowered the sunshade curtains.

Qiao Jia rushed to the front desk, waved to several front desk girls to come out, then tied their hands with straps one by one, and then connected them back to back...

 “Where is your boss?”

A fat woman who was obviously from China wet the ground in fear, and another younger girl looked towards a corridor on the left side of the lobby with a trembling voice, and said in a trembling voice: "Yes, at the very back." , there are 4 of them, and they also have guns, you, be careful..."

Qiao Jia heard the sirens coming from outside. He frowned, glanced at the young girl, and shouted to Dorian: "Elephant, throw two smoke bombs outside to delay the police. Let's go in and out quickly." …”

Dorian did not hesitate to push two smoke bombs out from under the rolling shutter door, then quickly deployed a shock bomb as a booby trap, and then turned around to catch up with the murderous boss...

 The gambling and killing of pigs for Chinese people in Southeast Asia is far more cruel than ordinary people imagine.

Especially when a group of vicious villains face gamblers, they are born with a kind of overlooking cruelty, which will make them release all the evil in human nature...

 You can believe that Jianghu has loyalty, and you can even believe that thieves have moral principles, but you should never believe that people who engage in pig killing have a conscience and humanity.

 Because they are a combination of gambling, loan sharking, kidnapping, extortion, murder, organ trafficking and a series of crimes...

Every link in this, in the eyes of people like Boss Qiao, is worthy of being shot, and they have done it all, and they are all targeting their own compatriots!

 At this time, Boss Qiao didn't think about the consequences at all. Before the designer's deal was completed, he broke the sky in Manila, and the people in the intelligence department had to wipe his ass...

 After walking forward and subduing several waiters on the first floor, he and Dorian came to the door of an office...

Qiao Jia, who was leaning against the wall next to the door, heard the sound of the gun bolt being pulled behind the office door. He turned back and nodded to Dorian, then stretched out his legs and kicked the door with his heel...


After a gunshot, a fist-sized hole appeared in the heavy wooden door, and flying wood chips and steel **** made the wall opposite the door crackle.

Just as the person inside pulled the gun bolt again, Qiao Jia, who was holding the shock bomb, raised his right leg with force, and then kicked back hard...

The moment the office door opened, the shock bullet from my right hand was thrown into the office before the door rebounded...

 There was a "boom", a flash of light accompanied by a loud noise...

 Dorian, who was already prepared, walked around Boss Qiao with a UMP45 in hand, leaned at the door and pushed open the door that bounced back, and then started shooting inside...

 “Da da da da…”

 Shock bombs combined with suppressive fire made people in the office lose the ability to resist.

 Two tattooed young men holding guns were hit and fell to the ground, their bodies starting to twitch weakly.

Qiao Jia took advantage of Dorian's cover and rushed to the other side of the door. He quickly searched the corner on the right side of the office...

 After confirming that there were no enemies, he bent down and patted Dorian on the shoulder. Dorian quickly stood up and rushed into the office as the vanguard...

Qiao Jia, who was following closely behind, covered Dorian's weak side. When he saw someone crawling on the ground at the door of the bathroom at the far end of the office, he decisively pulled the trigger and hit the unlucky man's legs...

"There is still one…"

Three people were successfully knocked down. After Qiao Jia reminded Dorian, the two quickly searched the office and finally found the last person under the desk...

A young man wearing a dark plaid shirt and black-rimmed glasses huddled under the desk, covering his ears and closing his eyes, huddled in the corner and trembling.

The shock bomb obviously caused the young man's sensory incapacitation. He could roughly see someone coming to the desk, but no matter how he acted, he would be unable to maintain his balance as if he had a concussion...

Joja reached out and grabbed the young man's ears and pulled him out from under the desk...

The pain made the young man grab Boss Qiao's hand with both hands, and while he kept kicking his feet to comply with Boss Qiao's strength, he let out a horrified howl... "Don't kill me, don't kill me, I'll give all the money to you..." "

Qiao Jia grabbed the young man's ears and pushed him down on the desk. He tied his hands behind his back with straps. Then when he was about to deal with the guy at the bathroom door, he saw two computer screens on the desk. bright…

One of the computers has all the surveillance footage, and the other computer has a lot of video files...

  In the surveillance video, there was no one inside the hotel’s more than 20 luxurious rooms. A few women wearing waiter uniforms were hiding in the utility room.

On the fourth floor are two rows of prison-like dormitories. At the door of each dormitory are simple hangers filled with clothes. There are naked women in the dormitories.

There are iron bars welded to the windows. Not to mention that the women can't open them. Even if they can open them, they can't muster the courage to jump down naked.

Qiao Jia glanced at the young man who had been screaming. He held the M9 upside down and hit him on the head hard, making him faint. Then he motioned to Dorian to deal with the other person, and he reached out to hold the mouse. Opened a video file…

The video was shot with a mobile phone. It shows several strong men holding down a middle-aged man and asking him to burn his fingers with a lighter.

The video, which is only more than three minutes long, is full of scenes of men being tortured.

 The violent screams, begging, convulsions, and incontinence made the man in the video look particularly miserable.

Qiao Jia frowned and closed the video, then opened another one...

 In the video, several men tied a woman to a table and pulled out the hair from her lower body while **** her.

The man with glasses next to him was watching the video at first, but later joined in...

 Qiao Jia frowned and was about to turn off the video, when he suddenly discovered that the woman in the video was actually a receptionist from before.

 Because the woman’s expression in the video was painful and distorted, Boss Qiao didn’t recognize her at first.

This video made Boss Qiao realize that these people not only kidnapped gamblers, but may also kidnap women...

To put it bluntly, for Chinese people who have average language skills and don’t know much about other people’s cultural environment, the risks of going abroad are inherently much greater.

 It’s not that the world is full of bad people, but when you go to a strange place and have language problems, you will be very timid when you encounter trouble, and once someone can communicate, you will be easily fooled!

Everyone with experience knows that no matter where you are, when facing strangers, you should only speak three words to each other, and you must be on guard against others!

  Unfortunately, the fear of unfamiliar environments will cause people who need a sense of security to actively or passively let down their guard.

 This is why some people say not to trust compatriots abroad. In fact, it is not that compatriots are all bad people, but that bad compatriots will specially keep an eye on newcomers who go abroad.

This group of heartless **** will take advantage of the information gap at home and abroad to deceive and oppress new compatriots...

Then some of the newcomers who were deceived were not strong-willed enough. After adapting to local life, they would develop a mentality of "I lost my bicycle, so I'll steal one."

This has worsened the situation and even given the Chinese people the illusion that compatriots will harm each other.

 Let alone foreign countries, domestic rip-offs are all based on this logic!

Those tour guides in a certain place who rely on tourists’ shopping to make money are actually relying on the tourism environment to spend money to buy tourists from all over the country to enter their pig-killing trays!

 When the economy is good, you can make money just by cheating, because there are always scammers.

 But once the economy is bad, or competition becomes fierce, causing profits to shrink, cheating will turn into robbing.

These black-hearted tour guides and these **** who engage in gambling and killing pigs are actually the same in a certain logic...

If you weren’t greedy for cheap and quoted a low-priced tour, how could I do this to you?

 If you weren’t a gambler, why would I do this to you?

In the hearts of such people, if you run into my net, you will have to pay the price to satisfy me!

 Qiaojia closed the video, then randomly selected a few and opened them to take a look. They were full of videos of various tortures and abuses.

The filming of these videos began two years ago, and the content of the videos has gradually evolved from beatings to being cruel and perverted.

Moreover, the number of perpetrators of violence in the video is gradually changing and increasing, including even previous victims.

Qiao Jia took out a USB flash drive and copied all the files in the computer. Then he rubbed his face vigorously, grabbed the bespectacled man's hands tied behind his back, picked him up, and said to Dorian: "Go In the lobby, go to the utility room on the second floor and get the remaining waiters for me.

 Let's stay there and wait for others to come over and take a look, and then we'll go upstairs to have a look..."

As soon as Dorian heard this, he picked up the guy who had been shot in both legs, walked out of the office, and walked toward the lobby.

Qiao Jia took the man with glasses and walked a few steps, when he heard two sounds of "click, click". The arms of the man with glasses, whose face was downward, were dislocated due to his weight, and then the guy's face hit the ground hard, making him This guy woke up because of the pain...

Qiao Jia ignored this guy. He grabbed the bespectacled man's hands and dragged him all the way to the center of the lobby...

After letting go, the bespectacled man’s arms, which were tied behind his back, fell weakly above his head, making his arms look unusually awkward.

Just when Qiao Jia wanted to call Jack Chen to urge him, the girl at the front desk who had been controlled before seemed like she was crazy. She cried loudly and kicked the man with glasses desperately...

 (End of this chapter)

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