From Arms Dealer To King of War

Chapter 1298: feedback

 Chapter 1298 Feedback

Three days after the nuclear bomb exploded, Joga met an old acquaintance in an orphanage in southern California...

 U.S. Army Major General Donahue withdrew from his headquarters in Yemen and rushed to the Gaza Strip...

The first time he saw Boss Joe, Donahue went beyond everyone's expectations and gave a military salute to Boss Joe in front of the locals and a group of rangers he brought...


Qiao Jia did not return the greeting, but laughed and hugged the guy, and said with a smile: "What are you doing here?"

Donahue took a step back and said with a wry smile: "A cargo ship carrying dangerous goods encountered a terrorist attack and exploded in the eastern Mediterranean. I was ordered to protect an investigation team that came to Canada to investigate..."

Upon hearing this, Qiao Jia said in disbelief: "These people actually want to suppress the news?

  We all know who the **** it is, together we destroyed 4 identical black speedboats in Yemen…

Now you actually suspect that the Palestinians did it? "

Donahue said helplessly: "Sir, I don't know the specific situation, but I know that Israel has encountered unprecedented pressure.

Their top naval officers were all detained, and several Zionist Party activists were detained.

 It is said that several bank accounts in the Virgin Islands and Panama were frozen yesterday, and several bank accounts in Israel were also frozen today...

A rapid reaction force and personnel from the International Atomic Energy Agency took over the stolen nuclear weapons warehouse and prepared to conduct strict inspections of all nuclear facilities in Israel.

 All cargo planes in Israel are now grounded, and roads to the outside world are also blocked.

 People from the CIA and the Department of Homeland Security are also here. Their destination is not to add S, which actually explains a lot of problems. "

 Qiao Jia nodded suddenly...

 Obviously no one believes that Hamas did it, because if such a weapon existed, they would have thrown it at Israel's head.

The attack direction of the speedboat is very obvious. If Boss Qiao's unmanned airship hadn't discovered and intercepted it in time, Boss Qiao and 056 might have disappeared from the world.

 The motive for attacking Boss Qiao is obvious...

 Over the past four months, the P·B video website has teamed up with short video companies around the world to carry out high-intensity cyber violence against some people in Israel, and the scope of the attack is constantly expanding.

 Name, photo, address, phone number…

  Dozens of military and police officers who have been counted and have inflicted unprovoked violence on Palestinians and caused deaths have been exposed. There is clear video evidence, and these people cannot even deny it.

 Chaojia has no power to judge and sanction them, but netizens can...

Most of these people have retired and returned home, and they also have their own families, but now their privacy has been fully exposed, and rich Palestinians who have immigrated overseas have issued bounties on them.

Don’t think that the Israelis are really united. After learning that their husbands and fathers were actually cruel executioners, most families were broken up, and the people around them hurriedly broke off the relationship with them...

Not all Israelis are crazy. Even the left-wing forces here, with the support of the Democratic Party of America, occupy about half of the seats in the parliament.

They also adhere to the political correctness popular among the European and American left-wingers. Most ordinary people cannot accept this kind of unwarranted persecution, let alone the devout Haredi people.

 This is not a war, this is persecution!

The Israeli Supreme Court is even preparing to launch an investigation into these cases and give an explanation to the international community.

Then some of those people couldn't bear the pressure and committed suicide!

These people are just small characters...

A colonel in the Israeli Air Force had his throat cut at home, and an Air Force flight log was posted online.

 A Zionist Party MP was hanged in a bathtub, and his private social account was posted online, with text on it complaining that Boss Joe was not killed.

 Then Nice publicly announced that someone had taken $20 million from her...

The revenge is not over yet. An Air Force colonel and a congressman are not worth 100 million US dollars. This matter will not end until ten people are killed!

The Zionists in Israel have a logic, that is, retaliation must be in the open, so that others can feel deterred, and Nice has firmly implemented their logic.

When the targets of revenge are reduced to individuals, and when Palestinians learn to raise their mobile phones when encountering problems, those far-right military and police officers in Israel must wear masks when they go out on patrol, and they no longer dare to act unscrupulously. Attack the Palestinians.

This situation is unacceptable to those on the far right, and Boss Joe has obviously become their target!

 Once the motivation is there, then it depends on the ability...

There are a lot of people who hate Boss Joe all over the world, and there are many people who are willing to get rid of Boss Joe at all costs, but there are no one who can come up with nuclear weapons except for people from the Kalpin and Edward Foundations...

Those in the Israeli government would definitely not dare, because placing a nuclear bomb at the door of their own house is like standing at the door of **** and knocking on the door desperately to get in.

 If the motivation and ability are complete, then the goal will actually be there.

 Donahue was hurriedly transferred to California S, probably not really to investigate anything, but to use his personal relationship with Boss Joe to communicate and suppress the nuclear bomb explosion.

 A nuclear weapon exploded in the Mediterranean Sea. The impact was too bad!

 First, Israel has clearly confirmed the existence of nuclear weapons and will use them, which will have a huge impact on the surrounding political situation.

Second, once the explosion of nuclear weapons causes panic, not only the Bayi region will become a hot spot again, but the global finance will encounter huge problems. Now that the matter has reached this point, as long as Boss Qiao's media system does not expose the matter to the outside world, it is still very simple to find some experts to tell lies and fool the common people when the Security Council comes to an end.

It doesn’t matter even if someone sees or even takes some pictures. As long as this kind of thing does not become mainstream information, private circulation will not have much impact.

But the key to everything is to find the lost nuclear weapons and Kalpin...

Qiao Jia understood the meaning of the outside world and also understood the origin of Donahue. He smiled and patted Donahue on the arm and said: "Tell your people to put down their weapons. This is an orphanage. They are all children…

I can keep my mouth shut, and I can find ways to get Hamas to work with you, but what do I get? "

Upon hearing this, Donahue breathed a sigh of relief and said, "How about four V-280 Warriors?

 The Ministry of National Defense is preparing to completely replace the old Black Hawks with V-280s. Currently, 8 V-280s are undergoing actual combat verification in Yemen, and the results are very good.

At this stage, the American military needs you to be on our side, so they are willing to give out 4 of the V-280s as payment...

Some people within the Pentagon are impatient with Big Mouth Tang. Last year, a transport plane from Afghanistan bound for the American mainland was hijacked, causing some people to suffer unprecedented losses.

Now the Big Mouth Tang is still aggressive, so last month a plane full of accountants was shot down by "terrorists" in Afghanistan...

They couldn't stand the endless harassment from Big Mouth Tang, and began to fully support the Democrats.

The Republican Party will definitely keep Israel, but the military people don’t want to listen to the big talkers who want to go to the Golan Heights to help Israel retake it.

  I don’t want to take anything from my own hands to support Israel, so I need someone to mediate and temporarily calm Syria.

Sir, Secretary of State Pompeo is visiting the Shah. He will then go to Turkey, the United Arab Emirates, Iraq, and Qatar in order to stabilize them.

 But many people are not optimistic about his actions, and he has no way to deal with Syria, so..."

Qiao Jia laughed and waved his hands indifferently and said: "If someone comes to me, I will definitely just think of it as farting, but since you are here, I have to think of a solution no matter what.

 Have your people drive the V-280 to the Al-Arish base. I heard that it is very useful and can be used to carry out some material transportation tasks.

 I will help you figure out a solution regarding Syria, and you can stay here for a few days without any worries...

Why? Do you have any plans to retire your Osprey?

The hauling capacity of that thing is more useful to me, the V-280 is still a little too small. "

Donahue spread his hands and said: "Sir, I advise you not to consider the 'Osprey', the maintenance cost of that thing is too high!

The Blackhawks do have an elimination plan, but I think you may not like it. "

As he spoke, Donahue moved closer to Boss Qiao and lowered his voice and said: "Lieutenant General Maguire told me that someone is investigating and sorting out P·B's company structure and personnel composition.

He wants to ask you if you need his help hiding some information about P·B.

P·B’s current military strength is a bit too scary if you look at it all together! "

Qiao Jia was stunned for a moment, and said angrily: "Show it to them, anyone can see it, I do things aboveboard and I am not afraid of being seen.

  What the **** are you investigating? One-tenth of the people in the P.B. Technology Department and Intelligence Department are undercover agents? "

Donahue spread his hands and said: "I don't know the specifics, but Maguire said it seriously. I think it should be quite important. If you have any questions, you can contact him.

Last month, the Secretary of Defense was fired by Big Mouth Tang. Maguire wanted to compete, but he still couldn't make up his mind.

 I think he might want to hear your advice! "

After hearing this, Qiao Jia shook his head and said with a smile: "Being the Minister of National Defense under Big Mouth Don, you have to suffer from both sides, why bother?

 Special Operations Command is the right place for him...

This guy doesn't dare to contact me directly right now because he wants to avoid suspicion and is worried about being caught by the Democratic Party.

You tell him for me that I have information about Baghdi, the big leader of Isis, who has been hiding in northern Iraq after Isis was dispersed...

 This has been the number one goal of the United States in the past few years! "

As he spoke, Joga looked at Donahue's strange expression and said with a smile: "Members of the Pentagon Brotherhood are one...

Maguire is a bit of a bad guy, but he is still capable enough. If everyone helps him, he will probably not be stingy in giving back to the brothers below. "

 After saying that, Joe took Donahue to have a general addiction, and ordered a group of elite rangers to unload their weapons and start working hard in the orphanage...


At this time, Amanda from the CIA received a piece of information...

 Yossi, a former member of the Israeli special forces who once assassinated Marco Pony on Crete, appeared in New York and was filmed by a cash machine camera, along with Kalpin's son.

After verifying the identity of the two people, Amanda sat on the chair with a pale face, picked up the phone and said: "Get me through the director's office...

  FUCK, I don’t care what he is doing, even if he is sleeping with an intern, you have to drag me up..."

 (End of this chapter)

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