Chapter 1302 Ambush

Of course, Choga would not tell Tahdi that he had dropped a dirty bomb on the US aircraft carrier fleet in Southeast Asia for the purpose of increasing S, and then detonated a nuclear bomb in the Mediterranean that shocked the world.

This time he responded to the challenge in a hurry, and many things were not ready, so he had to take risks to gain political chips. Even in order to supervise the construction of electric power projects in Egypt, he had to put himself as a beacon...

 When all malicious eyes are focused on him, those "charitable projects" have a chance to be realized.

If you don’t count Ciogado’s mediation and planning, and the political and military costs he paid, the US$3 billion sponsored by Qatar Al Thani is actually very affordable.

It has been half a year since Qiao Jialai joined S. When Fatah people poured cold water on him, he not only felt angry, but after he calmed down, he also realized that the lives of Palestinians had indeed improved a little bit. This may be one of the reasons why Fatah does not want to overstimulate Israel.

 The huge pressure from the outside world in the past six months has caused a huge change in the impression of Israeli Zionists among young and middle-aged people in the world.

Coupled with the pressure from the United States, Netanya had to make some compromises. First of all, he gave up the construction of settlements and even abolished some settlements in East Jerusalem.

People are like this. After being in a high-pressure situation for a long time, after a little relaxation, the comfortable feeling will make people addicted, but this addiction will not last too long.

 In fact, Boss Qiao had nothing to talk about with Tahdi. This time, due to emotional problems, he gave some experience on the development of Hamas...

Seeing that Tahdi didn't understand very well, but looked very excited, Qiaojia went back to the room to find two books and handed them to him, and said with a smile: "Read more about these two books, this is the right thing to do." Your war secrets!

Don't believe in the European and American wars. They were strategies and tactics devised by arms dealers for sales after the explosion of technological productivity...

 You can’t afford it, so you have to put people first! "

Tahdi looked at the Arabic texts "On Protracted War" and "Selected Works of Mao Zedong", blinked his eyes and said: "I have read..."

Joga didn't want to continue chatting with Tahdi. He smiled and patted the man on the shoulder and said: "Based on your current terrible situation, you must not understand!

 Don’t read them from the perspective of a warrior, read them from the perspective of a statesman and strategist...

 If you still can’t read it, find someone who can read it, and then listen to their opinions. "

After speaking, Qiao Jia walked out and said with a smile: "We are not suitable for meeting often. If you come to me in the future, it is best to be accompanied by someone from the United Nations.

Now you'd better go back quickly..."

Just when Boss Qiao was about to see off the guests, Ayou, who had been standing by, received a call. She answered it and listened for a few seconds before walking to Qiao Jia's side and saying in a deep voice: "Boss, something happened over there in the Sinai Peninsula. …”

Qiao Jia frowned and nodded, and said: "Let's talk about it after we get in the car..."

By the time Qiaojia walked out of the temporary residence, five Milosh armored vehicles were already at the door...

When Qiao Jia was preparing to set off, Major General Donahue happened to lead the team back. Seeing Boss Qiao's stern face, he came over and said, "Sir, what happened?"

Qiao Jia waved his hand and said: "I don't know the specific situation yet, so I have to go and take a look..."

Donahue is an important member of the fraternity, and he can be regarded as someone who has been praised by Boss Joe. Moreover, when he came to S this time, the U.S. Department of Defense gave him very wide authority. The only requirement was that he watch over Boss Joe. You can do something out of the ordinary, but not too much...

 So when he discovered that Boss Qiao was in trouble, Donahue said decisively: "Sir, your identity is inconvenient for many things. I will bring the quick reaction force with you..."

Qiao Jia glanced at the reporters and experts from the Ministry of Defense who were accompanying the US military team. After hesitating for a moment, he nodded and said, "Okay, I guess you have almost done the investigation. Find someone to send the reporters and experts to Jerusalem to join the main force. , the rest of you will go with me to see the Sinai Peninsula."

Bringing journalists sent by the United Nations and experts from the United States to Canada to look for clues about nuclear weapons was a formality in itself. Of course, the experts found nothing, but the reporters gained a lot...

 Given the popularity of the United States in Canada, it is indeed time for them to evacuate now!

 “Get in the car, let’s go!”

 Donahue, an American major general, was treated as a soldier by Boss Joe, which was a very ridiculous thing in itself, but no one on both sides thought there was any problem.

Boss Qiao’s soldier logic has a huge market not only in P.B., but even within the United States.

The name "Jackal" is labeled "feminist", "charity" and "soldier" in the outside world or on the Internet. However, in the eyes of soldiers who have experienced hot battlefields, "Jackal" is definitely an idol-level figure.

 Because the ‘Jackal’ has led several of the most intense wars that have occurred in the world in the past few years, and he led his own people to victory at a very small cost!

 This is the aura of a winner!

When the convoy officially set off and 5 Miloshes and 5 Humvees lined up and rushed out of the Farah Port, Qiao Jia knew what exactly happened...

 A group of terrorists attacked a natural gas power plant that was being completed...

 Because of the rush for construction and because the situation created by Boss Qiao was so good, no barbed wire fence was built at the power plant site after construction started, so the terrorists easily broke into the construction site and exchanged fire with P.B. soldiers.

 Two Palestinian workers were shot and injured, and a Pakistani soldier was shot in the leg.

There were 20 attackers, 12 of whom were killed on the spot. The remaining ones rushed into the canteen at the construction site, used bombs and weapons tied to their bodies, and hijacked Chinese engineers and Palestinian workers who were eating in the canteen. , requesting to meet with P·B’s boss...

  It was really careless. People at P·B did not expect that terrorists would come to cause trouble at this time, so the construction site security was in accordance with conventional standards.

Facing the long-planned attack, the two teams arranged by P·B at the construction site behaved a bit panicked.

These little blacks have a strong sense of honor, but they are still not experienced enough. There is no problem in letting them attack, but if they are allowed to do defensive work, their performance will only hover around the passing line.

  Different natural and cultural environments lead to acclimatization, resulting in this situation. This is what happened, but Boss Qiao always felt that something was wrong...

He can understand the idea of ​​terrorists taking their own lives, but it should never be in the Sinai Peninsula, let alone at this moment.

 In addition to the mainstream media in Europe and the United States, other media around the world have been focusing on reporting on the changes that have taken place in Canada.

 The changes that Boss Qiao has brought to JiaS are visible to the naked eye...

The Palestinians have always been a united front target of extremists. Even if they want to burn bridges, it is a bit premature now.

When the vehicle passed the Rafah Port and drove onto a highway, Boss Qiao picked up the HK416 rifle, sorted out the magazines on his body, pressed the communicator and said with a smile: "Jackals are here, stay alert, I always I think there’s something wrong with this…”

After hearing this, Dorian decisively reached out and opened the operator of the automatic weapon station to start the system in advance. Then he looked at Boss Qiao and said helplessly: "Sir, sometimes I think it's better for you not to speak, because every time you just If you think there is a problem, we will be in trouble..."

 Speaking, Dorian pressed the communication button and said: "Bat team one and two, turn on the ground scanning radar, car No. 4 switches places with us...

Command, let Shah’s drone force take off two drones, FUCK, it’s best to prepare two more Apache helicopters...”

Dorian's words shocked Tony in the command post. He quickly followed Dorian's instructions and notified Shah and the helicopter pilot, and then asked nervously: "The Shah's drone will be ready in 15 minutes." To reach above you, it will take at least 40 minutes for the Apache to reload...

 Elephant, what happened? "

Dorian glanced at the boss who rolled his eyes, and said helplessly: "Our boss has a bad premonition, so you know..."

 “Wow, the boss has such a crow’s mouth…”

As he spoke, Tony started calling on the radio: "'Walnut,' our boss is on the way. Arrange a combined company to pick them up. The location information has been shared with you.

 Hurry up, our boss has a bad feeling..."

“FUCK, what happened?

 Have the Israelites gone crazy?

 No, their border guards huddled in their posts like quails...

 Our reconnaissance drone has no response! "


Qiao Jia looked at Dorian who was making more and more noise. He raised his **** in displeasure and said, "I have a **** crow's mouth, right?

 You call a master strategist's prediction of the situation a "crow's mouth"? "

Dorian shook his head and said: "NO, boss, I have confidence in you..."

But I really hope you let me down for once. This terrible place is not our home court. It’s normal for me to be a little nervous! "

As the two were talking, Donahue's voice sounded on the radio...

 “Sir, what happened?”

Qiao Jia slapped his forehead and said: "I almost forgot about you. Speed ​​up the car, stay alert, and connect all the rangers' radios..."

After Qiao Jia raised the alarm, the convoy drove for more than ten kilometers without anything happening, but the large construction site of the power plant had already appeared in sight...

When two rainbow drones passed over the convoy, Dorian was about to let out a sigh of relief when he heard Memnon on the radio suddenly issue a warning...

“Attention, there is a suspicious person on the mountain on the left 500 meters ahead. Slow down. I want to verify the identity of the other person..."

 Just as the leading car was slowing down, an explosion occurred in front of the convoy...

With a loud "boom", an IED exploded about 15 meters away from the leading vehicle.

 The shock wave of the explosion shook Milosh backwards, and then large sheets of black smoke covered the road.

Just when the convoy was trying to turn around and rush out of the enemy's preset area, the Humvee trailing behind was hit by a rocket.

The barbed wire welded on the car windows saved the lives of the people inside the car. The high-end Hummer showed extremely outstanding resistance to beatings...

“Everyone get off the bus, get off the bus…”

“The enemy is on the northern hillside, FUCK, this is a prepared ambush, those people came from the sea to lurk..."

 “Smoke bomb, smoke bomb…”

“Donahue, let your Hummers abandon their Hummers and move closer to us, quickly, quickly...”

“The drones are covering us…”

 (End of this chapter)

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