From Arms Dealer To King of War

Chapter 1304: PB style hostage rescue

Chapter 1304 P·B style hostage rescue

The Apache first used a round of rockets to blow up the enemies blocking the front until they could no longer take care of themselves, opening up a space for the combined company's convoy to enter safely...

Then the two Apaches did not need ground control at all. They made a circle and rushed in from the angle between Boss Joe and the Rangers...


 Another round of rocket bombing!

 The two Apaches fired a total of about 60 rockets, plowing through the enemy's position.

  Violent explosions and rising black smoke completely covered the area where the enemy was…

After the two Apaches completed the bombing, they were still a little dissatisfied. They turned around and circled again and came behind Boss Qiao and the others. They hovered at an altitude of about 500 meters and fired several rounds with the machine guns under the nose. The high-explosive bomb seemed to be telling Boss Qiao...

“Boss, we’ll cover you!”


 The battle is efficient and exciting, but it is still a bit not fun enough for Boss Qiao...

 Because personal abilities have been gradually replaced by unmanned intelligent devices in battles of this scale.

 Tony and the others who have been at the rear are the key to determining the outcome of the battlefield in the future!

The database invested by Boss Qiao in Sangha Town has been expanding. Technicians like Tony have developed a series of intelligent programs based on the action habits of P·B personnel during frequent wars.

 Now P·B’s automatic weapon station will have several shooting modes to choose from, including ‘deterrence’, ‘suppression’, ‘assault’ and ‘attack’…

  There is no need to hold the computer and aim and launch like playing a game like in the past.

 Just draw a circle around the range you want to attack, then select a mode, and then remember to help change the ammo box and you're done.

The only problem is that the enemy recognition is not smart enough to avoid friendly troops and civilians mixed in with the enemy.

And the commander of the combined battalion has the same meaning...

P·B’s existing combined battalion has been running in Yemen for almost a year, and company-level commanders have received their own personalized and customized intelligent assistance programs.

 In fact, the core is to summarize the combat habits of company-level commanders.

In fact, fighting is always the same, but each person's personality and focus will be different...

For example, some people like to clear the ground with artillery fire, some people like to intersperse and divide, and some people like to encircle points and provide reinforcements...

 The technology department personalizes and digitizes the tactics they like based on the personalities of these commanders, simplifying frontline communication costs and improving frontline combat efficiency.

 For a private company like P·B, this is already a bit like taking off your pants and farting!

But the increasingly large technology department and the abundant imagination released by Frankenstein’s more and more hexagonal buildings must have an outlet.

In the eyes of Boss Qiao, he supports improvements as long as they are based on the existing platform and only improve the software and electronic hardware.

No matter how unrealistic this thing seems, commanders who can get the opportunity to personalize it will feel very proud, even happier than getting an internal medal.

Only Boss Qiao is unhappy because Tony and the others did not tailor an intelligent program for him, but customized a nanny system with him as the core...

For example, once Boss Qiao feels that there may be a problem and issues a clear warning, the forces around him will respond as quickly as possible.

 It seems that drones are the earliest, but in fact, in terms of efficiency, the fastest is the combined company.

 The main thing is to respond quickly and support the boss, regardless of whether the boss wants it or not!

 Boss Qiao doesn’t like this feeling, because firstly it’s not economical enough, and secondly it prevents him from exerting his abilities.

ˆVarious repetitive and saturated firepower makes Boss Qiao lose the most important joy of fighting!

But there is an advantage to this, that is, the ‘nanny system’ is being improved and a command procedure for P·B’s character has been formed, and the internal operation of P·B will be flattened and efficiency maximized.

P·B's air superiority determines that in a battle of this scale, they do not even need a dedicated commander. The frontline personnel communicate by themselves and the battle is over.

Tony summarized the situation on the front line and sent it to the commanders of the combined companies. He gave the set goals and coordinated the Shah's drone operations and left it alone.

 Because every time a fight breaks out, P·B will not hold back, and any so-called political mediation will have to wait until the fight is over.

According to Boss Qiao’s logic, since the fight has begun, knock down the enemy. If there is an occasional survivor, ask him if he has learned anything from it...

Of course, this so-called intelligent system is just a customized intelligent program developed by Tony and other technicians, and it is not a true artificial intelligence.

However, this kind of thing does use digitalization to amplify the power of war weapons, but it also offsets a lot of the combat capabilities of individual soldiers.

The one that has experienced the most frequent battles in the world is not the American army but P.B. The informatization and intelligence of P.B. have attracted the attention of many countries and individuals. Undercover agents from the Ministry of Technology and the Ministry of Intelligence have been mobilized very frequently recently. .

Those ‘working-level’ undercover agents didn’t need P·B to optimize them, so their boss behind the scenes found a reason to transfer them back and replaced them with a group of ‘expert-level’ undercover agents.

The technical level of the newcomers is extremely high, and some even bring their own military technology projects and funds, hoping to use the bellicose P·B to help conduct actual combat verification.

Boss Qiao doesn't care at all, because P·B's personalized military line is not of great significance to a national-level organization.

Because under the bureaucracy, commanders are transferred extremely frequently, personalization costs unlimited money, and its application has limitations.

 On the contrary, those military science and technology projects can effectively improve the professionalism of the civilian science geeks in the Hexagon.

Those civilian geeks really don’t understand military affairs, so their salaries are not high, and P·B’s enemies are really good at it, so Boss Qiao, a two-handed swordsman with plug-ins, will let them use it to their full potential. Imagination has achieved the current results. This is definitely a good thing, but the combat effectiveness of the digital team has improved a bit, so the frequency of missions of the special forces has begun to decrease, and the difficulty has also begun to increase.

  In the past, wherever there was a hole, the special teams would fill it, no matter who the opponent was.

  Now wherever there is a hard bone, the special forces will gnaw on it. If they are not careful, they may break their teeth!

Boss Qiao doesn’t mind giving it a try, but unfortunately none of his subordinates are willing...

Faced with the smoke in the sky, Qiao Jia waited until the Bat Team 2 and the Rangers entered the field from two directions to confirm the victory, then waved his hands a little disappointed and said: "Find a few cars that can still move, we have to rush to the power plant. There are still hostages there…”

Dorian knew his boss’s thoughts too well. He waved Apache to go back first, and then said to Boss Qiao in a deep voice: “Boss, we have to be careful.

 The power plant is a bait to attract you. Now that the ambush has been solved by us, the bait is useless.

 Boss, we can’t let you get close to a bunch of terrorists with bombs strapped to them...

 You yourself said that the tougher you are on terrorists, the safer the hostages will be! "

After hearing this, Qiao Jia said a little unhappy: "There are many Chinese engineers among those hostages, and they are here to help..."

Dorian opened the door of a Mirosh car and said coldly: "Then we have to ask those terrorists why they attack the people who come to help?"


 “What the **** are you going to do?”

The cook soldier "Zhao Tang" bravely stood in front of several female staff, glared at several young terrorists with trembling legs, and shouted angrily: "You are all **** Bedouin, I hear We say your tradition is hospitality, but what are you doing now?

 We are helping you repair the power station, we have not taken anything from you..."

A young man holding a phone looked at the fried sweets who spoke fluent Arabic, and shouted with a ferocious expression: "Shut up, I want to see the jackal..."

Chaotang spat at the young man’s feet and said, “If you are a man, let all the women go.

If you want to die, I will accompany you, but I want to tell you that you, the **** terrorists, did not keep your word. You promised to retreat to Libya, but you broke your promise.

No matter where your people are hiding, P·B will bury us with ten or a hundred times more terrorists. "

Chaotang acted very tough, but he didn’t expect the young people to act even crazier...

 He rushed in front of Zaotang, punched Zaotang in the face with the hand holding the remote control, and shouted: "Then come here..."

Chao Tang didn’t dare to fight back. He stepped forward angrily and put his forehead on the terrorist’s head, staring into the other person’s eyes, and growled: “Let the others go, and see if I dare to kill you...”

 “It’s easy to say something, it’s easy to say something...”

Xie Changgui from Norinco stood up and clasped his hands together, shaking them wildly to both sides. He rushed to the side of Chao Tang and the young man who were facing each other, and said, "If you have something to say, please don't die easily. It's unlucky. It’s really unlucky…”

As he spoke, Xie Changgui wiped the sweat from his bald head, looked at the young man and said, "Let me introduce myself. I am a salesman from Norinco. My surname is Xie...

Little brother, please don’t get excited. If you have anything to say, please talk to us. We are definitely not enemies.

Can you tell me why you want to see the jackal?

Let me tell you, Jackal has a bad temper. He never negotiates with terrorists. If you want something, tell me.

I can't guarantee the tank armor, but I can get small-arms rocket launchers and the like.

 How about we give you some cash if that doesn’t work?

 You give me an account and I will transfer money to you..."

As he spoke, Xie Changgui looked at several female engineers and several Palestinian women who were helping the kitchen. He rubbed his fat face helplessly and said to the young man: "Really, tell me what you want. Let's not Excited…

You let the women out first, and we men will stay with you.

You want to see Jackal just because you want to put forward conditions. It is better to talk to him than to talk to me. I am an honest and honest person, and I can’t run fast..."

Chao Tang seemed to be displeased with Xie Changgui's weakness, and he shouted unhappily: "Lao Xie, you are still not a man, why are you talking softly to them?

These are all stupid **** who only bully the old and the weak.

 In another place, even if I kill him, he won’t dare to show his teeth..."

The young man was very angry at what he said. He pushed the fried candy hard, pointed a pistol at his head, and shouted: "We are not terrorists. We used to be members of the MSL Brotherhood, but now we are no longer terrorists." Not any more.

We don’t want to fight. We have retreated into the desert. What else do you want from us?

 It was you who kidnapped our people and forced us to do so! "

While the young man was yelling, the attention of several other Bedouin young people in the canteen was attracted...

When their guns were freed from the hostages, several fatal rounds of bullets were fired from the window...



The sound of bullets breaking through the air and the sound of glass penetrating were heard. Several Bedouin youths were shot in the head almost at the same time. They fell to the ground stiffly like felled trees. The splattered brains startled the hostages next to them. …

Chaotang originally just wanted to attract attention and provide opportunities for the gunmen outside, but what did the young man's words remind him of...

 Before the attack was launched, Chaotang made a gesture to the outside world...

 Then a large-caliber bullet hit the young man's forearm...

Chaotang caught the young man’s flying forearm. Xie Changgui roared, holding the young man’s right hand holding the gun and chewing it up...

 (End of this chapter)

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