From Arms Dealer To King of War

Chapter 1306: windfall

Chapter 1306 Unexpected Harvest

 Boss Qiao has a keen sense of politics...

 The Bedouin problem is obviously not the fault of the American establishment!

Because what they want is to trap the core strengths of Boss Joe and P.B., use racial hatred and P.B.'s character to create conflicts, and then slowly eliminate Boss Joe's influence and destroy his front. image.

 Will the credibility and influence that Boss Qiao has built up through fighting and saving all the way disappear because of the death of a few Bedouins?

This kind of frame-up without evidence has no possibility of proceeding.

The only one with actual actions in those media reports is the Israeli side. Their national security minister made wild remarks to convict P.B. in front of the media in order to seek legal advantages and use the power of the Israeli government to convict P.B. P·B was expelled from Israel and the Sinai Peninsula.

 In fact, the core issue of Israel is always the issue of survival!

No matter how fiercely the United States fights, Israel knows that the United States cannot do without them.

 And P·B’s series of actions in adding S really stepped on Israel’s pain points.

Opening the Rafah port and providing water and electricity connections to Canada will deprive Israel of an important means of controlling Canada.

Has’s movements in the past six months have given the Israeli far right an extremely dangerous signal...

The security team at the Al-Aqsa Mosque, the United Nations Trusteeship Office, the combined camps in the Sinai Peninsula, Lebanon and Syria in the north, the construction inside the S, and the Arafat Airport that is under construction...

 These have put tremendous pressure on the far right in Israel!

These people are real racists, and their goal is to completely take away Palestinian land.

Once the Hamas subsides and there are no longer seemingly endless conflicts, many of the far-right’s methods will lose their market.

Once the Oslo Accords are revisited, the right-wing Israeli government will inevitably fall into passivity.

 The core of all this is Boss Qiao!

Forcibly convict him, even if it is impossible to actually harm him, drive him out of Palestine, and use means to shut down the power plant.

This type of forced political persecution is something only the idiots on the far right can think up and carry out.

Even if Boss Qiao proves his innocence in the end, time has passed!

Netanya won her re-election bid in April…

 It was because of the pressure from his American father that he alienated his relationship with the far right for the first time. As a result, this guy failed to complete the formation of the cabinet, so the S-column parliament was dissolved and new parliamentary elections will be held in September.

At this time, by expelling Boss Qiao and expelling P·B, we can once again find ways to create some friction with the Palestinians, let the right-wing forces among the people rise again, and the Likud Group can win again in the parliamentary elections.

As long as it can delay September, the Likud group, which is back in power, will have enough time to mediate and use the Jewish network and media advantages to regain the initiative.

 The political advantage established by Boss Qiao’s nuclear bomb will also disappear over time.

Boss Qiao had already anticipated what would happen to him, but he didn't expect that his opponent would be so frantic...

 This also made him feel disappointed and angry!

He returned to Canada that same day and accepted interviews with the media at a welfare home in the south...


“I am sorry for the tragedy that happened in the Sinai Peninsula. Someone needs to pay the price for the tragic death of the Bedouin!

  P·B's person is not the murderer, but you media seem to be eager to convict P·B.

 Originally, I did not need to prove my innocence, because P·B’s actions in the past few years were enough to prove our position.

 I can accept different voices, but I cannot accept that the honor of P·B soldiers has been tarnished!

 So I will give everyone an explanation! "

As soon as Qiao Jia finished speaking, several reporters from major media raised their hands and asked loudly...

 “How are you going to prove P·B’s innocence?”

“Israel has lodged a complaint with the United Nations, requesting the United Nations to terminate its contract with P·B.”

“Representatives of the Bedouin are protesting in Egypt, and Egypt is also considering re-examining its cooperation with P·B. How do you want to change this situation?”

Qiaojia looked at several reporters who asked questions, shook his head and said: "I don't need to prove my innocence, I just need to find the real murderer.

It is not easy to kill dozens of unarmed old and weak people. This is not an individual crime, but a group crime.

 When there are too many people doing bad things, problems will arise..."

As he spoke, Qiao Jia sneered at the camera and said: "My wife, Devil Bird, offered a 100 million bounty for those who tried to bomb me...

 I have never quite agreed with her approach, because those people are not worth so much money.

 But after I lived quietly in Jia S for half a year, I suddenly understood her thoughts a little bit...


 One hundred million dollars!

Anyone who can provide clues about the massacre and provide evidence can take $100 million from me.

I want to say a few words to those who commit violence. You still have time to stand up and repent of your sins before you are silenced by the real devil. You are dead, but if you are willing to stand up, then this money will be the best compensation for your family.

 If you are unwilling to stand up, then you should be careful, the world is full of your enemies..."

After Qiao Jia finished speaking, he turned around and left. Then Dorian led a group of soldiers to push more than thirty large suitcases onto the podium, opened them and poured the cash inside on the ground...

Looking at the cameras flashing in the audience, Dorian smiled and said: "One hundred million dollars!

 Our boss does what he says!

 Come to us with evidence, or contact our network department, we have a public email address!

 One hundred million U.S. dollars, come and take it before you are silenced! "


Boss Qiao’s tough response surprised many people. Even the Bedouin who were causing trouble in Egypt temporarily stopped their actions.

The pile of U.S. dollars like a small mountain was very shocking. A person who could spend so much money really had no need to embarrass a Bedouin tribe who had problems eating.

The most surprising thing is that the first people to react were not people from Israel, but extremist organizations in Tripoli, Libya...

 Because when Boss Qiao showed off the US$100 million, terrorists like them were targeted.

 Not only are the outside world doubting them, there are even people within themselves who are doubting them...

 Because the tribe that died was once one of them, but they were unwilling to leave the Sinai Peninsula, so they were cut off from them.

Terrorists generally do not treat traitors peacefully, so new Egyptians in Tripoli have become the target of suspicion.

Then a fantastic scene happened just a week later...

The former leader of an extremist organization in the Sinai Peninsula released a video, swearing in an extremely firm tone that the tragedy in the Sinai Peninsula was not their fault...

At the same time, this guy also used his reputation to vouch for Boss Qiao, saying that he believed that P·B would never do anything to harm civilians because he had had in-depth exchanges with his colleagues in Tripoli...

These colleagues have been at war with Tobruk forces for a long time. Although they are enemies, they also admit that P·B's demeanor when facing civilians is amazing!

 He ​​believes that whoever did it wanted to drive P.B away from the Sinai Peninsula and make the Gaza Strip, where life is miserable, fall into isolation again.

This man said with a compassionate expression that he was also an MSL and they hoped that a responsible company like P.B. would stay in the Sinai Peninsula for a long time and bring a little hope to those Canadians whose living conditions are terrible...

 Don’t talk about other people at this moment, even Boss Qiao himself is confused...

 The terrorists are actually starting to be reasonable?

At the end of the video, the terrorist boss stated that as long as P·B can stay in the Sinai Peninsula, he is willing to negotiate with the militia government and the National Army on the ceasefire in Libya, so as to return Libya to the normal development track as soon as possible...

Qiao Jia, who was arranging follow-up tasks, walked to the mirror and rubbed his face vigorously...

Dorian laughed and high-fived the guys around him, and then yelled at Boss Qiao: "Boss, stop looking, you are the most handsome in our eyes!"

Qiao Jia turned around and raised his middle finger, smiled and said: "I'm so **** surprised!

 The terrorists were actually inspired by me?

Is it possible that underneath my handsome skin, there lives the soul of an angel? "

Dorian laughed and said: "Boss, I don't know if you are an angel or not. Anyway, the Libyans will build a statue for you anyway. It is simply unreasonable not to give you the Nobel Peace Prize..."

Chaujia touched his face in the mirror again, and then said regretfully: "The Peace Prize is unlucky for people like me, but if they insist on giving it, I am willing to take it..."

Just when Qiao Jia was feeling a little proud, his phone suddenly rang...

Looking at the number above, Qiao Jia picked it up with a smile and said, "Hey, Matthew, how's it going there?"

Matthew Robert on the other end of the phone looked at the two Bedouin women who were tied to chairs sitting opposite him. He smiled bitterly and said: "Boss, in the name of the State Department, I secretly made an appointment with the person named S List of National Security Minister Gerver.

 You are sure you can make things go smoothly, right?

 Once it is exposed that I used my status as the State Council to help you, I will be dead! "

Qiao Jia could imagine Matthew Robert's panic. They met in Iraq, and then Boss Qiao took him all the way to commit all the major crimes of beheading. Finally, after Carter and Albut died, he pushed him into the United States. The State Department went undercover.

 This guy has an establishment background and is very experienced, so he is now an important assistant to Secretary of State Peng Ao...

Boss Qiao doesn’t have the patience to wait slowly for innocence to fall from the sky. It will be very difficult for P·B to act within Israel, but with the cooperation of people from the U.S. State Department, the situation will be completely different...

“Give me the address and I’ll go meet the big shot in Israel for a while. I want to prepare a surprise for him…”

 (End of this chapter)

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