From Arms Dealer To King of War

Chapter 1311: The coming of chaos

Chapter 1311 The arrival of great chaos

There are many shameless countries in this world, and some particularly shameless politicians are loved by people because they are thick-skinned and able to secure benefits for their country.

In Boss Qiao’s heart, it is understandable to argue and fight for interests.

  But some countries have set a new limit on what he can understand about a political party and a country!

This country puts its extreme utilitarianism on the table, completely disregards dignity when it encounters problems, and is even willing to create obstacles, as if this can make them appear superior to others.

 Just kick them out. They don’t even allow planes from their hometowns to land at the airport, let alone buy their own tickets to leave.

They found a panacea to divert attention from the sudden virus attack. They put pressure on the stranded people while enjoying their embarrassment.

 They are negotiating with Jordan to borrow a passage. Jordan has basically agreed, but it will take time to gather all the people stranded in Israel.

Some people who were emotionally unstable and anxious to go home were sent to Gaza, and then took a flight provided by Hellenic Airlines to Crete to transfer home.

 Because the confrontation in the Gaza border area is very serious, the entire personnel transfer process is not particularly smooth.

 After Qiao Jia sent away his compatriots from a distance, he waited for nearly a week before the attack occurred!

The 056, which has been floating in the sea off Israel, collided with an 'Alia-class' missile **** boat repaired by Israel due to human operational errors.

The bow of the 056 ship suffered heavy damage, while a huge crack was torn open on the side of the missile **** boat.

The drunken French captain cursed on the radio at the missile corvette that might sink at any time, and then evacuated the sea area on the grounds of safety.

Then it stopped in the sea near Tel Aviv due to a "fuel leak". While dumping all the fuel in the body into the sea, it also summoned two Greek Hydras to **** the evacuation.

Before leaving, the French captain did not forget to slap him down and severely condemned the unprofessional behavior of the Israeli Navy. He completely forgot that dozens of sailors in the sunken missile boat had been floating on the water for four hours before they arrived. rescue vessel.

Boss Qiao is rushing to make trouble this time...

What he didn't expect was that, except for the Israeli representative to the United Nations who cried bitterly and told the story of his grandparents' concentration camp experience, and then condemned P.B.'s violent behavior, Israel did not make any big changes. Reaction…

Then Qiao Jia suddenly understood a saying from the ancients, "Those who are afraid of power but not moral, those who are weak will be humble, and those who are strong will be bandits"!

This is not just a description of the islanders, but also an appropriate description of the Israelis!

Chauga has been waiting in Gaza for a week, but instead of waiting for Israeli retaliation, he has been waiting for a piece of big news.

Sleiman of Iran, who had always been in contact with him, was invited by the Iraqi government and died on the spot in an air strike on his way to a secret meeting.

The politician who built the arc of resistance in the Middle East, the anti-American strongman known as the King of Spies, died so suddenly!

The offensive on the Golan Heights suddenly encountered a major setback. The Iranian militiamen had no intention of fighting, and Syria had no choice but to shrink and put on the defensive.

 Boss Qiao, who was distracted by the sudden virus and anger, temporarily lost his strategic vision and ignored peripheral affairs.

No one could have imagined that Big Mouth Tang would dare to brazenly carry out an air strike to kill a legendary figure in Iran.

What made Boss Qiao even more unexpected was that the Iranian president, who claimed to want 'tough revenge', fired more than a dozen missiles into Iraq four days later, killing 80 US troops at the Assad Air Force Base and injuring more than 200 people. Then there was nothing more to say!

What Boss Qiao finds most funny is the news revealed to him by Maguire, who has been promoted to the US Special Operations Command.

  Mossad participated in the planning of this attack at the beginning, but when the matter came to an end, he withdrew because he was worried about Iran's excesses. He took the lead and let the United States completely bear the responsibility.

The U.S. Navy and Air Force mobilized for a week and spent countless amounts of money. As a result, Iran only fired a few missiles and only fired words.

 The most unfortunate thing about this incident is that many people would not have thought of it...

 The Iraqi government has encountered unprecedented pressure from Iran because of Suleiman's death.

At the request of the United States, they came forward to invite Suleiman for a secret exchange in an attempt to relieve the pressure on themselves, a mere wallflower.

As a result, Dazuitang didn't care about martial ethics and killed Suleiman when he came up...

Khamenei is not tough enough on the United States, but he will not show mercy to weak Iraq.

The big corrupt officials in Iraq were cursing Big Mouth Tang in front of the media while calling Boss Qiao. They wanted to send their families to the P.B. base in Baghdad and let them take a P.B. cargo plane to Iraq. Take temporary refuge on Ritter Island.

This is the tragedy of a weak country. With a strong neighbor around you, it is really difficult to survive in the cracks!

Of course Boss Qiao has to protect these ‘old friends’. He not only sent their families to Greece, but also provided these people with some technical support...

 The Iron Wall Mercenary Group entered Baghdad and began to take over the business of these corrupt officials.

At the same time, the delivery of supplies through humanitarian channels has been stepped up to prevent Iran from blocking their necks in transactions between the two countries.

However, Boss Qiao cannot control the growth of the Sy faction militia in Iraq.

When the United States and Iran were engaged in a verbal spat, Boss Qiao arranged for the peacekeeping team in Gaza and the combined camp in the Sinai Peninsula, and then got on the plane and embarked on the way home... The plane landed at P.B.'s base …

Seeing the obviously fat kitten looking resentful and holding a fat little baby and glaring at him, Boss Qiao, who had just gotten off the plane, grabbed Igor, who was chasing a sloth, and held him in his arms. He weighed it, and then took his daughter Isabel, who was sleeping a little dazedly, from the kitten's arms...

 He kissed the two dolls **** their faces, and then happily gathered together with the family members who came to greet them.

On the way home, Nice, who was in a good mood, took out a letter and handed it to Boss Qiao...

Boss Qiao, who was communicating with his son, took the letter and glanced at it, then suddenly straightened up...

This letter was actually sent to him by Suleiman!

 After opening the letter, Qiao Jia looked at the handwritten Arabic text on it and shook his head helplessly...

Nice knew that Qiaojia couldn't read Arabic, so she took the initiative and read it in a cool voice...

“Hello Jackal, by the time you receive this letter, my death will be in the news.

 I have always hoped to have the opportunity to meet you, but unfortunately...

 My dream is to overthrow the hegemony of the United States in the Middle East and bring Iran and even the Arab world back on the track that belongs to us.

I hope my death can wake up some people, but it’s a pity..."

 When he read this, Nice paused...

Joga held his daughter in one hand and pressed Igor, who always wanted to pull his sister's face, with the other. He let out a sigh of relief and said: "This guy is not dead..."

Niss nodded and read the rest of the letter with some seriousness...

 The internal struggle in Iran and the external pressure have already exhausted the strongman physically and mentally.

 He wanted to use his own death to completely stabilize the arc of resistance.

 In the past, Iraq, which had always been swinging, was an obstacle between the foxes of resistance, but now this obstacle is gone.

When Iran decided to exert maximum pressure on Iraq, the big-mouthed Tang’s rude approach penetrated the lower limit of the struggle...

 Iraq has no choice!

Now the arc of resistance is fully formed, with Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Iran, and Yemen forming a front that surrounds pro-American forces such as the Shah and the United Arab Emirates.

The death of this guy revealed the cowardly side of Mr. Khamenei. It also gave the hardliners within Iran an absolute upper hand in the struggle, and also brought the anti-American sentiment of the Arc of Resistance to its peak.

Sumani ridiculed at the end of the letter that it was the existence of P·B and humanitarian channels that kept Iraq lucky, and it was Boss Qiao who forced himself to death...

 Finally, he asked Boss Qiao to help him operate some funds to enter the gold market.

In return, if P·B needs it in the future, this guy’s Arab intelligence network can provide help...

After finishing reading the letter, Nice watched Boss Joe fall into silence. She reached out to rescue Igor, who was still unable to escape from her father's clutches. She sent a sloth to him to beat twice, then pulled out the pistol and unloaded the ammunition. box, handed the gun to Igor and let him play with it for a while...

The virus problem in his hometown has always made Boss Qiao unable to concentrate, but Sumani's letter completely sobered him up.

 When a person starts to pay attention to the local area, he will be subconsciously affected by local events and ignore the overall situation.

 This is an important bargaining chip for him to conform to the grand strategy of the United States and win re-election.

Qiaojia didn’t know where he got the confidence, thinking that the virus would be open to the United States...

After sitting in the car and thinking for a long time, Boss Qiao got out of the car holding his sleeping daughter...

 After handing his daughter over to Mao Mao, he sat on the steps in front of his house, took out his satellite phone and called Gami...

“There will be about $200 million coming into the bank…

˜Efforts to acquire physical gold and valuable gold derivatives…

 Short oil futures, short U.S. stocks…

 This time we will make enough money in one year for the next five years! "

 (End of this chapter)

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