From Arms Dealer To King of War

Chapter 1314: Make a lot of money

 Chapter 1314 Making a Lot of Money

Qiao Jia drove the F-14 to land at the base. After following the tractor into the hangar, Boss Qiao got off the plane and put on a flight jacket of the same style as Cruise. He rode a domineering Harley Fat Boy, slowly We drove to the edge of the runway and started waiting...

 Dorian changed his clothes and rode a **** red Kawasaki to Qiao Jia's side.

Looking at the F-14 Tomcats that were landing one after another, he grinned and said: "Boss, I bet you 100 yuan that Said must have vomited on the plane..."

Qiao Jia shook his head and said: "No, Archerfish will not allow him to vomit on the plane. I bet the guy behind will vomit, 500 yuan..."

Dorian looked at the fighter jets circling in the sky waiting to land. He smacked his lips and said, "No way, Harmandan, Al Thani, and Tahnoni look in great health...

Those Chinese pilots didn’t look too aggressive, and I didn’t see them doing anything too extreme…”

As he spoke, Dorian took out a wad of bills from his pocket, counted out 500 yuan, and said, "I bet you, but it only counts if all three of them vomited..."

Boss Qiao took the bill, pressed it against the fuel tank with his helmet, and then said with a smile: "Man, these guys flew for a long time without making any sound. Don't you think it's strange?"

As Qiao Jia said this, he saw Said crawling out of the back seat of the Archerfish, rushing to the side and vomiting everything in his stomach on the lawn...

The fat archerfish made a contemptuous gesture towards Said, and then began to shout for the ground crew to drag the plane into the hangar.

Subsequently, three more F-14s landed on the runway one after another, Prince Harmandan of Dubai, Prince Tahnouni of Abu Dhabi, and Prince Al Thani of Qatar. The three of them looked pretty when they got off the plane...

After they landed, each of them was holding a vomit bag in their hands. With light steps, they secretly stuffed the vomit bag into the trash can.

Qiao Jia looked at Dorian's disgusted look. He smiled and took out the money from under his helmet and put it in his pocket. He said with a smile: "You have to believe in the strength of those Nan Batians. They are fighting with the local chickens in Syria." After 15 games, 13 heads were shaved...

Those captured native chicken pilots have harvested the potatoes they planted in prison, and the people have not yet been taken back.

 In actual combat, these pilots are already aces! "

Dorian was very unhappy after losing money. He said angrily: "Boss, I think these guys have squeezed the training opportunities of our own pilots. They are so powerful that they don't need to fly every day. Tomcats are very expensive to maintain!"

Joja raised his **** towards Dorian and said: "Six people came here, something really happened...

 Our 40 pilots are still being trained in their hometowns, free of charge! "

After hearing this, Dorian shook his head helplessly, raised his phone and rushed towards the princes. After licking his big face and taking photos with them, he said with a smile: "Gentlemen, I can provide cockpit video record deletion service, 伱Do we need it?

 Only 5,000 yuan!

Of course, if you think you were handsome at the time, I can also help you get the images out..."

 Sayed saw that several big-name princes were worse off than himself, and he suddenly felt that he could do it...

After this man took a bottle of water to rinse his mouth, he came close to Boss Qiao and said: "Jackal, that old Archerfish is crazy. Fortunately, my health is better, don't you think so..."

Qiao Jia was used to the harsh words of these princes. He looked at Said's pale face and said: "You have to believe that there are top drivers in this world. They can control whether and when passengers vomit according to their own needs. Vomit…

 The archerfish is the best of them all! "

As Qiao Jia looked at the resentment on Said's face, he smiled and said, "Of course, your health must be better than theirs. That rookie Harmandan didn't speak the whole way. I guess he didn't even last 10 minutes." Come down."

Upon hearing this, Said hugged Qiao Jia with a grin and said, "I think you are right, haha..."

Qiao Jia pushed Said away who was smelling of cologne in disgust and said: "While they haven't recovered yet, tell me why these guys came here?

The Gulf Alliance just got together with the United States, and they came together to come to me. It’s so hateful! "

Said spread his hands and said: "We made too much this time, and they were a little scared.

Devali called me. If he hadn't been unable to leave due to his special status, he would have wanted to come here to avoid it. "

After hearing this, Qiao Jia laughed and said, "Did you make a lot of money? How much?"

Said sighed helplessly and said, "You know better than me how much you earn!

 That crazy woman in Gami took our money and took away nearly 140 billion US dollars from the crude oil futures market and the stock market at one time.

Yesterday, my friend sent me a message that executives of Wall Street investment funds are queuing up to jump off buildings these days...

It's too awful!

Devali told me that someone in the United States warned the Shah. Although the crown prince resisted, he still had to spend a lot of money to take over part of Credit Suisse Bank's shares. "

Qiao Jia was stunned for a moment and shook his head indifferently...

 The futures market is a typical zero-sum game. If someone makes money, someone must lose money!

 In fact, Gami took away far more than 140 billion U.S. dollars from the crude oil futures market, because the "transaction records" that Said could see were all available to him.

There are still a lot of funds that cannot be disclosed at all...

For example, Brother Ma’s money, the money of the Iraqi Corruption Group, Sumani’s money, the money of Francois and Kabila’s gang...

Too much!

American Energy Group, the stock gods on Capitol Hill, and Wall Street investment banks all suffered huge losses in crude oil futures this time!

The relationship between Dazuitang and Deutsche Bank is very deep. As a result, Deutsche Bank followed suit this time and lost all its profits in the past five years.

Boss Qiao is impatient to argue with Big Mouth Tang. This guy is a typical **** and has no way of cooperating with him.

He asked Thompson to launch all channels to inquire, and found most of the guys related to Big Mouth Tang, and then focused on the stocks or funds they held in their hands to pursue...

 Some of the more unlucky ones encountered a double kill in the futures and stock markets and went bankrupt directly. The big-mouthed Tang can only rely on the high-value real estate in New York, otherwise he would be the first bankrupt president in the United States.

 And P·B made a lot of money from futures, and made a lot of money from shorting U.S. stocks...

 As required by Boss Qiao, Jia Mi invested most of the money he earned into the gold market. Based on the current market price, he earned more than 25%.

Qiao Jia himself doesn’t know the exact amount. Anyway, the numbers are very shocking and they are still rising.

Looking at Said's frightened look, Qiao Jia clapped his hands and said, "I thought you local tyrants were fearless, but it turns out you are also weaklings.

You actually want to escape from such a small thing. If I were you, I would use the money I can earn to buy bargains in the United States.

This year, Dazui Tang is estimated that it will not be able to pass the customs. The Congress of Congress and the Ministry of Finance do not allow him to print money to save the city. In addition to real estate, there are many valuable companies worth starting. "

Upon hearing this, Said stared and said, "You mean the American stock market can still stand up?"

Chaojia sneered: "Nonsense, U.S. debt and the U.S. military are the best market stabilizers.

Even after Sumani died, Iran did not break up with the enemy. Instead, it plunged into the arms of the Eastern powers. The idea of ​​forcing the Middle East detachment to confront them through a formality failed.

This guy is now being promoted by the media as if he is a retard, and the Republican Party will definitely not be able to survive this time.

The Democratic Party is really good at making money. Besieging the water in the east cannot quench the thirst for nearness, so we can only find a way in Ukraine.

This is the grand strategy of the United States. I told you...

 Once the Uzbek war starts, do you think the U.S. stock market will rise? "

Upon hearing this, Said rubbed his face vigorously and said: "FUCK, if there is a war with Russia in Europe, the big European funds will immediately go to the United States for safety..."

“The U.S. debt ceiling is coming, and the United States is in very bad shape. They need European funds to buy U.S. debt to relieve their pressure.

   FUCK, I'm going to tell my fund manager and ask him to transfer my money to the United States to buy the bottom..."

Al Thani from Qatar grabbed Boss Qiao's shoulders with both hands, shook him hard a few times, and said: "Jackal, we really made a fortune this time!"

This was the first time that Qiao Jia had the upper hand in front of these rich people in terms of money. He shrugged his shoulders pretending to be relaxed and said: "Yes, everyone, you are rich!

Now that we have played with fighter jets, we went to find a car. I asked people to prepare a lot of beef and mutton. Let's go to my house to try it together..."

As he spoke, Qiao Jia glanced at Harmandan and Tahnoni, who had been silent, and said with a smile: "Don't be stunned, I know what you want?

It’s just masks and protective clothing. Tomorrow I will have people prepare 20 tons of supplies and send them to the United Arab Emirates by plane. You can just watch the checkout..."

After hearing this, Tahnoni breathed a sigh of relief, and then said with a smile: "Jackal, you destroyed two of my 056s. I am going to order two new ones...

The two ships being repaired will be used as purchasing funds. Don’t worry, I will pay for the repairs. You have to get me some ventilators and the like.

 The medical system in the UAE is very fragile, and many people in the country are worried...”

After hearing this, Qiao Jia started his motorcycle and said with a smile: "A ship worth 400 million US dollars will be sent as soon as possible, and it is definitely not for a few medical supplies.

 But we are friends, we’ll talk about it later..."


“Wait a minute, why do I get the answer every time?”

Aaron, whose face was a little flushed, stood in the corridor of the hospital and got angry at a young doctor...

“I’ve been waiting for eight **** hours. I flew here from Madagascar to see a doctor. Is it so difficult to see a doctor in a private hospital in Italy now?”

The young doctor said with a bitter look on his face: "Sir, since you and your wife came here, basically all the doctors in our hospital have collapsed, and the nurses are afraid to come to work.

I suggest you lie down and rest. If you have a special relationship, it is best to find a way to get some ventilators.

Your child’s condition is stable, but your wife’s symptoms are more serious…”

After hearing this, Aaron took a few painful breaths and said to his assistant Ma Hong who kept coughing next to him: "Call Jackal. I don't want to hear that guy's voice and ask them to help send a batch of medical supplies." Coming to Sicily…”

Assistant Ma Hong sighed and took out the phone to make a call. After he finished speaking exactly what the boss told him, he raised the phone in the air...

The speakers of the satellite phone were not turned on, but Boss Qiao's strong and dirty words still clearly floated in the corridor of the hospital...

Aaron listened for half a minute, grabbed the phone angrily and cursed: "FUCKYOU jackal, my wife and child are sick..."

“OK, a cargo plane will land in Catania in 6 hours…

  FUCK, why are you so unlucky? "

Aaron slumped on the chair and said helplessly: "There is someone more unlucky. Do you want me to tell you about it to make you happy?"

 (End of this chapter)

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