From Arms Dealer To King of War

Chapter 1316: Only by pushing the boat along with the current can we go smoothly.

Chapter 1316 Only by pushing the boat along with the current can we go smoothly.

 “It can only be you!”

Tahenoni can be regarded as a well-known figure in the rich world, but now he looks helpless.

The United Arab Emirates is indeed a little anxious to be tortured by the Houthi armed forces...

The Slipper Army's style of play leaves the entire Gulf coalition powerless. They fight head-on. If organized properly, the Houthi armed forces cannot defeat them no matter what.

But based on the virtue of these princely soldiers, it is impossible for them to fight a tough battle. It is really too much to expect a group of labor soldiers from India and Pakistan to work hard to quell the war.

Originally, it was okay to waste it like that in the early years. The worst thing is to spend some money. Anyway, the battlefield is in Yemen.

But since the Houthi armed forces have small motorcycles, drones and missiles, local tyrants such as the Shah and the United Arab Emirates can no longer afford them.

Oil fields and commercial centers are attacked from time to time. Whether it is to suspend operations or to release patriots to intercept, it is a huge consumption.

  A small motorcycle costs US$30,000…

 A Patriot costs 5 million US dollars. If you want to guarantee an interception, you need to send two...

 One day of oil field shutdown costs more than 10 million US dollars...

 Can’t afford it anymore!

Last month, the UAE led a large-scale attack and achieved very significant results...

 But then several drones attacked a city in the United Arab Emirates, killing several Indian workers and causing two commercial entities to shut down.

These workers are a source of foreign exchange for India. The Indian side has shown the spirit of never giving up until it compensates and offered a sky-high compensation.

The UAE is a rich country, but this precedent cannot be set. Once the opening is opened, the cost of millions of Indian workers in the UAE will skyrocket.

And to cause so many consequences, the Houthi armed forces only used three drones...

It's not just Abu Dhabi that's in danger now, Dubai is also in danger, so Harmandan is here too.

If these attacks are defined as terrorist acts, then a very obvious difference can be seen...

In the past, the Israeli Zionists drove Britain crazy with their terrorist actions, and finally they compromised.

Now that the Houthis have harassed the Shah and the UAE with their terrorist actions, they also want to compromise.

But when the Arabs used terrorist actions to torment Europe and the United States, they never had good results.

The more they push, the more fragmented the Middle East will be.

There are many problems here, but the essence is downward crushing based on ecological niche...

 If the earth is a big family, then the position of one or more pillar industries of each country in the global ecological chain determines the country's ecological niche.

 If you look at the ecological niche clearly, you will know that the downward trend is oppression, and competition in the same ecological niche is the real bayonet mode. Some countries can never be friends until they fall and surrender...

 The current world structure is established based on the financial, technological and military hegemony of the United States.

If you want to challenge this order, it is impossible to succeed by being civilized and polite!

  We are not of the same race. The Middle East holds the lifeline of global energy, but it still wants to be on an equal footing with Europe and the United States?

I asked you to stand up, who will work for whom in the future?

 People think that we are not on the same level, or even the same species!

 Finance, technology, and military are not available to countries in the Middle East. Even outstanding politicians are scarce resources.

 They probably don’t even believe that they can successfully resist!

Tahenoni looked at Boss Qiao’s unwilling expression and said, “Jackal, we are friends, you have to help us.

The Shah's Devali is now a big shot in the prince's circle. He is too embarrassed to ask for mercy. We don't care...

 Give us a hand and we promise to provide you with greater rewards in the future. "

As he spoke, Tahenoni glanced sideways at Qatar's Al Thani and said: "Qatar is interested in mediating the conflict between us and the Houthi armed forces, but the Houthi armed forces simply ignore them...

 It’s just you. The humanitarian channel you hold is very important to Yemen’s internal economy and people’s livelihood.

As long as you are willing to act as a middleman, the Houthis will definitely be willing to come forward and negotiate! "

After hearing this, Qiaojia shook his head and said with a smile: "You don't even think about it. My troops are still in Yemen. The Houthi armed forces consider themselves the legitimate government of Yemen. You want me, an 'invader', to be the middleman?"

 It was agreed at that time that I would go there to fight against Al Qaeda and then give the Yemeni government forces room to slow down...

Who knew you could be so useless? "

As he spoke, Qiaojia gave the barbecue tongs in his hand to Jino, who had been standing nearby, patted him on the head, picked up a bottle of beer, took a sip, and said: "I can control the Houthis' armed forces." Head, let them negotiate with you.

 But once I did that, P·B’s nature in Yemen changed. As long as the Houthis stood up, P·B would be their number one enemy.

 I have invested so much money and resources in Mukalla, but once I fall out with the Houthis, I may lose everything in the end.

 It is impossible for me to go to war with a legal regime recognized by the locals! "

Seeing the disappointed look on his brother Harmandan's face, Said sighed and said, "Jackal, you must have a way, right?"

Sayed understands Boss Qiao. When he spoke with a smile instead of refusing sternly, no matter how difficult the matter was, he would definitely have a way to solve it...

Upon hearing this, Tahnoni took Boss Qiao’s hand and said, “Jackal, if you have a way…”

Joga shook off the greasy prince Tahenoni's hand in disgust, pointed at Al Thani and said: "Why does Qatar want to be a middleman..."

Harmandan sneered and said: “After they joined the Gulf Alliance, they were still trying to please Iran while supporting Hamas and the MSL Brotherhood…

They think they can solve the problems in the Middle East through political means, but we all know that it is impossible without the nod of the Americans. ” ˆ ˆ Chauga looked at Harmandan who answered the question, shook his head and said: “It was my idea for Qatar to withdraw from the Gulf Alliance...

 Qatar has found its niche, and I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that.

 Being able to act as a middleman to mediate conflicts shows influence, and as this happens more and more frequently, Qatar's importance will also rise.

 Everyone just wants to live a stable life, and you in Dubai are not any more noble than others.

Gentlemen, think more broadly. The advantage of 'mediating conflicts' is to demonstrate influence. Although this job is not easy to do, for some countries and people, influence can also be regarded as a bargaining chip. "

As he spoke, Qiao Jia looked at a few guys who were still not enlightened. He shook his head and said: "Don't keep staring at Europe and the United States...

 It is now September, the American election has reached a critical moment, and they have no time to care about you.

 If I were you I would look east...

The virus in country A is very serious, and Europe and the United States are constantly besieging them politically. At this time, as long as you go there with goodwill, they will definitely help.

Most of the supplies for the humanitarian channel come from country A, and Iran is now clinging to their thighs to prevent itself from being completely isolated.

Their words definitely have enough weight, and once they successfully mediate conflicts, they will not only be able to demonstrate their influence internationally, but also allow them to use big news to break out of the political encirclement and suppression in Europe and the United States.

 When you ask me for help, you have to give me benefits. It’s a win-win situation for you to ask them...

 And if the harvest is calculated on a per capita basis, you will make a killing! "

When Tahenoni heard this, he said excitedly: "Yes, yes, find country A. They need someone to support them in public opinion now..."

 Speaking, Tahnoni took out the satellite phone, then he was stunned for a moment, looked at Qiao Jia and said: "Jackal, my mind is a little confused right now. Which direction do you think is a better starting point for communicating with country A?"

Qiaojia looked at the sensible Tahnoni with a smile, and he said with a smile: "Of course it's the buyer...

Isn’t country A’s rocket launcher easy to use? Isn’t the pterosaur easy to use?

The reason why you buy guys is all ready-made, it’s for safety reasons..."

As he spoke, Qiao Jia spread his hands and said with a smile: "I will act as a middleman for you, get some benefits, and help you with everything.

 When the time comes when you ‘complain’ during transactions, the people over there will naturally understand.

 So you understand..."

Tahnoni and Harmandan looked at each other, nodded and said, "I understand, a win-win situation!"

 After saying that, Tahnoni took Harmandan aside and went to make a report to the parents...

Al Thani from Qatar approached Boss Qiao with a look of displeasure on his face and said, "Jackal, why do I think you care more about them than me?

  Emina is my biological sister, we are brothers! "

Qiaojia stretched out his hand and pushed the buck-toothed Jino on the head, who was eavesdropping, and scolded with a smile: "Work, my brothers and sisters haven't eaten barbecue yet..."

After speaking, Qiaojia raised her **** to Al Thani and said: "Emina is now the free angel of the Arab world, not me..."

Al Thani said with a lewd expression: "Emina is 32 years old. You are of the right age. I think she can be someone for you...

 The devil bird doesn't mind, and you're not short of money...

Our king is very satisfied with the current situation. The World Cup has allowed us to attract a lot of big capital. If the virus had not come, the construction of the stadium would have progressed faster.

 What you just said, what we need is influence...

If you are willing to marry Emina, Qatar can pay to help you hold a wedding of the century! "

Joga laughed angrily at Al Thani. As he walked towards the lawn, he said: "It's impossible. If a leader of the feminist world treats others as his concubine, her aura will be compromised.

Emina belongs to kindness, bravery, and those in need of help, but she does not belong to me, nor to your Qatari royal family.

 Brother, you have changed a bit. Where was the prince who desperately wanted to save his sister from the fire? "

Al Thani watched Boss Joe rescue a sloth from his son, and then the father and son held up a water pipe to wash the crocodile driver's skin like a car wash, and even took out two brushes, as if to wash the crocodile driver's skin. Pick out everything from the gaps in the crocodile skin...

The younger Isabel looked very energetic. The little girl was standing in the stroller with a diaper in her pocket, holding the handle and gesticulating, as if she wanted her father and brother to spread the foam evenly.

 They looked so happy that Al Thani forgot how long it had been since he had played with his children like this...

 Even he can’t remember how old his youngest child is…

 Ever since Boss Qiao pushed him into Qatar's core political circle, he has changed...

Sayed squinted at Al Thani's profile and said, "Brother, there are some people you can't envy..."


Said sneered and said: "Because you have left your eldest daughter here for two years. She waved to you from the second floor over there just now, and you didn't recognize her at all...

 You forgot about her! "

 (End of this chapter)

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