From Arms Dealer To King of War

Chapter 1318: new question

 Chapter 1318 New Issues

“Money, money, money, all these people think about is money…”

  In Rio, Brazil, Forrest paced back and forth angrily on the balcony of his apartment, cursing constantly...

“These sons of **** have made Brazil a mess, and now they want to touch Andrea Company?

 They are out of their minds? "

Black boss Anderson sat on the sofa with a sad face and said helplessly: "The virus has messed everything up...

Yesterday, people from the National Intelligence Center went to the company to take over our servers and look at our business operations. I pushed back, but I don’t think they would give up. "

As he spoke, Andre gritted his teeth and looked up at Forrester, and said, "How about I find someone to kill everyone in the intelligence center!

I have found out the hotel where this group of people are staying. As long as you nod, we can take action tonight. "

After hearing this, Forrester waved his hand and said: "They are not coming for Andrea Company, but for Civet Company!

 That group of people are engaged in a political struggle. They are wrestling over the 5G project, and they can’t decide the winner for the time being, so someone is eyeing Civet because the goods there are all shipped from China.

 We used the preferential loopholes provided by Rio and Sao Paulo to allow those goods to bypass Brazil's trade protection.

 Once they get the data, we will become a bargaining chip for them to attack Jorge and the guild forces behind him.

  FUCK, people are **** dying every day in Rio. These people are doing nothing but using 5G and vaccines to engage in political struggle.

I’ve been working in the CIA for so many **** years, and I still feel like I’m not as bad as them! "

Andre looked at Forrester with an ignorant face and said, "I don't understand what you are talking about?"

Forrest sighed and said: “The goods sold by Civet Cat all use the preferential conditions provided by Rio State to bypass the supervision of Brazilian customs...

 In the past, these goods have been transported through errand software, and only registered users of the errand software can purchase them.

  Civet cats cannot enter the market and compete openly. This is the condition we negotiated with Rio and Sao Paulo.

But now some people are taking advantage of the Rio registration information to buy large quantities of cheap goods and sell them inland.

This is actually not a big deal and has nothing to do with us.

But if someone gets caught at this time, our ally Jorge Andres and the people behind him will be in trouble..."

When Anderson heard that it had nothing to do with his company, he straightened his body and said in a deep voice: "Since we have not made any mistakes, they are provoking us by threatening us. I will kill them...

 Do you know who our enemy is?

I have friends in Brasilia too, let’s kill them…

Andrea Company has saved many people’s lives, and many people are willing to die for the company! "

Forrest looked at the helpless Andre, he waved his hand with a headache and said: "Hurry back and take care of your people...

Law and order in Rio has declined drastically recently. Our takeout business has improved a lot, but too many people have fallen ill.

 You find a way to control those lawless boys, and if necessary, you can recruit some more people...

 I feel like I’m a bit of a good person. I care about Brazilians more than the President of Brazil!

  FUCK, why don’t those **** just stay at home and order takeout..."

Andre stood up and said: "Forrest, you have to make a decision quickly, the people in the intelligence center won't give us much time.

 They say we have the private information of most people in Rio and Sao Paulo. If you can’t solve it, then I can only force it! "

Forrest was amused by Anderson. He grinned and said with a sneer: "How can you resist? Start a war with the Intelligence Center and the Ministry of Security?"

Anderson said with a grin: "There is nothing wrong with it, the Rio police also support us now!"

Forrest shook his head and said with a smile: "You all know that the Rio police are on our side, but you still think about fighting and killing?

Hurry up and leave. After being with you for a long time, my IQ has also declined..."

Just when Anderson wanted to defend himself, a call came to his mobile phone...

 After answering the phone, Anderson's eyes suddenly widened, and then he said in disbelief: "Civet's warehouse is on fire?

Who did it?

  FUCK! ! "


When Joga was taking a walk in the evening, she received a call from Brazil... The kitten on the side vaguely heard Forrester's voice, and she asked curiously: "What happened?"

Jojia hung up the phone, put his arm around Mao Mao’s shoulders, and said: “Someone burned down the civet warehouse in Rio, and we lost about 20 million U.S. dollars worth of goods.

 The people who work are very professional!

Some people organized a protest and surrounded the warehouse in front, and those people sneaked in from the back..."

After hearing this, the little cat frowned and said, "Protest civet? Why?"

Chaojia pinched the bridge of his nose and said in a deep voice: "Because all the goods from Civet Cat are sent from China, some people said that the virus in Brazil was brought by Civet Cat, and then incited thousands of people to protest...

The political struggle within Brazil is fierce, and now the core of their confrontation is China...

 5G, vaccines, civets…

 The most damning thing is that these things have no problem in themselves, but now they have become bargaining chips for both sides to attack their opponents! "

As he spoke, Qiao Jia reached out to pick up Isabel in the kitten's arms, kissed her daughter's little face, and said, "I'm going to Rio to protect the property for our little princess!"

Upon hearing this, the kitten said excitedly: "I'll go with you..."

Qiaojia showed his daughter and said with a smile: "You can safely leave Isabel to the care of the dragon lizard?

Igor can now talk to a lion more easily than to me..."

The kitten lamented and said, "Then we will take Isabel with us, that is also her home."

Qiao Jia waved his hand and said seriously: "Are you kidding me? The virus in Rio cannot be controlled at all. You asked Isabel to go there?

 You all just stay at home, I’m not going to fight...

That guy Forrester is a black-hearted bastard. I was worried that he would make things get out of hand, so I decided to take charge.

 Let King Kong, Elephant, Ronny, Medical Bird, and Rhino come with me! "

As he spoke, Qiao Jia pretended to stretch his arms in a relaxed manner, holding his daughter in one hand and the kitten in the other, and said: "I have been living in Sangha Town for ten months, and I have almost done all the important things. I leave it to you and the devil bird..."

The kitten leaned on Boss Qiao's arms, sighed, and said, "I hate the way I feel now..."

Qiaojia said helplessly: "You have to learn from Devil Bird in this regard. She takes people to the Sahel Corridor every month. You also have to develop some hobbies of your own..."

Mao Mao looked at his daughter depressedly and said: "There is no reliable person in the family...

The devil bird doesn't care about those children at all, and the dragon lizard only cares about Igor. Igor always wants to take his sister to ride a crocodile and swim in the river.

 My Isabel is so pitiful! "

 Qiaojia laughed loudly and lifted Isabel up. He watched the little girl like a kitten looking at him curiously with her big eyes open. He smiled and said: "Isabel has a good mother, and she will definitely be a good girl in the future..."


 “What a fart!”

Wearing a double-layer mask, Aaron pushed an egg-shaped stroller sponsored by Boss Joe and sat on a bench on the hospital lawn to bask in the sun...

Looking at the pale assistant Ma Hong in front of him, Aaron waved his hand and said: "What do you think about me?

You'd better go back and rest, you're in worse shape than me now...

 After returning, inform Amal and Madeleine and ask them to go to Eastern Europe.

Someone is operating in KL, Ukraine. Our President will soon change jobs. We need to make some preparations...

This virus has made everything out of control, and many planned things have gone haywire! "

Mahon coughed a few times and said helplessly: "Boss, the situation in Italy is also very bad. Otherwise, how about I arrange a plane to take you to Greece...

 Greece has the support of Jackal and now has a lot of resources in its hands. The environment of Crete is the most suitable for you to recover. "

Aaron turned his head and glanced at his daughter lying in the stroller. He shook his head and said, "No, this is Emily's mother's hometown. I want to help her get what belongs to her."

 As he spoke, Aaron looked at Ma Hong and said: "Remember to send the Jackal the actions of the Gvir family later...

 They want to make a fuss about the Jialiang trade and use their position to engage in jackals.

Now that the right-wing forces in Europe are expanding rapidly, the Gerver family can easily stir up conflicts...

This family is all poisonous snakes, and jackals can easily stumble if they are not careful! "

 (End of this chapter)

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