From Arms Dealer To King of War

Chapter 1340: Trouble is coming

Chapter 1340 Trouble is coming

The Belpaso region of Sicily…

 ‘Mountain Eagle’ met ‘Blood Fox’ in a B&B hotel…

 Seeing that the old guy had hand-drawn the terrain around the target farm in just two days, and clearly marked several entry routes, ‘Shan Ying’ said with admiration: “Awesome…”

 ‘Blood Fox’ glanced at ‘Mountain Eagle’ and said: “This is not great, this is an ability that every good commander should master, and you are no exception.

Don’t be superstitious about electronic maps, they can’t clearly see the entire terrain...”

 Speaking of "Xuehu", he threw the pen aside and said helplessly: "But I am mainly free...

 Iblis is a real master. The terrain around the place he chose is very complex, making it easy to defend or evacuate.

And I couldn't get close to the farm at all, or even confirm whether Iblis was there.

  Not to mention the hostage mother and daughter..."

‘Mountain Eagle’ grinned and said: “Don’t bother, we captured a person alive and questioned him, and the hostage was sent to Tunisia, North Africa.

This fits the character of Iblis you describe...

 The question now is, how can we confirm this news and at the same time find out the location of the hostages in Tunisia.

Rescuing hostages doesn’t necessarily require us…”

After hearing this, the 'Blood Fox' frowned and thought for a while, then said: "I can go to Tunisia, I have a few friends there...

If we can create enough pressure on Iblis in Italy to force him to transfer the hostages, I might be able to find a clue. "

When Shan Ying heard this, he shook his head with a smile and said, "I contacted Jackal and he will find someone to confirm our information.

 As long as he confirms it, we will not be needed to rescue the hostages.

 We only need to be responsible for creating enough pressure on Iblis. "

Speaking of "Shan Ying", he picked up the pen and drew a twitching fox head on the paper, and said with a smile: "I didn't draw it wrong...

 Six hours at most, let’s go and cause some trouble for Iblis!

 For jackals, this is called confusion, but for us, it is revenge! "

"Blood Fox" heard this and said incredulously: "Six hours to confirm Tunisia's information?"



  The members of the ‘Ferryman’ and ‘Night Tiger’ teams took a private plane to enter the country…

Al Rahway waited at the airport in advance with an agent from the French Ministry of Security. After receiving the two teams, Al Rahway greeted the captains of the two teams, 'Comet' and 'Monkey', and said: " I have arranged a safe house for you, which contains the weapons you need..."

As he spoke, Al glanced at the French female agent beside him and said with a smile: "Diana is looking for clues through her informants, and there will be news soon."

‘Comet’ frowned and glanced at the French female agent and said: “The hostages are very important…”

Al-Rawi shrugged his shoulders, started the vehicle and said: "Of course, everyone related to Isis is very important.

 Isis's breakaway from the battlefield in Yemen is bad news for European countries at this stage..."

 Diana is not very good-looking, but has a gentle temperament...

Facing the question from ‘Comet’, she smiled and said: “Al and I were verifying the information of smuggling ships that arrived in Tunisia in the past 20 days, and a woman with a baby stood out very conspicuously.

As long as we can be sure that they arrived in Tunisia, I can find a way to dig them out. "

‘Comet’ shook his head noncommittally and said: “If the French intelligence department was really that efficient, France’s situation in Afika would not be what it is now.”

‘Comet’ is a genuine French retired T1. His words made Diana a little embarrassed...

Al-Rawi smiled and smoothed things over and said: "Brother, the key to determining whether an intelligence agency is powerful is its financial status, not just personal abilities.

Iblis withdraws from Yemen, representing Isis's falling out with al-Qaeda.

Tunisia is a transit point for North African bases to enter Europe, and France still has sufficient capabilities here..."

Upon hearing this, the ‘monkey’ on the side said keenly: “Are you in contact with Al Qaeda?”

After hearing this, Al Rahwi sighed and said: "Everyone is afraid of Al Qaeda, but in the past two years, the boss has only been farming, and has forced Al Qaeda to the point of collapse.

The Great Green Wall is constantly compressing the living space of Al Qaeda in North Africa. Of course, some smart people among this group will seek opportunities for transformation.

 Iblis's withdrawal from Yemen means that the base and Isis have completely broken up...

Al-Qaeda and Isis are both broad collective terms, and Isis is regarded as the spiritual leader by most extremist organizations in North Africa trying to establish a YSL state.

What Iblis is doing in Europe is to fight for influence and funds, and he will definitely organize a big operation...

 But this guy’s actions will push Al Qaeda into a very embarrassing situation...

 The smart people at the base want to negotiate with the boss, but the boss never talks nonsense to terrorists. The only way for these smart people to get a chance to have a dialogue and not suffer severe blows in future confrontations with P.B. is to prove that they are not on the same side as Isis.


'Monkey' glanced at Diana, shook his head and said with a smile: "So your informant is from Al Qaeda..."

Al Rahway shrugged his shoulders and said helplessly: "Our boss never cares about the intelligence department, and front-line intelligence personnel have to figure everything out themselves.

 In fact, P·B’s intelligence officer is not so much an intelligence officer, but a combination of a president and a diplomat.

Of course, my level is still a little behind, but I have enough experience to deal with the problems here in Tunisia. "

While Al Rahway was talking, Diana's phone rang suddenly. She answered the call and listened for a while, then said to Al Rahway: "Huseira has asked us to meet, there must be news!"


 “There’s news…”

Wearing a British suit, ‘Messenger’ Lineker walked to sit next to Boss Joe and said with a smile: “The ‘Ndrangheta will land a batch of methamphetamine tonight…

The location is Marsala, just out of sight of the most tense areas of Sicily. "

As he spoke, Lineker glanced at the Italian Ministry of Security official who was staying with Ressler. He smiled at Boss Joe and said: "This is a big operation by the 'Ndrangheta, and they will definitely make careful arrangements.

Moussa Suleiman has few connections in Italy, so he will definitely create some situations to cover the landing of drugs.

Personally I think it must be related to Isis..."

After hearing this, Qiao Jia nodded slightly and said: "My people got the news that Isis has broken up with the base. They need to create enough influence to unite the extremists in North Africa and the Middle East.

The most sensational thing at this time is probably the blocking of European medical supply channels.

Italy is also unlucky. Their medical system has been basically paralyzed. Now if Isis adds insult to injury, it will cause huge problems.

Isis parted ways with them because the base was not extreme enough, and then chose Italy, which had no external combat capability, as its opponent.

These guys are so smart, we can’t even guess what they will do?

But these have nothing to do with me. Since it is a multiple-choice question, I will definitely choose the clear ‘answer’.

 Let the Italians prepare the helicopter and we go to Marsala…

Preventing the entry of drugs will not only give a blow to the 'Ndrangheta, but also cut off Iblis' source of funding. It is very cost-effective..."


‘Shan Ying’ saw the ‘Big Bear’ responsible for monitoring and made a gesture to remind him that something was going on...

He rushed to the monitor and watched people inside the farm getting into the car and setting off. He frowned and said, "Where are these guys going?"

Saying "Shan Ying", he loudly greeted the guys to pack their things, rushed to the hotel parking lot and got into a van...

  The person in charge of driving was ‘Tom’. This mixed-race Thai man had a rather cold personality. Seeing the ‘Big Bear’’s messy appearance, he said with disdain: “Hurry up, my grandma can run faster than you…”

‘Big Bear’ couldn’t help but raise his middle finger, and as a result, the thing in his arm fell to the ground, making him even more embarrassed...

‘Shanying’ helped the busy ‘Big Bear’ pack his things and put them in the car. After he got into the passenger seat, he said: “Be nice to ‘Big Bear’, he did most of the hard work alone...”

 ‘Tom’ ​​was silent for a moment, started the car, and said: “‘Mountain Eagle’, this guy is acting. He has been pretending to be stupid to gain sympathy..."

‘Shanying’ shook his head and said: “You can’t think that just because ‘Big Bear’ broke your things, he did it on purpose...

Ok, it’s wrong for him to wear your socks secretly, but you’re a Thai, why are you so stingy?

 It’s really not necessary. At worst, I will reimburse you for your underwear and socks from now on. "

"make a deal!"

When ‘Tom’ ​​saw the target vehicle, he stepped on the accelerator and drove out of the hotel parking lot. He naturally blended into the traffic and followed...

 After driving for about 45 minutes, ‘Shan Ying’ saw a sign on the road…

 “Centers for Disease Control and Prevention…

Those people’s target is the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention!

What is there now? "

The ‘Blood Fox’ in the back seat checked with his mobile phone and said loudly: “Today, a Chinese support team arrived at the Catania Center for Disease Control and Prevention with medical supplies...

  FUCK, Iblis wants to make big news…”

Upon hearing this, the ‘Mountain Eagle’ turned around and shouted: “The ‘Big Bear’ released the drone, and the ‘Blood Fox’ called the police to alert the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention...”

After saying this, ‘Shan Ying’ looked at the woods on both sides of the road. He hesitated and said, “We got off the car one kilometer away from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and walked...

 ‘Elk’ prepare weapons, I’ll contact Jackal…”

 (End of this chapter)

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