From Arms Dealer To King of War

Chapter 1351: Strong men don't care about the environment

Chapter 1351 Strong men don’t care about the environment

 Who is Ayuna?

Ayo is the patron saint of Boss Joe. He is a berserker who can crush Ronnie, but he brings two losers, Boss Joe and Dorian, to fight Ronnie to a tie.

 She is the real anchor and the important reason why everyone can tolerate Boss Qiao’s willfulness.

 “You want to fight?”


 “Can you not go?”


 “Then you must bring King Kong with you!”

 Ayou is the source of security for everyone in the P·B office. After all, it is difficult for a boss who is always in and out of dangerous areas to let his employees work with peace of mind.

Except for Boss Qiao, Ayou has concentrated all the cutting-edge achievements that P·B can currently produce...

 Every member of Team A is very aggressive, so it is difficult for ordinary people to see Ayew at full power.

However, ‘Shan Ying’ is keenly aware that Ayou is the real point of fire...

After receiving the invitation from Boss Qiao, ‘Shan Ying’ checked the VSS silent assault rifle in his hand. He smiled at Ayou and said, “It’s an honor to be with you...”

Ayou frowned and looked at the 'Mountain Eagle', nodded and said, "Then you have to keep up..."

Boss Qiao glanced at the ‘Mountain Eagle’ who was intimidated by Ayu’s majesty. He smiled and said, “Don’t worry, King Kong has this kind of character.”

As he spoke, Qiao Jia finished checking the HK416 in his hand, pulled the trigger on the tail, glanced at Antar who released the drone into the sky, and then said to Nice: "You guys move forward to find the position...

I think Iblis is unlikely to launch an attack from the unobstructed sea. He will definitely choose to attack from land.

He wants to rebel and kill Moussa Suleiman and Aaron, and the road ahead should be the only way.

   Regardless of whether he arrives or not, our first goal is to rescue Aaron's wife and children first...

I wish he had arrived, so that our task might be a lot easier! "

Niss walked up to Qiao Jia, checked his equipment, then nodded and said: "Don't worry about what's behind you, keep moving forward!"

Gioga smiled and hugged Nice, and said: "I suddenly thought about a lot of things clearly. This time the things in Italy are over, let's go home.

I want to do something big that can change the world. With you here, I can keep moving forward! "

As he spoke, Qiao Jia looked at Nice with a strange expression. He smiled and said: "Of course, if you need it, we will take a plane to find a place...

There are so many **** people in this world, they are lucky to be able to make my wife happy! "

Niss didn’t know what she was thinking of. She nodded heavily and said: "I understand..."

Looking at Niss's expression, Qiao Jia felt that Niss must have misunderstood something, but judging from the brisk pace of her steps, she probably didn't 'understand' anything bad...

Boss Qiao shook his head to drive the inexplicable thoughts out of his mind, and said to Ronnie: "Have someone hide the vehicle.

Iblis came prepared this time, we have to be careful, maybe he also has a drone. "

After everything was arranged and Nice and Antal announced that they were in place, Qiao Jia waved to everyone and said: "The first and second bat teams are separated, blocking the front and rear directions of the target villa..."

After speaking, Qiao Jia reached out and patted the uncomfortable ‘Mountain Eagle’ on the arm, and said with a smile: “Let’s go up and let me see how good you are...”

‘Mountain Eagle’ pulled down his goggles and looked at the ‘resources’ displayed inside. He said with a strange expression: “Can I also summon spearhead missiles?”

Chaojia followed Ayou, keeping a little distance from Rhino and the others, and said as he walked: "If you think you need it, just use it.

Let me tell you, the things you have on you are of no use. If you don’t feel comfortable holding on to the ropes in a war, what’s the point? "

Shan Ying was stunned for a moment, then shook his head and followed the team, taking the initiative to occupy Ayou's right side, leaving the space on the left to Boss Qiao where it was easier to use a shield for cover.

 The two trios quickly climbed up a hill under the cover of darkness.

Just when Boss Qiao was looking at the villa about a kilometer away and wanted to ask Nice and the others if they had found anything, there was an explosion at the gate of the wall outside the villa...

“Devil Bird, what did you find?”

As soon as Qiao Jia finished speaking, Antar’s voice was heard...

“The battle in the villa was fierce, and Moussa Suleiman was obviously not unprepared.

There is a motorcade parked 2 kilometers east of the villa. It should be Iblis's motorcade. If they have hostages, they should be there.

  I am mobilizing drones to conduct reconnaissance..."

After Qiao Jia heard this, he reached out and patted Ayou on the back and said, "Let's go to the east..."

After speaking, Qiao Jia pressed the communicator and said: "The bat team will find the location and wait for my order before attacking."


Aaron watched Moussa Suleiman circling the living room with a livid face like a trapped animal. He smiled and said: "Look, no one is a fool, and no one is willing to be a puppet...

Especially a fanatical lunatic like Iblis! "

Musa Suleiman was also a heroic figure. He looked at Aaron with sinister eyes and said, "Do you think Iblis will let you go?"

Aaron shook his head and said: "Of course I'm not that naive, but I believe that even if I die, there will be people willing to avenge me. You must be worse off than me!"

As he spoke, Aaron looked at Moussa Suleiman, who had a livid expression but had no intention of running away, and said with a smile: "What have you been waiting for?

 Let me guess, you are waiting for news about drugs, right?

This is why drug dealers will always be drug dealers. Without drugs, you will lose everything. "

Musa Suleiman looked at Aaron who was gloating about his misfortune, and he said in a deep voice: "Since you know everything, why don't you worry about your wife and children?

 They are all in the hands of Iblis. What do you think Iblis will do to them if I die? "

Aaron waved his hands calmly and said: "I won't worry about things that I can't control.

 When they die, I will die too. There is no point in being sad in advance.

 It’s you, if you die, your family will probably not die, but they are in the hands of my people...

 You will die with regret and unwillingness!

 So you see, you are worse off than me! "

While Aaron was speaking, Moussa Suleiman’s cell phone rang…

After he answered the call, he listened for a few seconds, then as if he had been hit by a hammer, he staggered back a few steps and sat on a chair...

Aaron looked at this guy, he laughed and said: "It looks like you are unlucky. What bad news do you have, tell me to make me happy?"

Moussa Suleiman didn't care about the peripheral battle at all. He took a few deep breaths, adjusted his state, then looked at Aaron and said: "Iblis stole my HLY, that's why he fell out with me. Confidence.”

When Aaron heard this, he was surprised and said: "Hit your HLY? How many HLY will it take to make that guy act so crazy?"

Moussa Suleiman shook his head and said: "130 tons of HLY..."

Aaron whistled and said: "130 tons of HLY! Enough to meet Europe's needs for several years!

 So you are useless, right, hahaha..."

As Aaron looked at Moussa Suleiman's depressed expression, he said with a smile: "Let me guess, you spent all your money to buy these HLYs from the Afghan Khan. You want to induce those warlords to increase production next year. Then use advantageous funds to stabilize your share, right?

I think Iblis must think the same way, but he spends your money, haha...

 Musa, beg me quickly, I have enough men in Sicily..."

When Musa Suleiman heard this, his eyes widened and he said, "Can you help me get HLY back?"

Aaron laughed and shook his head and said: "NO, but I can help you destroy those HLYs and prevent Iblis from taking advantage.

If I were you, I would leave my men here to continue resisting, and then escape by myself on a speedboat. "

Musa Suleiman frowned at the ‘well-meaning’ Aaron and said, “Why?”

Aaron spread his hands indifferently and said: "You ran away, and I took away those HLYs, so I have a bargaining chip in my hand.

Iblis definitely wants me dead, but it's obvious that money is more important to him. "

Musa Suleiman looked into Aaron's eyes. After more than ten seconds, he shook his head slightly and said: "You still care about your wife and children. I should hold them in my hands..."

Aaron shrugged his shoulders and said: "If you did this, it would be over a long time ago.

 Tell me the model of the ship carrying HLY, and I will destroy those things. Then you can find a place to hide and wait for my call.

 Now I have the upper hand, it’s your turn to listen to me! "

 The real strong man is the one who will constantly strive for the initiative no matter what circumstances he finds himself in!

 Simple survival is only a basic option. Strong people can seize opportunities and create bargaining chips based on changes in the external environment and their own abilities.

Aaron is not clear about Boss Joe’s current position, but this does not prevent him from taking advantage of the conflict between Moussa Suleiman and Ibilis to gain the initiative for himself.

 This is to put yourself to death and live later!

Just notify Boss Ma Hong or Joe to seize the HLY drug ship. If Iblis doesn't want to continue begging for food, he must put the transaction as his first option.

 The living Musa Suleiman is also a bargaining chip, because his family is in Aaron's hands...

The tycoon of the 'Ndrangheta will definitely be seriously injured this time, but as long as he lives, Aaron is sure to squeeze out enough oil and water from him.

Of course, the premise of all this is that Aaron himself can survive...

 However, Aaron is still confident about this.

 Jackal may not have time to see through the changes in the situation, but as long as he sends the Seahawk-43 out to intercept the HLY drug ship, he can bring enough life-saving chips to Aaron.

Musa Suleiman looked at Aaron in front of him with horrified eyes. He never imagined that Aaron, who always acted like a platform businessman in the past, would be so powerful. He hit his vital point at once...

Musa Suleiman can give Aaron a shot, but if he kills him, in the end Iblis, the traitor who cheated on everything, will be the big winner.

 If you don’t listen to him, Moussa Suleiman will be a big loser in the end no matter what he chooses.

According to his words, at least Moussa Suleiman and his family can survive for the time being.

Looking at Aaron, who was always smiling, Moussa Suleiman threw the phone to Aaron, and then while calling his men to guard the villa, he quietly led two of his confidants down the stairs of the terrace to the seaside...

“Aaron, if my family gets hurt, I will…”

 Aaron dialed Boss Joe’s phone number, waved to Moussa Suleiman and said, “You can’t do anything!

ˆHonestly wait for my call..."

As Aaron heard the sound of the phone being connected, he said a little excitedly: "Where are you? I'm dying..."

 “I’m **** saving your wife…”

 (End of this chapter)

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