From Arms Dealer To King of War

Chapter 1387: Start fighting

Chapter 1387 The fight begins

In the end, the three teams did not choose to go around the waterway collectively. The members of the 'Tiger Claw' team were left in place, while the 'Yehu' and 'Huya' took rubber boats and headed towards the back of the valley where the enemy was located from the waterway...

 Because of the coordination of the rear headquarters, both sides knew the location of the other side.

 When the two rubber boats quietly followed the river to the predetermined location, and confirmed through the hidden boats that this was the evacuation channel for the terrorist training camp.

The leader of the 'Tiger Claw' team, 'The Breeder', who was left behind, arranged for a teammate to use a truck to transport the Afghan women and Mahmoud who were trafficked in the car to a distance of 5 kilometers, and then called on the remaining comrades to join them. Four US-made 82mm mortars were transported on the military train, and a large number of artillery shells were carried up the hillside on the side.

After everything was ready, the 'keeper' pressed the communicator and said: "The hostages have been properly placed, and the Tiger Claw team is in place, ready to start operations at any time..."

At the back of the valley of the terrorist training camp, Monkey cut the neck of a guard guarding the ship with a knife, supported him and slowly let him fall to the ground, and then glanced at the man who came out of a simple shack. Black Panther'…

After confirming that there were no guards in the rear, 'Monkey' made a gesture to the 'Grasshopper' hiding aside, then pressed the communicator, lowered his voice, and said: "Ask Mahmoud to call the opponent and send him They attracted people to the road and then blocked them, attracting people from the camp to come to support."

After the 'keeper' who stayed in place agreed, a Huya team member who was protecting a group of trafficked women held a gun in one hand and a mobile phone in the other. He said to the pale Mahmoud: "Don't play tricks, or else You will definitely die first."

Mahmoud nodded painfully, took the cell phone with his good left hand and made a call.

He talked to someone on the phone for a few seconds, then argued loudly for a few words, then hung up the phone hard, looked at the team member and said: "They have already taken people on the road, but I don't think you have a chance to win...

 Let me go and I’ll give you money. I have a lot of money! "

The young Tajik soldier smiled contemptuously and said: "Those dirty money you paid for with countless lives, and you probably won't have the chance to enjoy it."

Mahmoud pinched his right hand that was still bleeding with his left hand and said painfully: "I am just a middleman, the real person in charge is not me at all.

 Give me a chance, I will give you 500,000 US dollars, not 1 million US dollars, you can use this money to go anywhere you want to enjoy life..."

The Tajik soldier didn't want to talk nonsense to Mahmoud. He pinched Mahmoud's always dishonest left hand and used force to remove his arm. Then he pinched his chin and pushed back hard, knocking his chin away. Removed...

Use a large strap to tie Mahmoud's weak left arm to the fixed buckle of the seat belt. Then looking at the frightened terrorist, the young Tajik soldier smiled and said, "I'm eight months old." For a thousand yuan, the state controls what you eat and drink, and you can even go to the Martyrs Cemetery when you die.

You should keep the money for yourself, I guess you won’t be able to spend it in your lifetime...

One person died and the money was not spent. Who do you think is more miserable among us? "

After hearing this, Mahmoud shook his head vigorously in a state of collapse. Because his jaw had been removed, he could only say vaguely: "No, I'm still useful, you can't kill me."

The young soldier shook his head and said: "What use can you do? If the training camp is taken away, the East Asian Movement will go underground again, and the things you know will be useless."

Be honest, the battle will be over soon, and I will give you a happy ending. "

Mahmoud shook his head desperately and said: "No, no, no, I know the contacts of SEA Movement and Bata, and I also know their funding channels. I know a lot of things...

 I can give you all the money, let me live, let me live..."

The young soldier nodded, actually took out a paper and pen from his pocket, and said: "Then tell me, if the information is useful, we will send you to the country for trial.

Don't play tricks. As long as we confirm that one piece of information is wrong, we will kill you directly. Anyway, we will have a second-class merit even if you die. "


While the young soldiers were chattering, the 'monkey' and 'grasshopper' walked through the winding narrow passage and arrived at the edge of the training camp.

 This is a gourd-shaped valley with a width of 500 meters at its widest point and a length of about 4 kilometers. The passage they came from is like a gourd mouth, which just connects to the big river.

 The area near the inner side is relatively small and is where personnel live, while the outer side is a training ground.

At this moment, there are lights on in the valley outside, and many people are active there, probably waiting for the arrival of arms.

The inner side is relatively quiet. From time to time, a few men come out of the stone houses built along the mountain wall with their trousers lifted. They look dissatisfied with their trousers, and they don't seem to be enjoying themselves too much.

This kind of location is simply great…

'Monkey' watched several men go to the outside of the valley. He pressed the communicator and whispered: "This is 'Monkey'. 'Radar' removed the M2 from the ship and sent it over. We can build a blocking position to delay time."

How is the situation there with ‘breeders’? "


The 'keeper' looked through the infrared telescope at a horse-drawn carriage team appearing on the road in the distance. He used the IR to instruct his teammates to preset the landing point of the mortar, then pressed the communicator and said: "The enemy is still 3 meters away from us. kilometers, contact occurred approximately 15 minutes later.”


After receiving the reply, ‘Monkey’ waited for 10 minutes until ‘Radar’ brought up two M2 heavy machine guns and 1,000 rounds of ammunition…

“‘Buffalo’ and ‘Frog’ were responsible for blocking the waist space of the ‘Calabash Valley’ with machine guns, while the others split up to clear the houses on both sides.”

 After saying that, Monkey took the remaining three Night Tiger members and followed the shadow of the mountain wall on the right to the room where the woman was kept.

‘Radar’ led the Huya team to the house on the left.

There are only more than 200 meters away from the square where terrorists gather in the valley ahead. If you want to kill the enemies staying in the houses behind without alerting anyone, you have to evacuate with an unknown number of women...    If you rely solely on the special forces, This is a basically impossible task.

However, as a private contractor with a strong personality, P·B is engaged in such difficult tasks.

 While ‘Yehu’ and ‘Huya’ were quietly busy, the command post in the rear was also busy…

“Toucan No. 1 and Toucan No. 2 have entered the predetermined airspace, and the enemy has entered the visual range..."

“Bully One and Bully Two have entered the predetermined airspace, the target is locked, and they are ready to bomb at any time...”

“The Tiger Claw team engaged in a battle with the enemy’s transport team. The distance of the battle was 400 meters. The enemy was trying to outflank the river bank..."

“Yehu and Huya Team were discovered and they are fighting terrorists...”

While the technical team kept reporting the situation, a Kurdish female soldier shouted to the "Three Yellow Chickens": "Sir, the enemies in the valley are gathering outside and seem to be preparing to support the enemies on the other side of the road.

 There is no visual sign of civilian activity in the outer valley..."

Upon hearing this, "Three Yellow Chickens" decisively picked up the radio and said: "'Monkey', there are no civilian activities in front of the valley, and fighter jets are in place..."


‘Monkey’ was pinned down inside a house by a bullet fired from the waist of Hulu Valley. Behind him were a dozen ragged Afghan women...

Two pre-arranged M2s saved everyone's lives. The power of the large-caliber machine gun burst out and suppressed the terrorists who noticed something was wrong in front of them, unable to break through the gourd waist channel...

However, the waist channel with a width of more than 50 meters has enough shooting range, allowing terrorists to attack the two special forces teams with rifles.

 Compared to "Yehu", the situation in "Huya" is a little worse. The women there are not detained together, but are guarded separately in the room of the terrorist leader.

 ‘Radar’ They not only have to face attacks from the gourd’s waist channel, but also deal with attacks from the guards of the building complex.

 Less than 5 minutes of fighting, the members of the Huya team were suppressed and entered a house unable to move...

 ‘Radar’ is a person who has seen big scenes. Not only did he not panic, but he became more and more calm...

He stuck close to the door, took out a laser pointer and shot it at a machine gun position on the waist of the gourd, then pressed the communicator and shouted loudly: "Toucan No. 1, give me two rounds of Hellfire..."

As soon as ‘Radar’ finished speaking, the pilot’s voice sounded on the public channel…

“Toucan No. 1 received, double hellfire ready, fire~”

‘Donkey’ drove several women into the inner side of the room. When he rushed to the window and raised his gun in an attempt to fight back, two missiles fell from the sky and hit the middle of the valley.

Theoretically speaking, the effect of Hellfire on hitting personnel targets is average, but the P·B Air Force is accustomed to using overpressure Hellfire.

The overpressure and high heat caused by the violent explosion swept across a radius of more than ten meters, causing the enemies in the middle of the Calabash Valley to lose their ability to attack for a while...

When 'Radar' saw the opportunity, he pushed a comrade next to him hard and shouted: "Use smoke bombs to block the front..."

 Speaking of "radar", when his comrades fired smoke grenades with grenade launchers, he opened the door and shouted: "There are still a dozen rooms to clear, let's go up, let's go up..."

The 'monkey' on the other side saw the actions of the 'Tiger Tooth Team'. He nodded slightly, pushed the door open and shouted loudly: "'Black Panther' and 'Eel' organized those women to evacuate,' Ant Grasshopper and I cover Huya Team..."

Saying that, 'Monkey' shot and killed a terrorist guard who was occupying the second floor and trying to sneak attack the 'Tiger Tooth Team', and then pressed the communicator and shouted: "Toucan No. 1, use smoke as a boundary, bomb them, don't Get them over the smoke..."

 “Toucan No. 1 received…”

‘Donkey’ followed ‘Radar’ and rushed into a room, killed two guards hiding in it, then covered his ribs and screamed twice in pain, and then jumped on the spot a few times, seeming to relieve the pain.

‘Radar’ kicked open a bedroom, dragged a woman wrapped in sheets and rushed out. When he passed by ‘Donkey’, he looked at his appearance and said worriedly: “Are you okay?”

‘Donkey’ grinned and shook his head and said: “I was bitten, and the bullet was blocked by the bulletproof vest. My life is really good...”

'Radar' rushed to 'Donkey' and groped around. After confirming that he was not dead, he breathed a long sigh of relief and said, "Be careful. If it hurts too much, give morphine. Don't affect your movements. Your mother is still at home." Waiting for you to go back..."

‘Donkey’ rubbed the injured area vigorously, then took a few deep breaths quickly, picked up the gun and nodded at the ‘radar’, saying: “I have no problem, I will cover, you and the woman will retreat first…”

 After saying that, "Donkey" didn't wait for "Radar" to speak, and quickly stepped out. When he tried to establish cover, a series of bullets fired from the middle of the valley hit the outer wall of the house in front of him...

The large-caliber bullet hit the outer wall of the stone house and exploded into large pieces of rubble. The sharp stone fragments scratched the 'donkey's' cheekbone like a knife...

Just when the 'donkey' was lying on the ground and trying to retreat, he heard a roar in the sky behind him...

 A Super Tucano lowered its height and began to dive along the valley from the direction of the river...

The remaining 14 rounds of overpressure Hellfire on both wings were treated as rockets and fired into the valley connection one after another. At the same time, the cannons hung on the belly of the aircraft opened fire at the same time...

 “Dong dong dong dong…”

 (End of this chapter)

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