From Arms Dealer To King of War

Chapter 821: Oh it's you

  Chapter 821 So it was you

  When the teams were fighting fiercely, Choga stayed in the village and sang with Dorian as a battlefield commentator...

   "Nice, KSK just completed a raid where they killed six terrorists...

  Beautiful, the air cover kept up very timely. They not only covered KSK to evacuate the town, but also blew up Isis's arms warehouse.

   Well done German, when you come back, I will treat you to grilled sausages and beer..."

   "Oh, what do I see, the Italians and the Greeks are teaming up and they're raiding a camp.

  ohshit, they met a good player, the enemy has a lot of RPG...

   Oh~ well done, the Italian sniper turned the tide, he killed the enemy commander, now the enemy is in chaos.

  Where is our air force, we're going to fish out the Italians and the Greeks..."

  Dorian's nonsense just fell, an F-16 swooped down from the sky, and two Maverick missiles hit the enemy's command center and the enemy's ammunition depot...

  After a series of explosions sounded, the F-16 made a circle in the air and dropped two 250kg aerial bombs into the camp...

  Dorian looked at the Italians and Greeks who were a little hesitant in the face of the explosion, and he shouted loudly: "Let's see if these two teams still have the courage to re-enter the battlefield?

   I wouldn't be surprised if they didn't dare, after all P·B's tough guy style isn't for everyone..."

At this moment, the Italians and Greeks wanted to sew Dorian's mouth shut. The group looked at each other outside the terrorist camp, and after nodding heavily, they contacted the F-16 in the sky to let it hover for cover. Then he re-entered the camp, ready to clean it all up.

  When Dorian loudly praised the courage of the Italian, the bad news came...

  A Griffin-1 was attacked by a "Stinger" while covering the Swedes at low altitude. After the plane was damaged, the pilot had to complete an emergency landing on the Gobi.

Choga signaled Dorian to stop talking nonsense, and he kept confirming his condition with the pilot. After the pilot said that he was fine, Choga immediately contacted Team D, which was closest to the pilot, and asked them to rush over to bring the pilot with him. go home.

   After confirming that Team D had received the news, Joga picked up the radio and said, "Archerfish, go cover those Swedes, they have encountered a hard stubble.

  SHIT, everyone pay attention, don't be so **** hard, take out your special forces set, I didn't use so many missiles to cooperate with you, I didn't want you to save me money.

   Find valuable targets, then blow them up..."

  The battle has begun to be a bit messy now, not because of the chaos in the open space, but the messy choice of these soldiers!

  The toughness of the Jazz team made a good start, but it set a bad example for others. It seems that only a really good team like them...

   There is no reason to talk about this thing. In the hearts of a group of aggressive soldiers, if you don't show the same level, you just can't compare with the Jazz team.

   The teams of 'The Ferryman', 'Sharp Knife', 'Goat' and 'Iron Hammer' handled it well. No matter how the battle develops, they have always insisted on their own rhythm.

  Although the "Rabbit Squad" played beautifully just now, it is true that they were brought into rhythm!

   These non-Wuchang T1 troops certainly have no problems in ability, but psychologically they are almost meaningless.

  They need to be commanded and have clear goals in order to fully display their abilities!

  It's a pity that Boss Joe is not a qualified commander of large-scale battles. He has always had problems with the allocation of attention, and when there are too many problems to deal with, he tends to mess up.

  After discovering the problem, Choga decisively handed over the command to Antal in Mosul...

  Her place is the information center, and there are a large number of professionals to assist her in dealing with problems.

  After the transfer of command, the effect was immediate...

  Antal is responsible for directing the movements of each team, and each team has a Kurdish girl who serves one-on-one.

   This girl is responsible for coordinating the arrival time of the Air Force in the backcourt and giving reasonable suggestions.

  When Choja confirmed that the D team had completed the rendezvous with the pilot, and led him towards the Iraqi border, preparing to bypass the ISIS people, he called a Black Hawk to pick him up...

  The fierce battle ahead made Qiaojia feel itchy, but unfortunately he knew that he was not suitable to participate in this kind of attack, because he had many things to coordinate...

  For example, Griffin-1 is still risky, so he notified the "Three Yellow Chickens" far away in Baghdad, those pterosaurs should not hide...

  The strike capability of UAVs is just average, because their loading capability is really a bit weak...

  No more than 8 blue arrows, barely enough as covering firepower or assault firepower...

  From now on, F-16 will be the main force, responsible for rushing to the field and throwing bombs, and pterosaurs will be the assistant to ensure the safety of the ground troops as much as possible.

  After finalizing the general direction, when Qiaojia was about to go out to get some fresh air, a light suddenly flashed on the grassland outside the village.

The other party was obviously sending a signal in Morse code. Qiao Jia pressed the communicator to inquire, then shook his head and said with a smile: "Let them in, they are volunteers from Huaguo. These people are interesting. Why do you come to me if you don't go to war? ?”

  'Monkey' stood up from the grass after receiving the notification, and waved to his teammates to enter the village with him...

  When he stepped into the ruins outside the village, looking at the positions of those hummers and the winding path after the ruins, he somehow felt a familiar smell...

Passing by a Humvee with a gun in his hand, seeing the female volunteers on it looking at him curiously, 'Monkey' squeezed out a smile and nodded slightly, then turned his head to his tall teammate 'Buffalo' ' Said: "Is it a bit familiar?"

  'Buffalo' looked around, pointed to the Humvees that were obviously elevated, nodded and said: "Cross fire, layered cover, shooting height...

  When I first joined the army, many of the positions on the Indian side were arranged like this. There are our veterans here...

  Only they have such strict requirements on crossfire!

  Who still does this now?

   Is that the old squad leader of the cooking soldiers? "

  'Monkey' looked at a few people standing in the middle of the hillside in the distance. After he looked over, he nodded and said, "It should be them..."

  After speaking, "Monkey" quickened his pace, escaped from the machine gun encirclement net that made him uncomfortable, and walked uphill quickly, "Monkey" came to Qiaojia and took out a USB flash drive from his pocket...

   "Hello, Jackal, this is what our leader told you to hand over to you..."

   Saying 'monkey', his eyes glanced at the people behind Qiaojia...

  'Spider', 'Leech', 'Ayu' and 'Dorian', the latter two are fine, but the smell of the first two makes 'Monkey', a guy who has been in the southwest all year round, a little nervous.

   That is a kind of biological instinct, which tells the 'monkey' that the two old guys in front of them are very cruel!

  'Spider' tilted his head and looked at the boss's clan in front of him. He showed a rare expression of appreciation. He pointed to a small gap on the left palm of 'Monkey' and said in a hoarse voice: "Bitten by a poisonous snake?"

  Speaking of 'Spider', he raised his left hand and made a covering motion, revealing a similar scar on the edge of his palm, and said, "I was bitten by a viper. I cut off a piece of flesh and barely survived..."

  'Monkey' heard it, smiled and said: "Novices are always prone to make mistakes..."

  'Spider' got closer, walked around the 'monkey', sniffed and said: "You have been to the Guinea jungle, and you were injured there..."

  'Monkey' was stunned after hearing this. He had indeed been to Guinea, but how did this vicious-looking old man know?

  'Spider' didn't wait for 'Monkey' to speak at all, he turned his head to look at Choga, and said, "Boss, they are good, let them go to Central Africa to help us train 'Anteater'.

   Those European and American T1 habits are not suitable for anteaters, these people are interesting! "

  Joga was a little embarrassed by the words of the 'spider'...

  'Three Yellow Chickens' revealed gossip, he said that 'Night Tiger' is a higher level team than Rabbit Squad.

   Qiaojia was not familiar with the Huaguo army, so he couldn't imagine what such a team would look like.

  After actually seeing it, Qiaojia didn’t feel that there was anything particularly surprising, but a few words from the ‘spider’ aroused Boss Qiao’s curiosity.

Of course, Qiaojia would not do this kind of active team poaching. He didn't rush to read the contents of the USB flash drive, but greeted the 'Night Tiger' people into the room, and said with a smile: "Don't you mind , 'Spider' They are all primitive people, and primitive people generally speak straight to the point..."

   While talking, Qiaojia looked at the 'Night Tiger' and said curiously: "Have you really been to Guinea?

   It so happened that my people found a few small islands in the Gulf of Guinea. What do you think of them? "

  'Monkey' heard this, shook his head helplessly and said, "Can you ask your people to tell me first, how did he know that I have been to Guinea?"

   Qiaojia waved his hand indifferently and said: "These old men have been in Afika all their lives, and sometimes they can tell where you have been by smelling it..."

  'Monkey' shook his head helplessly and said: "No, I went there six years ago, any smell should go away...

  I need to know what's wrong or else..."

  Joga probably understood Monkey’s concerns, so he invited Monkey and the others to sit down, looked at Spider and said, “How do you know?”

  ‘Spider’ heard it, grinned and said, “Because I know the person who let the snake bite him, and I was right there at the time, haha…”

   Saying 'spider' and looking at the curious Choga, he said with a gloomy expression: "Six years ago, someone organized an exercise in the Guinea jungle...

  There are white people, yellow people, black people in the exercise...

   I don't know what they were going to do, but their practice destroyed a village, so a wizard took revenge on them.

   I was in the wizard's hospital, and I happened to see this guy, and his hair hadn't turned white back then.

  He, and a few similar yellow races, killed a few white people head-on during the exercise...

   They are awesome! "

   Upon hearing this, 'Monkey' looked at 'Spider' in horror and said, "You are the one who has been following us..."

  (end of this chapter)

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