From Arms Dealer To King of War

Chapter 836: how do you fight the dealer

  Chapter 836 How do you fight the dealer

  'Iberis' is also excited right now!

  The news from the United States let him know that Khafari's plan had succeeded!

  In order to solve the dirty bomb crisis, the White House went to war with the military-industrial complex...

  A nuclear weapon pushes the White House to a position where it is difficult to get rid of a tiger, and a huge internal friction will begin.

  ISIS can gain valuable respite and expand its influence inside Syria.

'Iberis' is also a victim of the military-industrial complex. He is the most elite member of SEAL Team 6 in the United States. Because he has Middle Eastern descent and can speak Arabic, he is treated as a killing machine and repeatedly sent to the world's most dangerous The place…

  So he naturally gained psychological problems, until he understood his life experience, until someone found him, and used religion to resolve his inner suffering...

  So Iberis, the legendary captain of SEAL Team Six, became a "prince" who fought for the cause of Isis all his life.

  He joined the "Arctic Fox", trying to use the reputation of the "Arctic Fox" to operate a powerful armed force outside Isis, so as to protect the interests of Isis outside the Middle East.

  But a company called P·B has become an obstacle to the growth of Isis, and the battle in Mosul has plunged Isis into a quagmire.

  Northern Iraq is the core area of ​​Isis. If you lose Mosul, you will lose the refineries and oil fields there, and Isis will lose all its sources of income.

  Now the boss of P·B is trapped in a small village, Iberis knows that the opportunity to solve the problem has come...

  'Iberis' was lying on a small hill, using a telescope to look at the convoy on the road below...

  With 200 mercenaries, he has been entangled with 'The Ferryman' and 'Jazz' for almost a week.

  Two elusive special teams exhausted the artillery battalion that Isis had finally formed.

  'Iberis' knows where the crux of the war lies. In the past week, the main force of Isis left nearly 400 corpses in that damned village.

  Modern military arrangements have made it impossible for the ISIS army, which is still within the scope of human assault, to do anything.

   Those people seem to have used more than enough ammunition to deal a huge blow to the morale of the Isis army.

  Iberis is now personally leading the team to encircle the Ferryman and the Jazz, and wants to cover the artillery battalion and advance within the strike range.

   As long as ten 122mm guns can hit the village, then it's all over.

   "There are 6 kilometers left..."

  Iberis took out his GPS and glanced at it, then took out his radio and said: "Expand the search area, and they must not appear within 3 kilometers of the convoy.

  The butcher team went to the nearby village to make a little noise and see if they could lure the two teams out to me. "

  When the butcher team heard this, someone yelled and said, "Boss, can we have some fun?"

  Iberis actually hates these 'war wild dogs'. These war dogs collected by international intermediary companies are vicious dogs that even mercenary companies are unwilling to want.

  Hearing the request of the butcher team, Iberis' eyes flickered, and he said, "Go, make some noise..."

  Iberis actually has no choice...

  He has a portable anti-aircraft weapon in his hand, which can deal with drones and aircraft such as Griffin-1.

  Now Iberis is only afraid of someone guiding on the ground, and then calling for missile bombing beyond visual range.

  Iberis still doesn’t understand how a company like P·B can have such powerful weapons…

  He has no choice, as long as the 'Ferryman' and 'Jazz' can be moved away so that the artillery can be deployed in a suitable position, any price is worth it.

  Eblis was also a soldier with a sense of honor...

  The huge contradiction in his heart made him find an antidote only in his paranoid belief.

  Being too paranoid in belief will produce foolishness, and even fanaticism and extremes.

  In more serious cases, they will use killing to maintain the greatness and dignity of their beliefs.

  Because not doing so means, in a way, that they admit they were wrong.

  People like Iberis cannot withstand the second inner collapse!

  Once a person falls into paranoia, in order to achieve his own goals, the lives of other people are not considered fate in his eyes, even if the village the butcher team is going to is originally under the control of Isis.

  Looking down at the road below, to confirm that there were no shadows of enemies around, Iberis ordered the team to move again, covering both sides of the convoy in a rolling manner.

   "6 kilometers to go, 6 kilometers to go..."


   Members of the 'Ferryman' and 'Jazz' teams are hiding 8 kilometers away from the Isis artillery convoy.

   They are human beings, not gods. The 200 mercenaries led by the former seal captain of Iberis chased them to the sky and to the ground, and they were almost dumped several times.

  If it weren't for the fact that the two teams can always rely on mutual cover to break through, they would not be injured, but would leave the field with a reduced number of players.

  When the radio signal on his body suddenly became clear and stable from intermittent in the past week, 'Comet' understood that P·B's unmanned airship had re-launched...

The disfigured Frenchman lifted the camouflage cloth on his body and sat up, gestured to the bushes not far away, and then pressed the communicator and said: "'Crow', the unmanned airship has launched, our The mission is over, we retreat..."

  As the 'comet' spoke, the bushes not far away seemed to come alive.

  The 'crow' with a bush planted on its back sat up, coughed a few times, then grinned and said: "We don't go, the air cover is coming, I have to meet those mercenaries...

  These whores are raising vicious dogs, and I'm going to leave them all on this land. "

  'Comet' heard this, turned his head and glanced at his buddy. After hesitating for a while, he nodded and said: "We will do what we can, those people are not important at all, the boss's plan is the most important..."

  'Crow' took off the camouflage on his body, stood up and turned his neck, grinning grinningly and said: "The boss' plan is to kill all these people, the enemy is dead, and the boss' goal is accomplished.

  'Comet', the problem with you Frenchies is that you are too soft..."

'Comet' was taken aback by the strong murderous intent of 'Crow', just when he was about to defend himself, the observer in the distance suddenly said in the public channel: "Boss, those mercenaries have a team of 30 people The team breaks away, they are entering a village.

  Ohshit, they're killing people, what are they doing? "

  'Comet' listened, trotted out a few steps, took out the binoculars and looked over...

   Several buildings on the outskirts of the village caught fire. Those lunatic mercenaries wrapped several men in discarded tires and poured gasoline on their legs...

  After it was ignited, those men were like frogs on an iron plate, jumping and rolling desperately, making extremely shrill wailing sounds.

  Comet, who originally didn't want to get entangled with these mercenaries, looked at the cold light in the eyes of the guys around him, sighed, and said, "These people just want us to go over..."

  'Handaxe', the deputy captain of the 'Ferryman', suddenly smiled and said, "But we have to go, right?"

  'Comet' rubbed his temples distressedly, nodded and said: "We are soldiers, we are born to fight against demons!"

   Speaking of 'Comet', he turned his head and glanced at 'Crow' and the others, he took out a magazine, tapped it on the helmet and stuffed it into the rifle, then stood up and said with a smile: "We are not professional at all!

   But let's go to...

  After the matter is over, I want the people inside to jointly write me a thank you letter, my daughter should know what her father is doing..."

   When 'Crow' led the team passing by, he glanced at 'Comet' who was always 'making excuses', and he shook his head and said something in Russian...

  'Comet' froze for a moment, looked at the 'Handaxe' beside him and said: "What is that guy talking about, I think he despises me..."

  'Handaxe' took out all the magazines in the backpack and stuffed them into the tactical vest. He said with a smile: "Boss, he said that you are only like a man now..."

   Speaking of completing the preparations, Hand Ax glanced at the village in the distance, and said seriously: "There should be a trap there, we need at least three people on the outside to respond.

  Hope the air support can come in time...

   It's not easy being a soldier in P·B! "

  (end of this chapter)

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