From Arms Dealer To King of War

Chapter 854: Stormy Afika

  Chapter 854 Stormy Afika

  P·B encountered a little trouble in Afika, but the main problem was manpower.

  Business in the Middle East involved too much energy of Boss Joe, coupled with the investment in the United States, almost all the special forces were drawn out.

  The newly recruited group of Colombians and Bolivians behaved slightly dissatisfied.

  However, the main problem is not that their combat effectiveness is not good, but that the running-in time is too short, and P·B has opened up too much business in the past year, resulting in a long front line, which led to a shortage of manpower.

  The most important thing is that Boss Joe’s provocation of terrorists in Syria created huge traffic, but also caused global terrorists to start stealing the scene.

  Other places have nothing to do with Boss Joe, but the re-emergence of Afika terrorists put P·B under pressure.

  The situation in Libya is not bad, and the al-Qaeda people also know that the persimmons should be picked softly, so the people of the National Unity Government are unlucky.

  As Boss Joe’s Syria plan basically came to an end, Hassan and “Gunfire” who returned to Tobruk quickly stabilized the situation.

   It was the 'jackal' who came all the way from the United States. He didn't get along with Boss Joe for a day, and was left in Syria in the end.

  He is a Russian, and the location of that base happens to be at the junction of the Syrian government forces and the Kurds.

  Boss Joe left him a team of little blacks and a team of Kurdish militiamen, authorized him to recruit a group of Russian fighters, and then left it alone.

   Qiaojia really can't control it, because there are too many things happening and he is too busy!

  The traffic brought by Boss Joe led to the outbreak of the Afika terrorist organization influenced by Isis’s thinking and behavior patterns a while ago.

   This matter has nothing to do with him in essence, but the reality is that P·B in Afika is also affected.

  Mali, Niger, Burkina Faso, Nigeria, these countries have become the hardest hit areas.

  The revived Boko Haram, the crazy 'Al Qaeda in the Maghreb', and the brutal 'Shabaab' have frequently launched terrorist attacks.

   It’s just that Afika is really too closed…

  During this period of huge traffic, Afica suffered more than a dozen large-scale attacks within a few months, with thousands of casualties, yet it did not arouse much response from the international community.

   These countries seem to be used to it!

  Faced with rampant terrorists, some of them chose to resist, some chose to negotiate, and some simply chose to turn a blind eye.

  But no one expected that apart from the countries involved in the terrorism spree in Afika, the ones who suffered the most were France and the United States, and the ones who were most troubled were actually P·B...

  France, which was entrenched in Mali, was attacked continuously. After many calls for help to no avail, the French garrison bravely left the camp to fight in order to suppress the arrogance of the "Al Qaeda in the Maghreb", but encountered a premeditated ambush.

   What happened to the French has nothing to do with Choga, but the attack on the US military base in Niger has something to do with him.

  The rangers stationed in Niger encountered an ambush during a daily patrol with the local security forces. Four rangers were killed, and only two escaped by hiding in the bushes.

   Several P·B cooking soldiers drove by and saved the lives of the two unlucky ghosts.

This time, the White House did not say anything about the casualties of the soldiers. Instead, it dispatched a transport plane and quickly recalled all the rangers stationed in Niger to the country, leaving behind a group of P.B. An empty base.

  They didn't know what to do. They called Boss Joe, but Boss Joe didn't know either.

  Because he collected all the fees for next year, and paid all the "hard work fees" to some mysterious people. If this **** withdraws, Lao Mei will lose money if he asks him to refund the money.

  The Minister of Defense of Niger and Boss Joe are good friends. The two cooperated to carry out an extermination strike against Boko Haram.

  Of course he doesn't want to let P·B's people go!

  So the two Colombian Special Forces, which had been adapting to the jungle in the Central African Congo, were sent to the desert to replace the Rangers.

  They occupied the US military base in Niger, and the Pentagon pretended not to see it. They just sent a letter saying that they could temporarily lend the base to P·B for use.

  If these things are just a little troublesome, then the North and South SD who are at war again are simply unreasonable.

  Boss Joe’s hometown Damazin bears the brunt, not only has to face the impact of refugees brought about by the long-lasting Ethiopian civil strife, but also has to deal with the harassment of the North and South SD troops.

That’s not to mention, several large companies in Huaguo probably didn’t anticipate the civil war in SD. When there was trouble, they drove their staff to the Majin Resort and threw away a large sum of money, thinking To get through this period, after all, the consumption of resorts is cheaper than air tickets.

   Then things quickly exceeded their expectations, and the North and South SDs quickly fought hard.

   Sailimu, who was under great pressure, resolutely rejected Eric's little angels' attempt to drive away the armies on both sides, and decisively called P·B for help.

   Then the Bolivian special operations team was sent along with a small black team of 50 people.

  Things that happened in various places, P·B's special forces were dispatched...

   Immediately after that, South Kivu Province in the Congo became chaotic...

  Congolese President Kabila tried to extend his term by taking South Kivu as a feat. He was eager for success and wanted to replicate P·B's success in North Kivu.

   As a result, when I went in, I hit a nail, and then the warlords in South Kivu Province began to attack indiscriminately in order to retaliate.

   Then I don’t know if someone is provoking it, or for some other reason, the opposition began to take to the streets of Kinshasa, and then triggered large-scale violent conflicts.

  Then the president brother transferred 500 soldiers trained by P.B from North Kivu Province, and then North Kivu Province, which is adjacent to South Kivu Province, also began to be short of manpower.

  These messy things did not affect the security situation around Sangha Town.

  Even if most of the manpower was mobilized to assist foreign countries, the surrounding area of ​​Sangha Town was still like an iron bucket.

  The central part of Afika is limited by factors such as transportation and communication. Even if something happens, it will take a long time to make a big fuss.

  Joga is not worried about the security issues in Central Africa at all, and he is not even worried that he will not be able to clean up the situation...

  He felt that putting a little pressure on the Congolese President Kabila would be more conducive to promoting reforms in North Kivu and South Kivu.

  But no one expected that the Sangha Town, which was originally as peaceful as Mount Tai, would end up in trouble.

   It’s not because of mercenaries, warlords, or guerrillas, but because of the ‘Zika virus’.

  The sanitation level of Sangha Town is regarded as the top in Central Africa, but the sudden "Zika virus" still easily penetrated the medical system of Sangha Town.

   This thing is a bit like 'Dengue Fever', a disease transmitted by mosquitoes.

  The symptoms of the sick person are fever, pink eye, and body pain. If you have the right medicine, you will be fine after a week.

At the beginning, no one took it seriously. The poor and accustomed Afika people have long been used to facing the disease. In addition, the Sangha Town Hospital has a large stock of medicines. In addition to a significant reduction in efficiency, it did not cause too many problems...

But when the same pandemic appeared in Congo Yamako, and a group of strange people began to appear near the jungle controlled by P·B, and made an attack and killed two defenders of P·B, stay behind Nice and Kaman realized something was wrong.

   Viruses are equal to everyone, unless you have been vaccinated beforehand.

  P·B soldiers stationed in the jungle near Yamako also fell ill on a large scale, and their combat effectiveness inevitably dropped by half.

   Facing the endless harassment from the enemy, Kaman had to let the two jungle veterans, "Sludge" and "Tree Demon", rush over with 30 anteaters and a large amount of medicine.

  Choga, who was far away in Iraq, realized something was wrong instantly, so he sent several fighter jets, Yehuhu, and Weipei Squadron over.

  Choga had a hunch that the enemy near Yamako was the one Yehuo was looking for.

  Arranging Yehuhu and the others to leave is just the beginning, Choja will gradually withdraw the special forces from the Iraqi battlefield...

   Team B, Team D, and Team E are making the final rest. When the transport plane returns, they will take the plane to Libya and return to Sangha Town secretly in batches by land.

  The remaining Wuchang T1, except for 'Goat' and 'Iron Hammer' will stay to help train the soldiers in the safe zone, and the others will leave with the main force when the overall situation in Iraq is settled.

  Because without them, P·B may not be able to hold the place with artillery and ordinary black soldiers.

  Choga estimates that according to the current situation, Mosul can be taken within 15 days.

  He has to take advantage of 15 days to integrate and shrink Iraq's resources, and deal with what should be abandoned or transferred.

  Through the transfer of benefits and costs, it is enough to hand over the retail of goods to local Iraqis and refine a wholesale channel for materials.


   While Boss Joe was concentrating on his affairs, a financial blocking war broke out in the futures market.

   Lahiri's interest group has concentrated more than 400 million funds and wants to manipulate oil prices for profit by releasing good news about Iraq.

  When Donahue was triumphant, the American government praised the current situation in Iraq.

   And promised to mobilize part of the funds to help Iraq rebuild, hoping that Iraq can fulfill its responsibility in stabilizing international oil prices.

  Of course the Iraqi government will accept the move, and immediately held a press conference to express that it will fully guarantee oil exports and gradually increase the amount of oil production.

   Everything is fine...

  The good news is out, and the Lahiri are waiting for the price of crude oil futures to be lowered due to the increase in Iraqi production, so as to realize profit...

   A remnant of Boisis launched terrorist attacks in Baghdad and oil fields around Basra.

  The explosion caused damage to several buildings and warehouses. Huaguo Energy Company immediately stopped work, saying that it would wait for the results of the investigation by the Iraqi government, and that it needed to confirm safety before starting work again.

  Now, one-third of the oil fields in southern Iraq are in the hands of Huaguo Company. The moment they announced an indefinite shutdown, the price of international crude oil futures rose accordingly.

   Lahiri and his group used high leverage to buy more than half of their empty orders.

   When the election entered its final month, Lahiri's campaign funding chain was broken.

  The United States is such a philistine. Without money, Lahiri's media resources were immediately discounted, and several private receptions were stopped due to funding problems.

Aaron stayed in the prison, listening to Madeleine's excited voice on the phone, he suppressed his excitement and said in a calm tone: "Let Amar withdraw from Mali, go to London to monitor the transfer of funds, and tell Boko by the way The people of the Holy Land, I can settle accounts with them."

   After speaking, Aaron touched his nose, tried hard to suppress his ecstasy, hung up the phone, lay down on the bed and looked at the narrow window opposite...

A few minutes later, Aaron couldn't contain his excitement. He sat up and climbed into the wheelchair with difficulty and pushed it to the door of the cell. He slammed on the iron door and shouted, "Make room for the cafeteria. I want to invite everyone in the prison people who eat steak eat the best…”

   Talking about Aaron pushing the wheelchair around the cell like a child, he said happily: "FUCK, the money is so easy to earn!

  200 million US dollars, international intermediary companies, enough, enough..."

  (end of this chapter)

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