From Arms Dealer To King of War

Chapter 864: Making money should be the easiest thing

  Chapter 864 Making money should be the easiest thing

   "How to make money?"

  Dorian looked at Boss Joe, who was sitting opposite him, looking out the plane window with his chin in one hand, and said curiously: "Boss, isn't it for revenge that we support Dazui Tang?

  How to make money? "

  Joga put his head in his hands and leaned against the soft back, and said with a smile: "Look at the plane we are flying now, Jamie just listened to the beginning, and then proposed a new plane.

  Man, some things are complicated, and I can't explain exactly how to make money.

  But I can tell you that in this world, "making money" has long gone beyond the scope of "creating value" and "selling labor".

   Some people can raise money to create a huge industry by imagining a future.

  And some people can harvest the assets in the ruins by bursting the bubble, and then recreate the value.

  Some people can win in both ways, and the most amazing thing is that some people can win twice! "

  Dorian looked at his boss with a look of admiration, and said, "Boss, you must be the one who won twice..."

   Qiaojia straightened his collar reservedly, then laughed and gave Dorian a high-five to celebrate, and said with a smile: "Then I don't know, anyway, it must be able to make money."

   As he spoke, Qiao Jia turned his head to look at a group of fellows who were listening attentively to getting rich, and he said with a smile: "Don't look at me like that, there are some things you rough people simply can't handle.

  Without guns, maybe an accountant can make us bankrupt and live on the streets. "

  'Spurs' heard a strange cry, and shouted: "Boss, this is wrong.

  There must be money we can make, right!

  Give me a chance, I can put down all my savings, maybe I have money, my ex-wife can let me see the children. "

The 'Medical Officer Bird' next to him looked down on his cousin's lack of ambition, so he picked up a foreign book and threw it on the 'Spurs', scolding with a smile: "When you get rich, you will find that your ex-wife will If you have more boyfriends, you will have to pay for them to open a room on a date.

  Because she will tell the judge that it is protecting the mental health of the child. "

  'Spurs' spread his hands helplessly amidst the laughter of the crowd and said: "Can you say something happy, I think a person should have expectations for life, maybe my ex-wife will fall in love with me again..."

   Saying 'Spurs' and looking at everyone's contemptuous gazes, he lamented and said, "Don't you feel it?

  P·B is good for everything, but it's so hard for us to find a girl!

  I haven’t found a woman for a long time. Sometimes I feel that although my ex-wife hurt me, but now looking back, it’s not easy for her. "

  The 'Orange Cat' next to 'Spurs' hissed, while signaling that he didn't know the guy next to him...

   "Dude, you're so useless.

  Actually, you should go to Sangha Town often, as long as you get used to seeing those black girls, they are actually pretty good-looking, let me tell you..."

The romantic history of the 'orange cat' attracted a lot of ridicule. Seeing that this group of people was getting more and more outrageous, he glanced at Grace sitting in front of the cabin, then clapped his hands and said, "Hey, hey, hey, Calm down guys...

  You want to get rich, right? I can show you a way.

   This is definitely insider information, and it will definitely be no problem to make millions within three years. "

  'Blowing Arrow' put away the Indian wood carving that was being carved, looked at Boss Qiao with blinking eyes, and said, "Boss, how many millions can you really earn?"

   Qiaojia nodded as a matter of course and said: "Of course, as long as you are willing to invest money and find reliable people to manage it, a few million is not much..."

  'Blowing Arrow' heard this, rubbed his face vigorously, forced a silly smile, and said, "Boss, there is no more reliable partner than Indians."

  Choga laughed and said, "I thought Indians got rich from casinos..."

  'Blowing Arrow' waved his hands repeatedly and said, "How is it possible? How could the money earned by the casinos in the reserved area be distributed to all the Indians..."

   Said 'Blowing Arrow', looked at Qiaojia attentively, and said, "Tell me, how can I make money?

  I came to find someone to manage, my sister is a top student who graduated from Southern University, she must be a good candidate for the president..."

Qiaojia saw that 'Blowing Arrow' seemed a little serious. He glanced at the guys around and found that they didn't seem to mind too much, so he shrugged his shoulders and said with a smile: "Don't be so serious, it's actually nothing It’s too difficult, and it’s a bit condescending to let a top student from USC go to work.”

   While talking, Qiaojia looked at a group of guys recruited from the United States, and he said with a smile: "You all know that I support Dazui Tang, but you must not realize that as long as Dazui Tang is on stage, he can create a big business.

   This guy wants to build a wall on the U.S.-Mexico border. Building a wall requires materials. If you have spare money, you can go to Mexico to buy or even rent a steel factory. You can also make a fortune by specializing in the production of wall materials.

  Of course, this business can’t be done for a few years, but if you have the heart, find a suitable person to manage it, and I will definitely sell all the things you produce.

  You must know how long the US-Mexico border is. The goods shipped from Mexico are protected by the North American Trade Agreement and are tax-free. You just say whether you make money or not? "

  As soon as everyone heard it, they all looked at Qiaojia with ghostly eyes...

  Go to Mexico to produce steel fences and sell them to the United States to build walls.

  This magical brain circuit made a group of soldiers feel unbelievable, but also a little chilly.

  'Spurs' smashed his mouth and said: "Shit, no wonder I have always been a poor ghost in the past, it must be because I am too upright!"

   Saying 'Spurs' saw Ayou's gaze, he quickly waved his hand and said: "I mean I'm too stupid..."

   Qiaojia raised his **** at the 'Spurs', and then said with a smile: "Maybe you are born to live with money, and getting rich has nothing to do with you."

  Speaking, Qiaojia waved his hand and said: "Don't think too much, if you are really interested, try it, I can only help you find sales, but if the factory is not well managed, it may still lose money.

  Think about it for yourself, call Eric when you think it over, and don't bother me about this trivial matter.

  I'm **** going to sleep now, I have a big fight in Oregon where some old **** is trying to make me look bad..."

   Grace, who had been sitting in front of her all the time, listened, stood up holding a crumpled baby, and walked in front of Choga...

Dorian was kicked by Ayew, he lamented and stood up to let Grace sit opposite to the boss, then waved to a group of guys and said: "Don't even think about getting rich, let's go Have a drink later."

   Grace was saved in Austria, then in Iraq, and went on to have some of the least stressful times in recent years in Ndele and Sangha.

  This girl has a strong self-esteem, and has the conservative and toughness of a traditional red neck.

   In fact, she didn't want to leave the hilltop manor in Sangha Town at all. She gave birth to her child there, and the vitality there made her stay very comfortable.

  But her father's **** behavior still made her feel embarrassed and sorry...

  She was born in a political family, and she is not as novice about political issues as others.

  She knew very well that her father was using the bargaining chip in his hand to take Joe, so as to force Boss Joe to submit, and strive for the most relaxed living environment for her and her children.

   Seeing that Qiaojia didn't seem to be dissatisfied, Grace said with a little embarrassment: "Jackal, I'm sorry to cause you trouble, in fact, you don't have to..."

  Joga waved his hand to stop Grace, and said with a smile, "What can I do?"

   As he said that, Qiaojia stretched out his hand to hug the baby with a pacifier in Grace's arms, and reached out to touch the baby's wrinkled face...

  Seeing the baby blinking and looking at him with big eyes, Qiao Jia said with a smile: "There is nothing wrong with the child, and I don't suffer from being a father.

   You're not going to ask me for child support, are you? "

   As he said that, Qiaojia watched Grace relax a little, and he smiled and said: "Don't be nervous, although your father is fucking, but he is for you and the child, and I am not without gain.

  Don't bother to apologize to me, maybe it's a little early...

  I also have a bad temper, so there will inevitably be a man-to-man contest with your **** father.

  Don't worry, I will definitely not bully him..."

  Grace saw that Choga didn't seem to be coaxing herself deliberately, she let out a sigh of relief, and said, "Thank you!"

   Qiaojia waved his hand indifferently. After hesitating for a while, he took out an extremely finely crafted gold ring from his pocket, tied it with a red string and hung it around the baby's neck...

   Seeing Grace's surprised expression, Choga said: "What happened to you is a bit too heavy for you, and the child is innocent!

  Your dad initiated a 'deal', but the kid did nothing wrong.

  This child's life experience should not be mentioned, you can tell him that I am his father, but I am not qualified.

   When you are free, you can often go to Sangha Town to play, maybe I can teach this little thing a little trick of survival.

   In terms of shooting, I must be much better than you guys in Oregon! "

  Before Qiao Jia finished speaking, Grace, who had a strong nature, burst into tears...

  The child was born by herself, and there are reasons for religion, personality, and habits.

  But from the moment the child was born, a sense of responsibility for this little life filled her heart.

  The Reed family is not short of money, and has great energy in both Oregon and Idaho, but this conservative family certainly cannot tolerate a "surrogate" child.

  Birth experience should not be the shackles of a child, he has done nothing wrong at all.

   To solve the problem, then the child needs a father...

  The daughter of the Reed family, it is better to be scumbed by a powerful person than to be deceived by an unknown person.

  The most important thing is that Boss Joe, the person concerned, can help keep the secret, so as not to let what happened to Grace and the life experience of the child leak out.

  Maybe the reason why the mother and child are connected, the baby heard the cry of the mother, murmured with a flat mouth, spit out the pacifier and began to cry loudly.

  Joga had no experience in dealing with babies, so he bent his left arm to act as a cradle and swayed a bit, perhaps a little too much. The little baby spit milk on his chest proudly, and then continued to cry...

   Qiaojia looked at Grace, who was crying and laughing, and said, "This child will protect his mother since he was a child, which is a good sign.

   Did you name him? "

   Grace listened, wiped the tears on her face vigorously, took the baby over and patted it lightly a few times, then looked at the baby who had calmed down, with a strange look on her face...

   "I want to use your name, I want to call him George, George Blevin Reed, do you think it's okay?"

  Joga wanted to say no...

  It is a European and American tradition to use Lao Tzu’s name for his son, but as a Chinese, he always feels awkward, because he always feels that he is being taken advantage of…

   But looking at Grace's expectant expression, Choga finally nodded and said, "Yes, George Blevin Reed, Blevins means courage, right?

  It's a pretty good name, this kid will be a fool in the future! "

Talking about what suddenly came to Qiaojia's mind, he looked at Grace curiously and said, "Your father is just a daughter like you, does that mean that one day in the future, this child will become one of the top ten landowners in the United States?" ?”

  Grace froze for a moment, shook her head slightly and said, "That's not important!

   Become a tough guy like you, and then find a wife like a devil bird, the most important thing is to live happily together! "

  Joga looked at the happy George in Grace's arms and was giggling at himself. He shook his head and said with a smile, "Well, this is another lucky guy who was born in Rome!"

   As he said that, Qiaojia stretched out his hand and shook George's hand, and said, "Don't worry, I will have a good chat with your grandfather, if he wants me to be your father, he will have to pay a sufficient price.

  How about a mountain and a luxury log cabin?

   Or come to a big farm is also good, generally farmers are tough guys.

  The best horses, cows, everything is ready...

   Maybe I can live there for a few days in the future and enjoy the country life! "

  Little George: ...

  (end of this chapter)

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