From Arms Dealer To King of War

Chapter 876: The opponent is also a good player

  Chapter 876 The opponent is also a good player

  Ronnie was very surprised that Boss Joe lent America's secret weapons with just one phone call.

   You must know that the 'Tylos' armor is still in the experimental stage. It cost 200 million dollars to develop, and it contains too much top-notch technology information.

  Joga doesn’t care about this. Ever since he came into contact with the Pentagon project, Boss Qiao realized that most of the so-called ‘secrets’ in this world are actually far less exaggerated than he imagined in the past.

Aside from cross-age projects like F-22, most of the other individual weapon projects are actually integrated projects. The future warrior project that was so hyped in the past, if you take apart the soldiers' equipment, according to today's standards, there is no Anything out of the ordinary.

  The upper limit of the combat power of a single soldier is there, so Lao Mei pondered how to increase the combat power of soldiers. The first is to use drugs to improve the physical fitness of soldiers, and the second is the most important digital system.

  Think about soldiers wearing perspective hangers and lock hangers when they go to battle, and there are people behind them as assistants to provide route guidance and off-site rescue at any time...

   It's a pity that this kind of thing is too idealistic!

  A complete set of weapons for an individual soldier, not to mention 9 million US dollars, even 90,000 US dollars is a burden that most countries in the world cannot afford.

  Cannons are not fragrant? Missiles are not allowed? The tank is not strong?

   Spending 9 million to arm a soldier is a disrespect for modern warfare and finance.

  This kind of project actually wants follow-up research and development funds after spending 200 million yuan, and it deserves it to be cut off.

  But this is not a problem for Boss Qiao, he still has the patience to rub it slowly by himself.

  The elite special operations team under his hand can work for a few more years. For him, it is more cost-effective than the air force that pours money into the cremator.

  While waiting for the arrival of the equipment, Thompson carefully sorted out and integrated the information provided by Aaron.

   Walking into the meeting room and seeing everyone laughing and talking, Thompson spread his hands and said, "Did I miss something?"

   Qiaojia waved his hand indifferently and said, "It's nothing, I just borrowed something from someone.

How about it? What did you find? "

Thompson listened, connected the tablet in his hand to the projection screen, and then released a few photos, pointing to the heavily armed Latino soldiers on them, and said with a smile: "This is a Spanish soldier named 'Bloody Mary'. Mercenary team.

  The total number of them is 30 people, and the US military plane they took has just taken off from Afghanistan, and the destination is Nevada. "

   As he spoke, Thompson pressed the tablet, switched to another set of photos, and said: "This is a former Mexican special force, and they are currently working for drug dealers.

  They will enter the United States from Juarez and drive to Nevada to meet the "Bloody Mary". "

  Joga laughed and said, "Looks like Lahiri was in a hurry, and actually used military planes to transport foreign mercenaries into the United States. I can make a phone call and get them detained..."

   Thompson listened, shook his head slightly and said: "This is a good way, but we need to use our contacts in the Pentagon.

  The only bad thing is that doing so proves that you already know the attack information, which is very detrimental to the person who provided the information.

  My opinion is to start with the Mexicans coming in at the Juarez border, I can track them with some electronic means.

   Give them a chance to complete the confluence, and then the boss decides whether to attack them actively, or wait for them to attack and counterattack. "

   Qiao Jia heard it and patted his forehead...

   Indeed, calling the 'Brotherhood' would give them an excuse to detain the so-called Spanish special forces.

   Just make a phone call and report to the Juarez border control office, and you can stop those Mexican special forces.

   But the people on Lahiri's side are not fools, they will definitely guess that someone has leaked their actions.

  Aaron is the "lucky star" of Boss Qiao's fortune. Qiaojia should love this boy like his own siblings.

  After thinking it over, Choga sighed and said, "Then put them all in the United States, I have a hunch that someone outside is already watching me.

  But I can't do anything with them..."

   Thompson nodded and said: "There are FBI agents outside the farm, and these people have no idea what happened.

  I estimate that someone inside the FBI informed Lahiri, and the routine reports of outside agents would reveal our whereabouts. Our whereabouts to Oregon cannot be hidden at all.

   But we can go to California by private jet. Eric has contacts in various arms companies who can arrange for him to arrange a few clean new cars waiting there. We drive from California to Oregon.

   This way we can temporarily get out of the FBI's sights and force them to operate on our path in Oregon. "

   While speaking, Thompson looked at Ronnie, Jack, and Team C, and said, "I have booked you tickets for tonight, and you will fly there ahead of time and drive vehicles to conduct surveys along the way.

  The road to Tom Reed's farm is not complicated. I need you to occupy the position in advance and provide us with the enemy's accurate location information after the enemy enters.

  This time we do not have the endorsement of the security department, so we can only report the status of weapons to the FBI on the grounds of security, so there will be restrictions on firepower.

   What the other party wants is that our boss cannot provide support to Dazui Tang at the last stand.

   Once a battle beyond the limit occurs, even if we win, we will give them a chance to detain the boss in the end.

  At this time, the other party will definitely use all means, so the police stations and even the National Guard along the way are unreliable.

  We can't give them a chance to intervene!

   What we have to do is to get rid of them quietly! "

   It was rare for Choga to see Thompson acting so cautiously, he frowned and said, "You seem very worried...

   What’s so special about these two teams? "

   Thompson listened, pointed to the photo on the projection screen, and said: "Boss, these former Mexican special forces are very powerful.

  According to incomplete statistics, they performed nearly 200 missions for drug traffickers during the Mexican drug war, and the number of deaths caused by the missions should have exceeded 600.

  Including Mexican police, special police, soldiers...

   They are professionally trained special forces, and we can never be too careful. "

   While speaking, Thompson pressed the tablet, turned the screen to the screen of 'Bloody Mary', and said: "'Bloody Mary', their captain 'Cactus' was from the Spanish Foreign Legion and is an Algerian.

  The 30 people under him are all from the Spanish Foreign Legion. They have performed many missions during their service and are familiar with the operation mode of NATO troops.

  Sir, 'Bloody Mary' may not be considered a special forces unit, but the Spanish Foreign Legion is of a higher standard than the outside world imagines.

  At this stage, as mercenaries, they have experienced many battles in Afghanistan, and they can all complete the mission...

  Intelligence indicates that the 'Bloody Mary' team is facing investigations into four civilian casualties in Kabul.

   These people are very cruel and unscrupulous!

  Given our past performance inside the United States, we need to be prepared for the enemy to have heavy weapons. "

  Joga heard this, frowned and looked at the bearded man on the projection screen, and said, "Is the Spanish Foreign Legion very powerful?"

   Thompson nodded and said: "Spain has no outstanding performance in the military field, but their foreign legion combat effectiveness is not bad.

  How to put it, the selection criteria of the Spanish Foreign Legion is higher than that of the extrajudicial, and the training is much stricter than that of the extralegal.

  The technical and tactical level of these people is definitely not as good as that of the big country T1, but their combat restrictions are less, and their combat effectiveness will appear extraordinarily high under certain circumstances.

   Among the special forces you recruited in Libya, there is a veteran of the Spanish Foreign Legion.

  He is now serving in Iraq with the veterans of 'Trigger', 'Hammer' and 'Madman', and will be the last to withdraw there.

  I just called him to consult, and he told me that the team of 'Cactus' has carried out many internal operations in Spain, and they are very powerful. "

   As soon as Choga heard it, he understood that this so-called 'Bloody Mary' might be a team doing black work for Spain.

  If you do a lot of black work, you will naturally have a wide network of contacts. With the support of contacts, it is very normal to contact the NATO coalition forces of Ah Poor Khan.

  The whole world and Europe will engage in this kind of so-called foreign mercenaries, such as the most famous extrajudicial, and the Gurkha mercenary team in England.

  Essentially, this is using external manpower to fill in the lack of domestic military strength. After all, the death of a mercenary does not feel bad.

   And mercenaries have a common problem, that is, their discipline is relatively poor.

  In this era that requires 'reasoning', poor discipline can sometimes indeed increase the so-called combat effectiveness.

  Lao Mei shouted twice before Ah Poor Khan shot, unreasonable mercenaries took advantage of this.

  The 'Bloody Mary' is going to be investigated in that shabby place of Aqionghan, so one can imagine what their habits are like.

  Professional team, bold and ruthless, and people from Lahiri provided them with weapons...

   This is indeed bad news for Qiaojia and the others!

   After thinking for a while, Qiaojia said: "The time is too short, we can't make detailed arrangements, is it possible to preset the battlefield..."

   Thompson nodded slightly after hearing this, and said: "Determine the location of the enemy's ambush, and then build a battlefield near them in advance.

  We evacuate to the preset battlefield as soon as we are attacked, and we can get the desired effect.

  Theoretically speaking, it is possible, but this aspect depends on Ronnie's survey. "

  Joga didn’t go to see Ronnie, but to the most trusted team C…

  The captain of team C, Poisonous Wolf, checked the map on a tablet from the moment he received the departure notice.

  Feeling the gaze of the boss, 'Poisonous Wolf' nodded slightly, and said: "As long as we confirm the enemy's position, we can establish the battlefield in advance.

  The farm of Tom Reed's family is on a plateau, except for a small town nearby, the west side of the road is basically covered by woods.

  If I were the enemy, I would strike when the convoy leaves town and enters the mountain trails.

   This road is 15 kilometers long, and there are many positions suitable for ambush.

  It is also very convenient to evacuate from the mountains and forests. A few rubber boats can help them quickly leave the scene of the incident and escape from another direction. "

Choga took a look at the phone pushed by 'Poisonous Wolf', and said with a slap in the face: "That guy Tom Reed is out of his mind, he lives in this kind of place where there is no village and no shop. It's too late for the gods to save me..."

  (end of this chapter)

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