From Arms Dealer To King of War

Chapter 879: invest in the future

  Chapter 879 Investing in the future

  Johnny Payne is the typical research president...

  He has enough business acumen, but scientists' yearning for scientific research will always unconsciously gain the upper hand.

  This kind of people tend to deviate in research, but this kind of 'deviation' is sometimes the reason why good things are born.

  Because science is extremely uncertain, the combination of a moment of inspiration and luck often creates amazing things.

   This Telos Soft Armor is one of them!

   This is a new material that Choga has never seen before. You can say how magical it is. As long as this material is subjected to a violent impact, it will harden locally, and the effect is enough to resist the attack of pistol bullets.

  The most interesting thing is that this set of armor, which looks like a diving suit, is lined with a set of thin patches that have the same structure as the exoskeleton.

When Johnny Payne roughly described the origin and function of this suit of armor, Choga took off his underwear without hesitation, and then, with the help of Johnny Payne and another white coat, Start wearing the flexible patches inside the armor.

  In fact, Choga is not very interested in the flexible armor itself, because it can only protect against pistol bullets, which is a bit tasteless for him. After all, his suit has the same effect, and even has better performance.

   What Qiaojia is really interested in is the set of lightweight flexible exoskeleton patches. The 8 mm thick flexible patches are extremely absorbent.

  It is like the ankle bandages and knee sports tapes used by athletes. After putting them on, Choga immediately felt that the joints were protected and full of elasticity.

   A flexible exoskeleton was pasted on the outside of the body and various joints. After jumping on the spot, Choga shook his head slightly disappointed...

   "What's the use of this thing? You spent so much money to come up with this high-tech sports bandage?"

After hearing this, Johnny Payne walked up to Choga with a wry smile, and said, "Sir, you should try to bear weight. This kind of flexible exoskeleton can share about 30% of the external weight, and it won't affect the body's movements at all." The most important thing is that it can protect the joints of the human body by sharing the impact.

  Plus flexible armor that can protect against pistol bullet attacks, and a smart helmet, theoretically speaking, it is the best battle suit. "

  Joga was not in a hurry to put on the so-called flexible armor. He walked up to the front terminal, bent down and picked it up to feel it.

  As the body felt the weight, Choga clearly felt that the flexible exoskeleton shared part of the weight for him, effectively relieving the pressure on his knees and waist.

  The front-line digital terminal weighing more than 40 kilograms seems not to be so heavy now.

  Joga put down the terminal and stretched out his hand to pinch the connection between the waist and thigh exoskeleton, and found that there seemed to be a few special fibers inside.

   This thing seems to be able to become hard with the pressure transmitted from other places. The special steering structure can ensure that it will not affect Choga's body movements.

Qiaojia realized something at this time. He sprinted a few steps and jumped up vigorously. After landing on the ground, he clearly felt that the exoskeleton on his body was not very helpful for running and jumping, but it had a strong ability to dispel external impacts. Effect.

   For example, when landing from a high place, this flexible exoskeleton can effectively relieve the impact on the knees and various joints.

  Its structure itself is not fundamentally different from ordinary exoskeletons, but because of its lightness and dexterity, it can indeed increase the load and enhance the impact resistance, which makes Boss Joe very fond of it.

  Johnny Payne watched Boss Joe keep trying various actions in his underwear, and he seemed a little bored. He said with a dry smile: "Sir, you should try flexible armor. After all, protection is also very important, right?"

  Joga listened, stopped his movements, nodded with a smile and said: "Then try...

   Dude, take it easy, you've got investment now.

   As long as you promise not to waste money, your Telos armor project can continue.

  I am very interested in arming my own soldiers, but I need you to simplify the existing helmet functions for me, and make the contents inside foolish and hierarchical, so that I can configure soldiers according to different arms.

  In fact, we all know that what you need to do next is software optimization. I suggest you go to Central Africa to build a laboratory, as long as you can find enough engineers and soldiers there to cooperate with you to complete software optimization and debugging.

  Digitalization and intelligence are the future trends. I have an unmanned airship as a front-line terminal. If you can upgrade a useful intelligent front-line terminal system and install it on the unmanned airship, I am willing to pay for it. "

   While talking, Qiao Jia looked at Johnny Payne's excited look, and said with a smile: "Don't be too happy, since it's a software upgrade, you can't expect me to pay too much money, right?"

  Johnny Payne nodded decisively and said: "Sir, I have heard about your unmanned airship, and I also know that Cube Company helped you upgrade the data link, control system, and sensors of the unmanned airship...

  I am good friends with the vice president of Cube, and he recommended you to me.

   There is no problem with what you said. I only need 50 million to 80 million US dollars, and I can arrange engineers to go to Central Africa to debug and integrate the intelligent system.

   Within one to two years, the current Tyros armor will be practical.

   If you are interested in investing in mass production, the cost will definitely drop a lot. "

  Joga has no intention of investing in mass production. What he wants is a smart front-line command terminal that can meet his own needs, as well as a built-in smart assistance system in the helmet. He can handle the rest by himself.

   Just kidding, P·B has so many soldiers, even if the cost is reduced to 500,000 a set, Boss Joe can't afford it.

   In good conscience, the technological content of that helmet is definitely sufficient, but it is not unique.

  The joint helmet of F-22 has a similar function. The appearance of this helmet makes it much easier for the pilot to control the fighter.

  'Cobra' once told Choga that the more advanced the fighter, the easier it is to fly.

  The meaning of the intelligent assistance system is to make everything foolish!

  For Boss Joe, the most valuable thing about this kind of thing is actually the internal software, and he can handle the hardware himself.

  Because the plug-in scan can be recorded and copied together with the software, but the Tailos system itself has not yet been fully formed, and the things these scientists tossed out by themselves cannot fully meet the needs of P·B, so the software still needs to be upgraded and modified by them.

  Johnny Payne saw that Boss Joe did not refute, he held the flexible armor excitedly, and said: "Sir, please try this, it is the core of the future Tyros armor..."

  Joga saw Johnny Payne's appearance, took the flexible armor a little curiously, felt it, and then put the flexible armor on his body like wearing a diving suit.

  When Johnny Payne helped to pull up the zipper on the back, Choja instantly felt the flexible armor tightening.

   It didn't stop until the muscles clinging to his body, and then Choga felt his body tense up completely.

  This feeling is not particularly good. Excessive tension will make the muscles in a state of tension for a long time, and it is very easy to fatigue.

   Qiaojia walked around a little uncomfortable, shook his head and said: "This thing is uncomfortable to wear on the body, what use is it other than bulletproof..."

  Johnny Payne walked up to Choga, pulled out a patch from the cuff of the flexible armor, and stuck it on the back of Choga's hand...

   Then he pulled Boss Joe around the box, took out a silver tool box from inside, and opened it to reveal a mechanical arm inside.

   After messing around, this guy turned on the power of the robotic arm, then looked at Choga and said, "Sir, you can try to move your arm..."

  Joga realized something in an instant. He straightened his arm out of curiosity, then clenched his fist, and then something miraculous happened...

  The mechanical arm actually made the same movements as Choga, and there was no lag at all.

  Compared with the motion capture system used for filming, this thing is more portable, and its sensing ability is more detailed than ever before.

  Seeing that Choga was very interested in trying to change the movements of his arms, Johnny Payne coughed lightly and said, "Sir, the flexible armor on your body has a built-in sensor chip, which can..."

   "It can't..."

  Joga shook his head resolutely and said: "Don't tell me you want to develop the steel suit in the movie, or the kind of large robot that should only appear in cartoons.

   Without a reliable energy source, even if this thing is built, it is still a toy.

  I’ve seen Raytheon’s mechanical exoskeleton. It’s a mess of cool stuff, but it’s really awesome and runs out of power in less than 20 minutes. "

Johnny Payne, seeing that Boss Joe was clear-headed and not fooling around, he sighed helplessly, picked up the digital goggles that came with the flexible armor, and said, "Sir, maybe the steel suit won't be realized in the short term, but we can't." So give up, right?

  In fact, the problem of energy is not difficult to solve. For the time being, we can ignore the miniaturized active exoskeleton, and we can develop an unmanned assisted combat platform.

  For example, an unmanned armored vehicle, that thing already has mature technology, as long as it undergoes a simple software modification, it can be remotely controlled through this induction armor.

  In the future, armored infantry will cooperate to fight together. Armored vehicles can act or attack according to the needs of infantry without even a driver. "

Speaking of which, Johnny Payne looked at Boss Joe sincerely, and said, "Sir, as long as you give me 100 million dollars, I can perfect this set of induction armor. Its application range is very wide, and it doesn't have to be limited to category of weapons.

  Detection robots, engineering robots, and any machinery that requires fine-grained control can be remotely controlled using induction armor.

  Sir, as long as you are willing to invest, I am willing to sell 60% of the company's shares. "

  Choga knew that the so-called 'unmanned armored support platform' was just an excuse to fool himself into investing, and that thing didn't use such complicated sensors.

  He looked at Johnny Payne, and he said in awe: "Dude, I am so impressed by your imagination, and at the same time am amazed at your ability to ask for money."

   While talking, Choga looked at the set of Tyros armor in front of him, and then at the induction armor on his body. He finally realized how the previous 200 million dollars had been spent.

The exoskeleton armor really can't cost that much money. Before, he always thought that Johnny Payne had the problem of the old American scientific research company taking money improperly. Now he discovered that most of the 200 million yuan was spent on himself. On the induction armor on the body.

  More sensitive, lighter, new materials, this is a new breakthrough, but unfortunately it will take many years to be practical.

   Choga believed in Johnny Payne's so-called intelligent remote control capability of the induction armor, but in Choga's mind, it was the most effective place to use it to control robot combat.

  Think about it, if robots can completely imitate human actions, then one day in the future, gamers may be equipped with a universal wheel, and they will be able to use robots to fight thousands of kilometers away.

Seeing Johnny Payne's look of anticipation, Choga decisively took off the induction armor on his body, and said while putting on his clothes: "I need to see some progress of the project before I can decide whether to participate in the induction armor project." invest in you.

  You have taken an important step, but you have not attracted a giant like Raytheon to invest in you, which proves that your thing is still flawed.

  I have money, but I want to see something that can really impress me..."

  Johnny Payne heard this, and said excitedly: "Sir, I can gather people to go to Central Africa to upgrade the front-line command terminal first, and at the same time, I will take a few robots there to improve the control system of the induction armor.

  We have done a lot of experiments, using the existing system, it is completely possible to control the robot to make the same tactical action within the signal range.

  Although there are still many problems to be solved, at this stage, using the helmet to access the perspective of the robot can effectively control the robot to fight.

  I can refine the intelligent system, and first provide you with an auxiliary robot as a try.

  Sir, fighting is not everything in this world!

  There are many places in this world that humans cannot set foot in, and robots will be the main force of exploration.

  Sensing armor is the best tool for controlling robots, we will make a fortune! "

  (end of this chapter)

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