From Arms Dealer To King of War

Chapter 886: All parties plan

  Chapter 886 All parties planning

  The crowd followed Ronnie's footsteps and ran for about four or five kilometers into the jungle, and then they heard faint gunshots.

  Ronnie chose a very good route, almost avoiding the search of the helicopter in the sky at every step.

When they went deep into the jungle and joined the sniper 'Xiao Luo' at the monitoring point, and wanted to find the other three members of Team C under his guidance, the four bird helicopters in the sky suddenly turned and rushed towards the gunfire. to the location.

  The battle took place in the United States. The birds that attacked did not carry missiles, but the machine gunners on both sides of the helicopter caused the "Bloody Mary" in the jungle to suffer a lot.

  The National Guards are not only here for Boss Joe, they are also planning to wipe out the two mercenaries.

   Qiaojia and the others followed ‘Xiao Luo’ to a hillside, and when they were about to hide in place to send messages to Poison Wolf and the others, something happened in the distant battle...

  Two 'Stinger' missiles launched into the air and accurately hit the tails of the two Little Bird helicopters.

  Watching the two little birds whirling with smoke and falling in despair in the jungle, Choga took out the satellite phone and dialed Cooper...

   "Dude, the National Guard helicopter is shot down, if you don't act, the fighting will continue to escalate.

  I don't really want to kill those ignorant soldiers, but if I have to, I will..."

   "Jackal, hang on, I've got authorization from the Department of Justice, and I'll be able to see the boss of the National Guard soon.

   Hold on, stop those mercenaries, you know..."

Qiaojia hung up the phone, glanced at the Bird Helicopter that started to flee in a panic due to the presence of the 'Stinger', he said to 'Ronaldo', "Notify the Poisonous Wolf that they are holding Bloody Mary, we will move closer to them …

  We have to take them down, someone needs to take the blame! "

   When Qiaojia was speaking, the voice of 'Poisonous Wolf' suddenly sounded...

   "Boss, we are near the ridge line on the north side. The people of 'Bloody Mary' want to escape over the ridge. They have prepared a retreat route in advance. If they want to leave them all behind, you need to hurry up."

  Joga nodded without hesitation and said, "Hold on, we'll be there soon."

   As he spoke, Choga patted Dorian on the shoulder and said, "Elephant, let's go..."

  Dorian didn't obey Choga's order this time, he shook his head decisively and said, "Boss..."

  The Spurs and Orange Cat next to each other looked at each other, then stood up and said, "Boss, we will play forward this time..."

  Speaking, the Spurs looked back at Depp of the Fallen Angel team, and said, "You won't let us down, right?"

  Depp nodded seriously, and said: "We're going to leave those lawless sons of **** behind, and then I'm going to greet the **** of the National Guard..."

  When Depp was speaking, a blinding flash of light suddenly appeared in the jungle behind them, accompanied by a loud noise. When everyone looked back, a series of gunshots sounded in the jungle...

  Knowing that people from the National Guard must be chasing them in, Choga looked at Ronnie and Jack and said, "You are responsible for blocking those people, isn't it a problem?"

  Ronnie glanced at the darkening sky, grinned and said, "No problem, boss, these people can't fight a tough battle, I'll let them quit obediently."


   Far away in a makeshift camp around a small town to the south...

  Cooper led a large number of agents, held a warrant from the Ministry of Justice, broke through the obstruction of several armed soldiers, rushed into the camp, and ran towards a well-arranged field tent...

   Watching a large number of fully armed soldiers rushing towards several armored vehicles in the distance, and two Black Hawk helicopters that were mounting rocket nests were launched in the distance...

  Cooper rushed into the tent angrily, and shouted at a lieutenant general who was assigning tasks: "Stop your people, you are attacking FBI people..."

  The gray-haired lieutenant general looked up at Cooper, and said with a sneer: "The FBI bombed our artillery battalion, resulting in the death of 23 soldiers?

  FBI guys shot down two of our helicopters with stingers?

  Now you have to give me an explanation, why did your people break into our practice field? "

   As he spoke, the lieutenant general ignored the document in Cooper's hand, and said to the guards next to him: "Take them down, our brothers are under attack, and our helicopter pilot is still alive...

  We do our own thing, they should give us an explanation! "

   When a group of soldiers with guns came forward, Resler suddenly drew his gun and confronted them...

  Cooper took this opportunity and shouted loudly: "I have the documents of the Ministry of Justice in my hand, Lieutenant General Orgen, you made a big mistake.

  Now there is a powerful foreign mercenary in the jungle, and our HRT is fighting them.

   It was you who intervened in the FBI's mission without authorization and attacked the place where the two sides were fighting with mortar fire.

   It's up to you to give me an explanation, or all of you here will be court-martialed!

  You attack HRT without authorization, which is treason! "

   Lieutenant General Augen's eyes flashed with panic, but he knew that he had no way out.

   Only by using the National Guard being attacked as a reason to go hard and take down everyone in the jungle can he hold the chips.

  He and the Governor of Oregon have an agreement with Lahiri that as long as the people involved are dead, someone from Lahiri will come out to wipe their butts.

   This is a fight for the presidency, but the irony is that most of the people fighting for their lives don't understand what's going on at all...

   Seeing that his guards were not particularly tough, Lieutenant General Augen scolded loudly: "What are you doing in a daze?

  Our guys are still fighting on the front line, take them down, and I am the one responsible for the problem! "

Cooper watched the soldiers start to move forward with their guns raised, and they might misfire at any moment. He raised his mobile phone and documents angrily, and while circling around to take pictures with his mobile phone, he shouted loudly: "I have a document authorized by the Ministry of Justice in my hand. File, I will record what you are doing now, every single one of you here will pay the price.

  You are the National Guard, don't make the mistake of following Cliff Organ, the people you are attacking now are FBI people, stop all actions, or I swear I will send you to jail and out of prison. "

   The training and morale of the National Guardsmen are really bad. Faced with Cooper's loud yelling, everyone present hesitated...

  This exercise was originally very strange. Now that Cooper has jumped out to say that Lieutenant General Augen is treasonous, these soldiers will inevitably hesitate.

   Lieutenant General Orgen saw that the soldiers hesitated, and he said loudly: "The command of the National Guard rests with the state government, and the Department of Justice has no right to interfere with our actions.

  I'm giving you one chance to put your guns down, or..."

Cooper did not give Lieutenant General Orgen a chance to finish his sentence at all, and shouted loudly: "This is an emergency. The Department of Justice invokes Article 172 of the Constitution. When an emergency occurs, the National Guard Must obey the management of the federal government.

  Call your headquarters, the security department must have notified the order.

  Ogan, don't be stupid, these soldiers are innocent, they shouldn't be sent to die. "

   Lieutenant General Ogan frowned and waved his hands and said: "Our helicopter was shot down, and the two pilots are still alive.

  My people are going to rescue them now, let your people go aside, wait for us to eliminate those mercenaries, and talk about other issues. "

  After the reason of 'saving people' was brought out, Cooper lost the initiative.

  Seeing the guards shooting towards the ground, threatening Resler and them to give up their pistols, Cooper shook his head and said, "You will regret it..."

   Lieutenant General Ogan shook his head and said: "Unless the governor calls me personally, I will never give up my rescuer."


  Joga didn't know that Cooper's operation had encountered obstacles, and he didn't know that among the National Guards that were always not professional enough, several teams began to go deep into the jungle...

  The leaders of these people are all direct descendants of Lieutenant General Orgen, and they were ordered to kill everyone.

   Those soldiers didn't even know that there were people from the FBI among their targets!

  And as two Black Hawk helicopters loaded with rockets took off, and two Bird helicopters that had evacuated before made a comeback, the situation in the jungle began to escape Choga's control.


  The Bloody Mary caught in the middle was dumbfounded, and they didn't understand what happened to them?

  'Cactus' probably knew that he was betrayed, but he couldn't figure it out, what the **** were those people betraying themselves without waiting for him to complete the task?

  Now someone is blocking them on the ridge in front of them, and a large number of National Guards are slowly approaching behind them.

  The 'Cacti' who was stuck in the middle took out the satellite phone and called the contact person many times.

  After getting no results, he angrily called the international intermediary company...

   "We've been betrayed..."

When the operator with good business on the phone gave a cordial greeting, 'Cacti' angrily explained what happened to him, and then shouted loudly: "Save us out, this is a trap, and the employer wanted to get rid of it from the very beginning. us."


  Aaron was sitting in a well-decorated cell, listening to the passionate symphony, eating steak and drinking red wine. When he received a call from the company, he was stunned for a moment, and then a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth...

   "Notify the investigators and enforcers to come out, lock up the middleman, arrange for someone to invite the family of the governor and the head of the National Guard to visit.

  We need to talk to them, what price will the person who betrayed us pay?

  Wow, how long has it been since an international intermediary company had such a big accident?

  North American shareholders have been stable for too long, maybe someone should give up their shares..."


  When all parties were planning, Qiaojia and the others prepared to cut into the battle line from the flank...

  At the same time, two Black Hawk helicopters suddenly lowered their altitude and swept the area where the 'Bloody Mary' was located with rockets.

  The canopy of the pine forest saved the life of the "Bloody Mary". Most of the rockets exploded on the canopy of the jungle. The fire rain made the mercenaries jump out of the hiding place, but did not bring them a fatal blow...

   But Qiaojia who cut in from the flank is different...

  When a group of HRTs headed into the battlefield and began to harvest the lives of those mercenaries with precise shooting, the machine guns on the side of the helicopter in the sky fired again...

  But this time they were not as imposing for a few seconds, and several switchblades that fell from the sky hit the propellers of the low-flying helicopters.

  The explosion instantly destabilized the two Black Hawks and two Birds, and they began to make an emergency landing towards the jungle.

   At the same time, more drones fell from the sky and exploded in the middle of the "Bloody Mary" team...

   "Boom boom boom boom..."

  Choga jumped out of the bunker at this time, and Dorian and Ayu on both sides opened up the distance. The three began to use long-range firepower to cover the HRT team to speed up...

  In the night, Choga quickly locked on one enemy after another through the goggles...

   "Da, da da, da da..."

  (end of this chapter)

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