From Arms Dealer To King of War

Chapter 902: situation

  Chapter 902 Situation

  The commotion made by a group of children made Boss Qiao laugh his teeth out.

   His estate is surely the most sci-fi in Afika…

   In the yard stood the 'Beech', with close-in guns on the roof, and weapon stations on the fence...

   It turns out that such an advanced war fortress can't bluff people, but if you want the locals to drink medicine, you have to let the 'witch' lead the team.

  The smile on Qiao Jia’s face never disappeared all the way, until he entered the manor, Qiao Jia couldn’t help but ask Qiao Liang…

   "Where does Mama Yang live?

  I want to talk to her, first of all I want to thank her for taking care of you and our parents in the past, and then I want to talk to her about you and Tong Tong. "

After Qiao Liang heard this, he didn't mean to be twitchy at all. He nodded generously and said, "Mama Yang is with the medical team. They went to a steel factory community in the north today to treat the people there, and they will come back in the evening." .

  Brother, my Tong father and Yang mother are very kind to me!

   My business is actually settled, and there is only a ceremony left.

  It's you, my sister-in-law is about to give birth in a few months, why don't you hold a wedding ceremony?

  My sister-in-law is such a good person, you are not here, she helps you manage such a large property, so many troubles in the south are handled by my sister-in-law..."

When Qiaojia entered the manor, he saw Niss waiting at the door of the main house. He waved his hand with a smile, then patted Qiao Liang on the head, and said with a smile, "Just take care of yourself. My affairs are up to me." Think of ways to.

  What your sister-in-law cares about is not a ceremony, what she wants most people can't understand..."

  Speaking of Qiao, he walked a few steps faster, walked into the house with his arms around Nice's shoulders, and said with a smile: "I saw Tong Tong and the others below. Are you tired of dealing with these little **** alone?"

  Nice said inexplicably: "They think about how to play every day, why am I tired?"

   Qiaojia was taken aback for a moment, then nodded and said with a smile: "It's also..."

   Talking about it, Qiaojia looked at the large number of women gathered in his living room, and said with a bit of a headache: "If this continues, my place will become a coiled hole.

  Why do those two Dubai princesses live here all the time, Saeed doesn’t even have the money to build a house for them? "

  Nice smiled indifferently, and said, "Said gave me the money and entrusted me to find a place for them. I think we have a place here, so why build another house?"

   As he spoke, Niss pulled Choga through the living room and walked to the porch in the backyard...

Niss pressed Choga to let him sit on a chair, then picked up a tray and walked to the small vegetable field on the edge of the porch, picked a few tomatoes from the shelf, washed them briefly and sent them to Choga in front of.

  Seeing that Boss Qiao was happily eating two bites at a time, Niss turned around and went to the living room to prepare a pot of black tea and returned to sit beside Qiao Jia.

Choja knew that Nis had something to tell him, so he ate those juicy tomatoes in two mouthfuls, poured himself a cup of black tea and took a sip, sighed comfortably, leaned back on the chair, and put his feet up on the porch On the fence, he smiled and said, "Thank you for your hard work..."

  Nice put his hands on his stomach, shook his head slightly and said, "I'm not the one doing the work, I just ordered the war, it's not hard at all."

   Speaking of Nice, he said in a slightly flat tone: "The civil strife in the Congo, Yakoma not only encountered the virus, but also the nearby fighting was very intense, and our losses were not small.

  Because of terrorist harassment, Niger and Mali kept asking for help. We have sent people there, but in order to cover them, the consumption of fighter jets is very high.

  If the civil strife in the Congo does not stop, your joint air force plan cannot be carried out. "

   Qiaojia was stunned for a moment, and then asked curiously: "Is Yamako's problem so serious?

   Jungle veterans, anteaters, and night tigers also entered, and they couldn't deal with them? "

  Nice shook his head slightly and said: "There are too many people on the other side, and it is impossible to kill them all.

  There were riots in South Kivu and other inland provinces, and the number of rebels suddenly increased.

  Someone provided weapons to those rebels, and provided those people with a lot of drugs and drugs.

  The men sometimes continued to charge with several shots in the body, and the Congolese National Defense Forces in Yamako were scared away.

  Yamako might have been destroyed if it wasn't for the help of our patrols and Weep Squadron. "

  Joga immediately smelled a weird smell...

  P·B has no opponents in central Afika, and now the opponent has started to support the rebels because of those hybrid coca, and is using both weapons and drugs...

  Combined with the chaos in the Congo, Choja immediately sensed the shadow of the British.

   And it's not just armor groups and pharmaceutical companies, there must be people from the intelligence department involved.

   Otherwise, given the situation in the Congo, President Kabila will be re-elected, and at worst it will be a disturbance in Kinshasa.

   After all, in other places, the locals don't care who is the president at all.

  Currently there are turmoil in most of the Congo. If someone is not deliberately guiding this thing, Choja feels that his brain can be given up.

  Choga thought for a while, and said with a smile: "There is no turmoil in North Kivu, which means that there is no problem with the control there, and outsiders can't get in there.

   In the final analysis, the fists of the Congo are not strong enough, and the 500 soldiers we trained for them are simply not enough. "

   As he spoke, Choga looked at Nice and asked, "How many people did we lose near Yamako?"

  Nice said with a slightly gloomy expression: "More than a dozen anteaters, and more than a dozen people from the patrol team and Wei Pei Squadron were also killed or injured.

  They haven't seen an opponent like that, a maniac created with drugs and drugs.

  Some time ago, other special operations teams came back, and the situation was completely stabilized.

  We are waiting for your return..."

  Joga knew what Nice meant. Without the boss in charge, P·B's actions would be very awkward.

  The high-level executives in Congo are on the same line with Boss Qiao because of the bank's shareholding issue.

  But this does not mean that they are willing to cooperate with Nice to act.

  The ambitious President Kabila wanted to run for re-election. He even arranged his opponents for himself, so he wanted to go through the motions, but he was poured cold water over his head.

  The plan to integrate South Kivu Province was disrupted, and then with South Kivu Province as the center, turmoil began to spread everywhere.

  Afika’s political system is too fragile, and it completely follows the route set by the colonists, making it impossible for them to jump out of the shackles.

  As long as anyone gives enough benefits and promises enough international public opinion support, they can find ambitious people to take over, easily stir up civil strife in Congo, and plunge them into terrible wars.

  The French are too busy to take care of themselves now, and it is estimated that they will not participate in the affairs of the Congo.

  Then the biggest suspects can only be the British!

   Kabila is also unlucky...

   This guy saw the success of the model in North Kivu Province, and generated huge profits in just half a year.

  He was really kind this time, and almost copied the model of North Kivu Province, inviting the warlords of South Kivu Province to negotiate, but things did not go according to his script at all.

  Kabila is under great pressure now. If he loses the position of president, he will not only lose the benefits in Congo, but also the Congo government fund that Gami tailor-made for them will also be handed over to the next president.

   This is absolutely unacceptable to him!

   Kabila wanted to solve the problem by himself, so he never sent out a formal call for help like Boss Joe.

   It's just that the people below are constantly blowing the wind, wanting to let P·B's Congo River patrol team expand the range of patrols.

  Now that Boss Joe is back from the Middle East, and Yamako, a city in Congo, has caused a lot of trouble for P·B, it's time for them to stand up and clarify the follow-up affairs and the rights and responsibilities of both parties.

  Looking at Niss' slightly cold expression, Choga reached out and touched her face, and said, "I'm back, and I'll handle these matters.

   When you have nothing to do, hang out in Sangha Town and let the people here know that the prince of P·B is about to be born. "

   Talking about it, Qiaojia suddenly thought of 'Professor', he said a little depressed: "I promised 'Professor' to accompany him back to Seville, did he leave early?"

  Nice listened, nodded and said: "Our original arms channel has a little problem in Kenya.

  The 'Professor' saw that you were not here, so he decided to return to Seville ahead of schedule, and used the resources of the Yogimbert Company to re-integrate an arms channel from Kinshasa.

  The French didn't speak up this time, so everything went well. "

   Talking about it, Nice looked at Choga’s regretful expression, and she smiled and said, “You don’t have to feel guilty, this is what the ‘professor’ asked for.

   And I asked Thompson to transfer the 'engineer' to Seville.

  They have gained a lot in Great Russia, not only have sufficient funds in their hands, but also expanded some of their manpower.

  The alumni of 'Professor' are running for the presidency of Seville, now is a critical period.

  You will definitely shed blood when you go, maybe it will lead to a backlash from the Serbian government.

   It would be better to let the 'engineer' go over and clear out the opponents of the 'professor' bit by bit.

  These people are all dead, then everyone will know who the 'professor' is. "

   Qiaojia listened, nodded slightly and said: "That's fine, let's go to Seville together when we have time."

   As he spoke, Qiaojia took out the phone and pondered for a while, then said, "Which link in Kenya has a problem?"

Nice took out a notepad and flipped through it, and said: "The Minister of Defense of Kenya has been investigated, and our goods have been seized at the customs many times. Every time, the lawyer Jory Amon has to go over to get it. Proposed."

   Qiaojia frowned after hearing this, and said, "These people in Kenya are out of their minds?"

  Nice shook his head and said, "I don't know...

  Because the "professor" found a new route and it was more efficient, so I didn't pay much attention to it. After all, your investment in Kenya is not too much.

   You should ask Jory Amon about Kenya.

   He has been based near the AU headquarters in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, where he has a say on political issues in Afika. "

   Qiaojia shook his head noncommittally, took out his mobile phone, clicked on the map and looked carefully, then frowned and said, "I seem to have forgotten something..."

  (end of this chapter)

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