From Azkaban To Hogwarts

Vol 7 Chapter 586: 1 trivia


Susan breathed a sigh of relief and looked around again, and then carefully tapped the door lock with her wand—in the past, in order not to leave any traces of magic, she would definitely use the key, but on the way to escape earlier Among them, the key was nowhere to be found.

The door lock was opened, and she checked the surrounding environment again, then cautiously entered the single-family house, walked straight to the kitchen, and after looking at the refrigerator, she decisively moved it with her wand , revealing the secret door behind.

'Nobody ever came...'

She confirmed this fact again, then opened the secret door and walked in quickly.

In a small dark room, a man was half-kneeling on the ground, leaning forward against the rough wall, his head folded at a strange angle, and the corners of his mouth were stained with some long-dry rust. The short rodent's gray-black hair is slowly falling down, probably because of the wind brought by the door...


Susan was not frightened, but there was a hint of regret in her heart.

She lit her wand and hurried forward to check on the imprisoned man—dead, no doubt...

'It happened so suddenly, the Auror and the striker went against the water, I had to move quickly, the Imperius Curse was still working, but there was not enough food left - maybe it was snatched by rats, of course. not sure…'

A wizard who has lost his wand under the Imperius Curse, and is strictly forbidden to leave here...

'Really is…'

She complained about herself, maybe she should have thought of this little Barty earlier, after all, the identity of the other party is still very useful.

But when it happened, it happened - she had to focus on the life and death of the wizards who followed her, and the Auror's anti-water made her suspicion exposed, and she didn't pay so much attention to Barty Jr., which caused everything to happen. …

"Alas... not only did the chips not increase much, but because of the death of this Mr. Barty, it decreased a lot..."

As she spoke, she waved her wand and began to perform Transfiguration. After preparing to transform, she filled the secret passage with dirt, and finally buried it here—dead wizards can't be used as the transformation object of the compound decoction.

"Wait a minute... I don't necessarily need compound decoction to pretend to be him... Anyway, I've verified my identity, so it's better to continue to pretend to be as much information as possible, and let Dumbledore finish the job. It's a stop loss."

She thought about it, confirmed that it was feasible, and happily completed a series of tasks, burying the daring guy who dared to attack him completely in the place where he was being held, and then quietly left as he came.

"I've contacted Barty, Master!"

Bella, who took over the information after Bertha entered the Magic Congress, happily reported the latest information.

She trusts Barty—they kidnapped the Aurors together at the risk of being killed after the Dark Lord disappeared, then tortured the Aurors together to question the whereabouts of the Dark Lord, and then they all went to jail together, in Aziz Kaban almost lost his life in that hellish place.

Barty escaped with fake death, and she was rescued by Barty again—everyone is naturally an allies, especially after the Dark Lord's subordinates have so many purgers and the lucky guy named Bertha.

"Contacted? Let him come back soon. Our striker lacks a strong leader."

The scarlet luster in Voldemort's eyes was no longer so chilling, and the smile on his face was a little sincere, although Barty's actions didn't play the role it should have under the sudden change, and his ability and luck might be so poor. Some, but the victory lies in loyalty.

Because of the rush to take down the Magic Congress, he needs more of his own people to sort out the current situation, and it is undoubtedly a good thing to contact Barty.

"Master...he..." Bella gritted her teeth, and finally decided to say something nice for Barty, "Barty said that his task has not been completed, and he hopes to gather opponents outside and lead them out in one fell swoop. To solve those troubles for you..."

"He... refused... my order?"

Voldemort's eyes began to freeze, he stood up and looked at Bella, who bowed his head humbly, "He's refusing his master's orders?"

"No, master, no, he just expressed such thoughts in a letter, and humbly begged you to allow him to do so, and if your will is no, he will return to Ilvermorny immediately..."

"Then let him do it...even if it's just some insignificant rebels."

"Dad has been promoted, and he has recruited staff with the same hobbies as him..."

Ron whispered to Harry about things at home, "The two seventh graders have already gone to the ministry for internships, and they don't even need to worry too much about the seventh grade final exam - as a result, the three of them almost put themselves Locked in the office for interrogation..."

"what happened?"

Harry asked in a low voice. The recruitment at the Ministry of Magic had just ended, and he was also a little curious about it.

"Magic car."

Ron gestured, and Harry burst into laughter, almost all the stress of studying all day.


Ron opened the dormitory door and found a book lying on his bed.

"Whose book?"

He glanced at the title of the book curiously, "The Curse of Strangeness? Eh? I've been researching this recently..."

His voodoo doll is almost introductory, and he has a certain understanding of curses. He is still very interested in the relevant content. After a brief look at it, he thinks that there is no danger, and then flips a few pages.

"Whose prank?"

He called to Harry and complained, pointing to the scribbled writing on the book.

[The person who holds this book will be cursed, and will encounter all kinds of small troubles for a year, money, competition, study, love...]

[Experience in person is the most profound way to remember the curse. 】

【You are being watched, unlucky ghost! 】

【Don't try to get rid of it! 】

[Please give it to others immediately after the curse - unless you plan to be cursed for another year. 】


Harry took out his wand, looked at the writing on it, and released a few detection spells at will.

"It's just a harmless book."

"Maybe..." Ron didn't care too much, he couldn't feel the power of the curse at all.

"Come back and ask to see if any of them accidentally dropped this whole book."

Harry checked again and gave Ron a suggestion.

"That's all," Ron glanced at the book and closed it.

However, before going to bed at night, something unexpected happened, and no one in the entire dormitory was willing to admit that the book belonged to them, and agreed that it was a botched prank.

"Hey man, be careful!"

On the stairs, Ron's schoolbag suddenly cracked. Thanks to the quick responses of the students around him, he saved his things.


He thanked his classmates around him, and Harry helped him fix his bag.

It's a small thing.

However, when he went to the classroom, he found that his quill was broken and he had brought the wrong textbook - even worse, it was Snape's divination class.


Ron covered his face, and found that yesterday's book was in the textbook.

"I must have gotten up in a hurry..."

He looked at Harry imploringly, and Harry picked up his wand and transformed the cover of Ron's book and the page he was flipping into his own textbook before Snape noticed it, confusing Ron.

"I threw it away after class..."

Ron complained.


"What's the matter, Ron?"

"It's back..."

Ron looked at his bag in horror.

"I remember it well... I left it in an abandoned classroom."

He quickly squeezed the voodoo doll he carried with him, his eyes full of disbelief - is that book real?

"I'll check again."

Harry was also a little unsure, he took the book, and then started to check in the way he knew, but he couldn't check the problem.

"Destroy it..."

Harry waved his wand, and after a torn apart, the poor book could no longer be read, he waved his wand, turning it into countless birds, and then flew out the window.


Ron, looking like he was about to collapse, showed Harry his bag, and yes, the **** book appeared again.

"what do I do?"

"Go to the professor, it's beyond our ability to handle..."

Harry thought for a moment, then, despite the fact that it was night, he took Ron and the book and ran towards the large office of self-defense.

"Dong dong dong."

Harry hurriedly knocked on the door, but heard a call from inside, please come in.

"The professor isn't there?"

He was puzzled, and when he went in, he found that the office was not only full - there were three professors of self-defense, and there were several seniors, led by two redheads.

"It seems that the client is here too," William glanced at the door and shook his head with a smile, "Come here, did you bring that poor book?"

"Poor book?"

Harry and Ron looked at each other, a little confused.

"Let the two of them explain to you..." William pointed at the twin brothers angrily—he knew that the more he graduated, the more he had to watch over these two students!

Sure enough, he was caught today.

Or a group crime, several seventh grade students plus a deceived fifth grade!

"It's a prank, but this book?"

Ron looked at his two brothers, a little silly - the worst prank in the past was just an unbreakable oath, is it even a curse now?

"Ah, Ron, this is a birthday present for you. We won't be able to celebrate your birthday at school in the future."

Fred looked at Ron with tenderness on his face.

If it wasn't for what he had done, he would have been a very qualified older brother.

"My birthday is in March, and it's long gone by now."

Ron's tone was very rude, **** it - these two were so cruel, he's had a frightening two days...

"Ah, did we remember it wrong? God, this..."

"It's a huge gift," William sighed. "I bought ten identical books in one go, just to give them to my brother. The two of you are really..."

"Exactly the same?"

Ron and Harry grew their mouths, and Harry suddenly realized that he had destroyed the book so thoroughly that it could come back as it was...

"It's really yours..."

William admired these two people a little - whoever changed it would think that the **** curse was fulfilled...

In the seventh grade, instead of thinking about the graduation exam, he came up with such a bad idea.

"Wait, it's the same..."

William groaned in a low voice, instructing Lupin to take over the case of the seventh-year fraud gang, and quickly found a remote corner, then Apparated into the Forbidden Forest and pulled out his wand.

"Magic fraud?"

"No, it's too ordinary..."

"I don't want this, I want this..."

"Why did the professor leave suddenly?"

Harry was a little confused, but he wasn't too worried at the moment - Ron wasn't cursed, the so-called cursed books didn't exist, and everything was fine.

As for the twins being arrested, how should I say it, I'm used to it.

It wasn't even big enough for Dumbledore to temporarily suspend their classes - and in hindsight, the twins' plans were indeed quite surprising, with the same book becoming a substitute for the same book.

"Two thousand words per person, plus a week of labor for the Weasleys."

Lupin looked at the whole room of Gryffindors and shook his head helplessly - they had never used such a routine to **** people off. When they go back, they should write a letter to Bigfoot to describe the incident.

Although not kind, but this book is indeed a bit too...

But for now, he is still stern, "Do you have any comments?"

"No, Professor, we'd love to be remodeled!"

The twins dared to take it upon themselves, and Ron, the party involved, had no greater opinion - he was mainly angry that it was really a curse. If it wasn't, it could only be said that he was used to it...

"Unfortunately, I was caught by the professor..."


Several idle and powerful people were discussing together, but the twins had an expression of resignation.

It wasn't until everyone dispersed that there was a hint of surprise on the faces of the two of them.

"Successful, UU Reading Professor really stared at us!"

"The next step is to take advantage of the convenience of labor to move the props we prepared!"

"There is nothing to say about this reasonable move. Even if the professor uses the Marauder's map, he can't find the problem!"

Their eyes were full of fighting spirit.

Of course, Ron was only given appetizers - although it was a pity that he didn't send the other books, but it was a good thing to let the professor relax his vigilance and to take advantage of the opportunity to carry those important props.

"I just don't know what the professor is suddenly busy with..."

'But it doesn't matter, no one can think of it, this prank is only for the next service, we will make a big news when we graduate! ’

The two winked at each other, their eyes full of anticipation for William.

"Honestly, it's you again, Brother Weasleys!"

Filch suddenly appeared, "You guys are going to clean up the hospital chamber pot today!"

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