Recently, the tech scene has been booming.

Microsoft is preparing for its return to the mobile phone market, and the spring breeze is proud.

Moreover, Microsoft’s execution is quite strong.

It’s just a week.

The first mobile phones are already available.

This is an inventory machine that was once made by Microsoft.

Because there is no application, it cannot be sold.

But now, after updating the system, Microsoft relaunched this batch of mobile phones and held a press conference.

Because of the free use of Microsoft’s exclusive version of the application converter, most software developers in the world have converted applications for free.

Apps can make money on one more platform, and it’s free to convert, so why not.

In terms of the number of apps, Microsoft is no longer at a disadvantage.

In terms of system, Microsoft’s mobile phone system fluency and durability are higher than the Android system.

This led to the first batch of 3 million mobile phones being sold out as soon as they were launched.

After all, Microsoft has quite a few fans all over the world.

This caused Microsoft’s stock price to skyrocket.

After all, Microsoft has a lot to offer in the field of mobile phones.

And Microsoft’s stock price rose, and the stock prices of Google and Apple, two competitors, naturally fell again.

Apple is okay, not much affected.

But Google is a little bit broken.

A few days ago, the European Union launched an antitrust investigation into Google in Europe.

And a huge fine of $50.4 billion was issued.

In India, Google was also investigated and fined $20 million.

In Han, the Ministry of Commerce also fined Google Store.

In short, Google has been in bad shape lately.

This further raised concerns among investors, causing Google’s stock price to fall again.

The world’s Big Four, Apple, Microsoft, Amazon, Google.

Google is now at the bottom of the Big Four.

The accusations and criticisms of Wall Street investors have made the head of Google a little anxious.

Google must show a new profit point in order to make Google’s stock price rise and give investors renewed confidence.

After careful consideration.

Through its official website, Google released a message to the world.

This news directly caused an uproar on the Internet.

“From the first of next month, Google will charge partners nationwide for the use of Android!”

“The Android usage fee per phone is average: $10 per phone!”

As soon as this statement came out, the whole world was shaken.

You know, Google’s Android system is the world’s most used mobile phone system.

According to incomplete statistics.

Last year, 1.5 billion mobile phones were produced worldwide.

Mobile phones equipped with Android account for 60 percent.

The rest are apples or old machines or something.

In short, about one billion mobile phones equipped with Android are shipped every year.

Even for each phone, an average usage fee of ten dollars is charged.

Google’s revenue in a year will increase by at least 10 billion dollars.

This news is undoubtedly a shot in the arm for Google, whose stock price has fallen recently.

It also increases investor confidence.

On the same day, Google’s stock price rose three points to return to the third place in the world.


But some rejoice, others are sad.

Google is naturally happy.

But the mobile phone manufacturers of the Android camp around the world are beginning to have headaches.

Especially in China.

Huaxia’s mobile phone business has recently become famous all over the world.

Huawei, for example, sold 135 million phones last year.

The sales of OPPO, vivo, and Xiaomi mobile phones are also close to 100 million units.

Now Google will charge on the first of next month.

This is undoubtedly huge bad news for the four giants of domestic mobile phones.

It is speculated that the four giants of domestic mobile phones will pay at least four to five billion dollars for Google.

That’s a sky-high price.

Moreover, the price of domestic mobile phones is not high, which is a small profit and quick turnover.

Google’s collection of patent fees is undoubtedly a heavy knife to these manufacturers.

It can be expected.

This charge is a huge blow to Huaxia’s rising mobile phone industry.

Moreover, the Big Four have also completely become working boys, simply making money specifically for Google.


Such a big news, naturally no one can hide it.

In terms of operating system, it has always been the world of foreign countries.

Computer systems have Windows dominating the world.

And the mobile operating system three giants three parts of the world.

But Huaxia, no longer on the operating system, accounted for any share.

At the moment, Google’s charge is simply a bottom draw, so that Huaxia mobile phone manufacturers simply have no time to guard against it.

At the moment, it’s too late to do your own system.

Can you only obediently wait for the butcher knife charged by Google?

And then pay protection fees to survive?

This is humiliating for the entire mobile phone industry in China.

Huaxia netizens are even more empathetic.

Subject to others, you can only be passively beaten.

Domestic mobile phone manufacturers seem to have entered a dead end at this moment.

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