A huge conference, known as the most watched press conference in history, began.

No host, no cabaret.

In the beginning, go straight to the dry goods.

Five silhouettes, walking from the backstage to the front desk together.

Of these five, four are famous.

Huawei Ren Zong, Xiaomi Lei Zong, OPPO Chen Zong, vivo Shen Zong.

These four people are all giants in the domestic mobile phone industry and are highly respected.

The fifth person is a woman, a very beautiful woman.

But everyone didn’t know who this woman was, only a few people knew, the woman was Lan Feifei, the vice president of Star Technology.

But whether they knew it or not, they were a little surprised.

Because Lan Feifei stood in the middle of the five, it was the C position!

Star Technology turned out to be the C position of this conference? This can’t help but trigger great associations.

Abroad, companies such as Google are also paying attention.

Google CEO Sundar looked calm with a disdainful smile on his face: “Now you guys are beautiful, or in a few days, you will obediently come and beg me…”


This launch is important.

If it fails, the Big Four will be doomed.

But if it succeeds, the Big Four will move toward a whole new future.

Domestic mobile phones will no longer be pinched by foreign companies because of the system.

“Hello everyone, I’m Lan Feifei from Star Technology, thank you for coming!”

“Today, we Star Technology, release new products…”

“Star System!”

As soon as these words came out, the huge bird’s nest was directly shaken by the noise.

Many people, including much of the media, were stunned.

What’s the situation?

Why Star Technology Release System?

Isn’t it a Huawei system?

This caused confusion in the audience.

In foreign countries, Google CEO Sundar, who watched the video, also showed a stunned look on his face.

Not a Huawei system?

Suddenly, Sundar felt something bad in his heart.

But he quickly comforted himself.

It’s okay, Star Technology is just a small company that started by application conversion.

There is no background.

Even the system of a large company like Huawei can’t be done, what can the mobile phone system made by Xingchen Technology do?

It’s going to be okay, they’re going to fail miserably, and they’re going to come back and ask Google for forgiveness.

Sundar continued to comfort himself, but the bad feeling in his heart lingered.


When everyone calmed down, Lan Feifei took the microphone and began to calmly introduce the system.

The Star System had been kept secret before.

In order to prevent Google and these companies from getting news in advance and obstructing it.

Hitting the snake seven inches, attacking the enemy is unprepared, and one blow is fatal.

What Star Technology and the Big Four have to do is to deal a heavy blow to Google, which underestimates the enemy and is defenseless.

And now, it seems that it has succeeded.

As Lan Feifei used her crisp and intoxicating voice, she gradually introduced the various advantages of the star system.

The audience was in an uproar again.

They don’t believe it.

Not only them, but all those who watch the live broadcast do not believe it.

In the world, how can it be possible, so perfect system.

That’s impossible.

There was a sense of distrust at the scene, and there were even boos.

However, Lan Feifei did not explain.

Her task has been accomplished.

Next, it’s time for the presidents of the Big Four.


Lan Feifei’s calm expression surprised everyone.

Why is she so confident?

However, when the Big Four made the next move, everyone understood.

Mr. Ren of Huawei took out two mobile phones.

Through the big screen, everyone can see clearly.

Huawei mate20.is Huawei’s recent main new machine, selling very well.

And Mr. Ren connected the two mobile phones to the big screen, so that everyone could clearly see the operation interface.

“Guys, these two mobile phones, the star system is installed on the left. On the right, it’s Android! ”

“Look at my next demo…”

As President Ren performed the same operation on the two mobile phones, the audience suddenly fell silent.

Because they are not blind.

In the past ten minutes, they saw the mate20 with the Xingchen system installed, and the mate20 with the Android system installed in various aspects

Some people even paid attention and found that in this ten-minute demo, Android mate20 lost two percent of the battery.

The mate of the star system, on the other hand, only loses one percent of the power.

Thinking of Lan Feifei’s introduction before, everyone was shocked in their hearts.

Could it be that what Lan Feifei said was true.

The star system, is it really such a perfect system?

The operation of the bosses of Xiaomi, OPPO, and vivo is exactly the same as the operation of Huawei’s president.

The same is a contrasting disguise.

The Star system, in all aspects, completely crushes the mobile phone with Android installed.

Everyone present was already shocked.

Constant cheers rang out.

Everyone knows that the Big Four break and stand up.

After abandoning Android, the Big Four will not lose anything.

On the contrary, they will only become stronger after having a perfect system like Star Technology!

And on the other side of the ocean, Google CEO….

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