It was a night full of lights and wine.

Because it was the first time that Natsume Yu used the magic of teleporting, it was inevitable that there were some deviations.

He appeared on the street not far from his home.

""Wow~ Is this the world where Yuu is?"

Huihui walked on the street, looking around curiously.

Even though she heard it from Yuu Natsume, everything in her eyes was still so strange and novel.

There were mysterious facilities (cement and soil buildings) like the Crimson Devil Village everywhere, and they were taller and more beautiful.

Some people, since entering the mouth of the steel-like"monster".

But according to Yuu's explanation, it was just an ordinary vehicle and she had no idea why.

"It looks so lively. Even in the capital, there aren't many people on the streets at this time.

Darkness was also excited at this time, looking at the busy streets.

"But...Why are those people looking at us?"

Youyou shrunk her neck and walked to Natsume You, feeling the gazes of the people around her and whispered

"Our clothes seem to be different from theirs."

Looking down at her own clothes, Alice tilted her head cutely and looked at the people watching.

At this time, she was wearing a pure white dress, and white stockings like ice cream were faintly visible from the hem of her skirt.

Darkness wore a black tight skirt, which highlighted her already excellent figure, and the transparent black stockings outlined her straight legs with an attractive curve. Black and white, pure and charming.

The two people's clothes created a strong contrast.

Huihui was still dressed like a magician.

Because Youyou was wearing the school uniform of the Red Demon Clan, although he was wearing a coat outside, he did not attract too much attention.

Natsume You was wearing a simple blue denim and white T-shirt.

But his slender figure made him look very fresh.

As for Chris, he was transferring work matters and could not come with him for the time being.

The handsome men and beautiful and cute women in the group unconsciously became the focus of everyone.

"Ah~ so cute, she is looking at me!"

"With blonde hair, blue eyes and a dress, she looks like a princess from some other country!"

"Although I don’t know what character that girl is cosplaying, she looks like a magician!"

"That boy looks so handsome, is he a star?!?"

"If you need it, I'll contact you."

"How can I fix it! Why isn't that man me?"

"Damn the current charge!!!"......

Curious and envious eyes stared at Natsume Yuu and the others, and the men and women passing by whispered about it.

As a princess, it was very normal to be stared at.

So Alice faced the gazes of the crowd and instinctively showed an elegant smile to return the greeting.


"She smiled at me! She was definitely interested in me!"

"Wake up a little and look at the person next to him, how could it be your turn!"

"What can he do if he needs a contact number?"

Alice's response made the onlookers even more excited.

Some people showed excited smiles and wanted to approach him to chat, after all, Natsume You didn't look very old.

In this society where seniority is important, being old is also a kind of capital.

But when Natsume You calmly glanced at them, the hormones in his body quickly subsided, and cold sweat quietly spread all over him, freezing in place.

That was a ruthless person who could slaughter himself like livestock!

Such a thought emerged in everyone's mind at the same time.

"What is that little cube they are holding? And it glows!"

Pulling the corner of Natsume Yuu's clothes, Yuu Yuu curiously pointed at the cubes of various colors in the hands of some people that glowed.

"That's a cell phone, something that can be used for communication and playing games."

Following the direction of Youyou's finger, Natsume You smiled and explained.

"Tomorrow, I will take you to buy one. It will be more convenient to use for communication.

Although the clothes are a bit inappropriate, this is a place where anime is popular.

In the eyes of the people around, Huihui and others are just cosplay.

"Hand chicken? Communication? Play games?"

Youyou looked down at her own hands in confusion.

In her mind, she imagined a scene of holding a chicken in her hands and crowing to convey the message to the distance.

Playing games with chickens? Are there so many people in this world who are so lonely that they play games with chickens?

Youyou thought of the idea that she once wanted to make friends with monsters. She immediately felt pity and looked at those people holding cubes with encouraging eyes.

Not knowing what Youyou's little head was thinking, Natsume You led a few people to her home.

Those who wanted to take pictures were also politely rejected.

After all, it was the first time for Huihui and others to come here, so they did not use instant teleportation to go back. While to satisfy their curiosity.

With Natsume Yuu's protection, the people around did not come forward to disturb them.

After the initial discomfort, Huihui and the others gradually relaxed and watched with interest.

Above the dark sky, there was a flashing red light, which was said to be a flying monster that was an airplane.

A mechanical monster that quickly shuttled across the high bridge like a long snake.

All of these made the few people extremely curious.

When encountering new things, they would pull Natsume Yuu's arm and can't wait to ask him to explain.

Natsume Yuu was not impatient, and kept smiling as he explained to the girls.

Until they reached the residential area, the flow of people on the roadside gradually decreased.

In a long slope

"The world that Yuu lives in is really interesting!"

Alice walked up with a brisk pace, turned around and faced Natsume Yuu, the hem of her pure white dress blooming like a flower.

""Yeah! There are so many things I haven’t seen before!"

Huihui responded with excitement in her eyes.

Darkness and Yunyun didn’t say anything, but they also showed their approval.

""It's good that you like it. I will set up a transfer magic to connect to that world, so it will be more convenient when you want to go back."

With a slight smile on his lips, Natsume Yuu responded to the excited girls.

In a relaxed atmosphere, they came to a house.

"This is where we will live from now on, although it is not as big as the house over there."

Looking at the house in front of him, Natsume You looked a little dazed.

Returning to his own home after a year really made him miss it a little.

Huihui, Youyou and others beside him also tiptoed curiously, wanting to look inside through the wall.

As if the sound was a little loud, the second-floor window of the house opposite suddenly opened.

A girl with regular features, but more and more lovely, poked her head out.

Because of the darkness, the girl could not see the face clearly.

But the familiar figure made her confirm who was in front of the door without hesitation.

"You, you're back!! ?"

The girl's usually calm face showed joy, and she said in a happy tone.

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