A group of black monsters that looked like short goblins with pointed ears and big noses, but with fangs and sharp claws, appeared at the corner ahead.

They looked at Natsume Yuu and the others with salivating eyes, but stopped when they saw the ball of light.

Reluctant to part with the food, but afraid of the light, the monsters took steps hesitantly.

"It is a kind of monster called a demon. The concentration of magic in the dungeon is higher than that on the surface, so this kind of monster occasionally appears."

Chris said in a low voice while looking at the monster in front of him.

But no matter how low he spoke, this was just a narrow and silent passage.

As long as he made a sound, it would definitely echo.

Chris's voice made the demon on the opposite side stop, and his breathing became more and more rapid.

Looking at Natsume Yu and others, his eyes became more and more fierce.

"The eyes are actually red too! Youyou must get rid of them!"

Seeing that the monster's eyes were also red, Huihui immediately got angry and pointed to the front and said to Youyou:


Before Youyou could answer, the monsters made sharp cries and began to attack.

However, as soon as they started to run, a figure appeared in the group of monsters.

In an instant, several monsters retreated to the wall like cannonballs. The powerful force directly made them embed in the wall, leaving only the lower half of their bodies outside, and their legs dangling weakly.

The monsters were stunned, and even revealed confusion in their eyes.

The battle just started and they lost several companions. This is not right!?

Even though their brains are smaller than walnuts, they realized that something was wrong at this time, and they wanted to escape without turning around.

However, Natsume You's figure flashed quickly in the air.

In the sight of Huihui and others, it was as if dozens of Natsume You appeared in an instant to attack.

Monsters flew out one after another.

It was just a breath of time.

Dozens of monsters were all inserted into the wall, leaving their legs dangling outside.

After a while, Sato Kazuma came and looked at the situation by the wall. He was stunned at first and then showed a meaningful smile.

"No...Looks a bit disgusting."

After landing on the ground, Natsume Yuu looked at the short legs by the wall, frowned and said with disdain.

If these monsters were still alive, Jedi would protest that they were killed and still say it was disgusting.

"good..."So handsome!!!"

Huihui looked at the stopped figure with great enthusiasm and couldn't help but shouting excitedly.

Although Youyou didn't say anything, she looked at Natsume You with more admiration.

"Could it be that you, Yuu, are interested in someone who can't resist!?"

"My body is strong enough to do this, but Huihui and the others can’t do this!"

Darkness beside her looked at the body embedded in the wall, her face inexplicably red.

Apparently this"masterpiece" gave the masochistic knight a strange association.

"...Don't just stand there, just keep going."

Natsume Yu ignored Darkness' words, and walked forward without hesitation, with his hands on the wall.

The way Natsume Yu and his companions advanced was destined to be bumpy.

The road was full of monsters, or undead transformed from dead adventurers.

Natsume Yu left all of these to Yu, and he followed behind.

When he met those who had not yet become Buddhas, Natsume Yu did not hesitate to use his magic power to help them transcend.

As he continued to go deeper, Natsume Yu suddenly stopped.

"Did you find something?"

Seeing Natsume Yuu stop and knock on the wall


A dull sound rang in everyone's ears

"It seems to be empty in here!! ?"

"Is it to explore the area?!?"

"We are so lucky. If we bring this news back, we will get a reward!"

"Find the mechanism quickly!"......

Chris and the others immediately showed joy on their faces and started to discuss.

They never thought that this place, which had been explored by many adventurers, actually had unexplored areas.

""You guys step back a bit."

Stopping them from looking for the switch, Natsume Yuu waved his hand to signal them to step back.

Huihui and the others were stunned, and immediately understood what was going on and quickly stepped back.

""Be careful, don't let this place collapse!"

Chris, who was standing in the distance, shouted.

Natsume Yu nodded slightly in response, touching the wall with his fingertips, and standing one foot in front of the other.


The air was quickly sucked into the stomach, and the eyes gradually became sharp.

The force rose from the feet, quickly flowed through the body, and finally rushed to the arms.

The five fingers clenched quickly, and the fist was as fast as a bullet.

The terrifying force poured out as the fist hit the wall.


A huge roar echoed in the dungeon, and the monsters in the darkness looked up in the direction of the sound. Youyou, who was not far away, saw the smoke and dust begin to spread, and quickly waved his hand to call for a breeze to blow away the smoke and dust.

The situation in the field appeared in front of the few people.

A large black hole had appeared on the thick wall.

As Natsume You pushed the light ball into it, a road that was not on the map drawn by the guild appeared in front of the few people.

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