A few days later, the Adventure Guild

""Strange, why are there so few missions today?"

Huihui was surprised as she scanned the few missions on the commission column.

Usually there would be a lot of commission notices posted here, but today there were only a few. This was incredible.

"And the remaining ones are all high-risk missions."

Youyou looked at the few remaining commissions.

The large number of red skulls above made people choose to retreat very wisely.

They are all extremely dangerous.

For example, subjugating scorpion lions and griffins, which are only weaker than dragon species, and two at a time.

This kind of mission is not only for Axel in the novice town.

Even in the entire king's city, there are not many people who can do it, and you can even count them on one hand.

"No wonder they were so listless so early in the morning.

Looking back at the group of adventurers who were so noisy in the past but now drunk, Darkness suddenly realized

"It seems something has happened."

Natsume narrowed his eyes and thought of something.

"That's right, recently a member of the Demon King's Army moved into a small castle nearby."

"Perhaps due to the influence of the Demon King's army, the weak monsters have all gone into hiding, resulting in a sharp decline in work."

A sweet voice came, and Luna came over and said. As expected,

Natsume Yuu's eyes flashed.

""Demon King Army Generals!!?"

Huihui and Youyou were all shocked, but after looking at each other, they began to get excited. They had been dealing with high-risk missions for a while, and with a lot of cabbages, their levels were rising rapidly.

In addition, the rare ore left by Kiel also allowed them to upgrade their weapons.

Compared with the first time they met, their strength was a world apart.

"That's right, but please rest assured that the kingdom will send members of the Knights to defeat the cadre next month."

Not knowing the girls' bold and skillful ideas, Luna saw that they were silent and said

"Before that, Yuu, you guys should stay in town. I feel like it's coming for you."

""Come for me?"

Luna's suspicion was actually quite normal.

After all, why would a cadre of the Demon King's army come to such a place where novices gather? It was almost as if he was coming for the hero.

What puzzled her was why the Demon King knew about the hero's arrival.

"Coming for You? I will definitely let it see the power of my [Explosion Magic]!"

"Before you become someone who defeats the Demon King, you must first become someone who defeats the cadres!"

Huihui's eyes glowed like blood, and she said as if she was rubbing her hands together.

"I will never let it go!"

Yuyou said firmly, with the red light in Huihui's eyes disappearing.

Yuyou wanted friends very much. In the past month, she has been with the strange Darkness, the cheerful and playful Chris, and most importantly, Natsume Yu who has always guided her and never disliked her strange name or was bored when she confided in her.

They all left an important place in her heart.

If anyone wants to hurt any of them, she will destroy them even if it costs her life.

"As a Crusader, I shall naturally stand at the front."

Knocking on the armor on her chest, making a 'bang bang' sound, Darkness smiled and said.

Although the cadre was not looking for her,

Natsume Yuu smiled silently and her eyes softened after hearing the resolute words of the three women.


Luna blinked, and suddenly felt that she had said something wrong.

But having said that, Natsume Yuu did not go out to perform tasks in the next few days. He just took Huihui to the castle every day to cast [Explosion Magic].

Rather than going deep into it without knowing the situation, Natsume Yuu thought it would be more convenient to fish it out.

And the castle seemed to be indestructible, which also aroused Huihui's interest.

Every day, he tried his best to use magic, wanting to see whether his magic was more destructive or the castle was stronger.

Day after day of bombing, until the morning of a week later.

"Emergency broadcast! Emergency broadcast! Attention all adventurers, please prepare for armed battle immediately and assemble at the town gate!!!"

The tense words echoed over Axel and drifted to everyone's ears.

In the living room of the mansion, Natsume Yuu, who was chatting with Darkness and others, stopped.

""Are you here?"

He murmured softly, and then nodded to the four women who were looking over here.

Without much talk, they quickly returned to their rooms, wearing protective gear and holding weapons and quickly came to the living room

"Let's go."

Seeing that the four girls were ready, and without seeing Natsume Yuu making any moves, the five figures disappeared in the living room.

During this period of time, he was not lazy because of rest. He also spent a lot of time to explore the various magics he created.

Not only are they more powerful, but they are also more convenient to use.

Just like [Teleportation], at this time, there is no need to touch other people's bodies at all, and they can be transferred directly.

The mysteries of various dragon-slaying magics can also be used one by one.

And because his physical fitness is too strong, the semicircular canals that will inevitably be damaged by learning dragon-slaying magic are not damaged.

In short, he will not get dizzy in transportation.

In a flash, Natsume Yuu and others also came to the gate of the town.

Wearing black armor, holding his head on his left waist, the monster with an amazing sense of oppression stood in front of him.

Just standing there, many adventurers who came after hearing the broadcast were stiff in place with ugly faces.

Behind him, there was a group of knights wearing tattered armor.

In the gap between the armor and the helmet, the rotten corpse was vaguely visible.

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