The self-reliant golems that had fallen into a deep sleep due to the adventurers' departure quietly opened their eyes at this moment.

A large number of golems that looked like fighter jets soared into the air, with their tips pointed at Natsume Yuu who was flying in the air.

Then, like moths to a flame, they rushed towards him with a sound of breaking through the air. The flames on their bodies surged, the thunder made a"crackling" sound, and their bodies shuttled through the golems like sharp arrows.

Under the terrifying high temperature and the conduction of lightning, the golems exploded one after another.

"Bang, bang, bang!!!"

Continuous explosions resounded through the sky, and a huge ball of fire suddenly appeared in the sky.

The rolling heat waves rushed towards them, and their faces became hot. The adventurers below hurriedly retreated to a farther distance.


Natsume Yuuyu, who shuttled through the group of golems, rushed towards the golems.

His whole body was tense like a long bow, and his right hand was like an arrow on the string.

After approaching the Destroyer, his fist was like an arrow from a string, rubbing against the air and creating visible ripples, hitting the deck.


A huge hole appeared in the thick metal, and spider-web-like cracks instantly spread to the upper part.

The Destroyer, who was still struggling to get up, instantly fell to his knees again.

"Bang Bang——"

Without stopping, Natsume Yu's fists kept swinging like pile drivers.

Every time he swung his fists, the air would emit a violent thunderous sound.

Under that terrifying force, the Destroyer gradually sank downwards.

It seemed as if it was embedded in the ground.

The top that was originally raised like a castle was now completely sunken.

The golem that woke up in the middle was blown up by a casual punch just by approaching.

People in the distance were watching in amazement.

Hundreds of people were beaten to a pulp before, but it was only a round.

It was the turn of the Destroyer to be pressed to the ground and beaten.

This huge strength made them only look up to him.

But the violent scene in front of them made their blood boil.

Their hands and feet could not help but swing as Natsume Yu swung his fists.

Natsume Yu did not stop until the Destroyer's body was completely embedded in the ground.

At this time, the originally tall Destroyer was now much shorter.

People who originally needed ropes to get up could now jump up.

"Alarm! The aircraft has stopped maneuvering and is unable to dissipate heat or consume maneuvering energy. Crew members please leave the aircraft as soon as possible and take shelter!"

A voice that sounded very bad at first glance rang out, and the originally happy people became dazed.

The repeated announcements made many adventurers' faces twitch.

"Bah! Your fortress's vitality is too strong. It doesn't stop even after this!"

"What should I do now? It's embedded in the ground, and I can't lift it up no matter how hard I try."

"Why lift it up? Blow it up on the ground. It's better than exploding on the ground."

"How about going inside and looking for its power source? Just transfer the energy source."......

There were a lot of discussions, and everyone rushed to Natsume Yu to help him find a solution.

"Dragon Slayer Secret Art: Red Lotus Phoenix Sword!!!"

Before he got close, a light shout rang out.

The flames surrounding Natsume Yuu surged and surrounded him.

Then his slender body was like a flaming divine sword, and the terrifying impact directly pierced the metal in front of him and went deeper and deeper.

"ah...Is this also possible?"

Someone looked at Natsume Yuu who punched through the metal and entered the room, and was stunned for a moment, not knowing what to say.

"I can only say that it is worthy of Yuu to be able to do even this kind of thing"

"So we just wait here?"

"We can only wait here, after all, who dares to go in there?"

Pointing at the hot metal, someone shrugged helplessly.

If you want to go through there, you will get burned if you are not careful.

As he spoke, he saw a figure in bright yellow armor completely ignoring the heat and ran in.

Behind her, Wiz used the remaining magic power to freeze the metal, and then walked in with Chris and others.


"Forget it. It's not nice to disturb others."


A group of people looked at each other, feeling that it was a bit bad to go in together like this

"How is Yuu?"

Darkness followed the passage that appeared under the impact and soon saw Natsume Yuu standing in front of a round stone that was glowing like a flame.

At this time, there was no flame or lightning wrapped around him.

Darkness blushed slightly at the white upper body and looked away embarrassedly.

"Is this Corona Ore! ?"

Chris looked at the round stone and said in surprise.

This kind of ore is said to be able to burn forever, so it is extremely rare. Even she has not seen many of them. But she didn't expect that the Destroyer was actually driven by it.

No wonder it can still move after so long.

However, the Corona Ore was emitting an unstable light at this time.

The terrifying heat wave continued to emit, and it was obviously in a state of exploding at any time.

"What should I do? If this thing explodes, it will be very bad."

Wiz looked at the corona ore with a headache, and subconsciously looked at Natsume Yuu.

"Let me summon water to cool it down!"

Aqua said with a smile, raising her hand to release magic.

"Lady Aqua, please don’t! If you overreact and explode, we will really die in harmony!"

Wiz cried and hurriedly stopped Aqua.


Aqua opened her mouth and subconsciously wanted to say the word"lich", but she held back after seeing Natsume Yuu and the others. She looked around boredly with both hands, and then picked up the notebook scattered at her feet.

"It's not that troublesome."

Natsume Yu shook his head, raised his hand and snapped his fingers.

The corona ore, which was emitting heat crazily, disappeared.

Then he clapped his hands, took out a new top from his personal space and put it on.

"Why is your lower body fine, but only your top is burned?"

Sato Kazuma looked at Natsume Yu's intact clothes and couldn't help complaining in his heart.

After seeing what happened just now, he really didn't dare to complain in person.

If he got hit by a punch, he would probably turn into a meat pie.

"Ah? Where did it go?"

Looking at the Corona Ore that suddenly disappeared, Wiz looked at Natsume Yuu blankly.

"Exiled to a different dimension, there's no one and nothing anyway, so you can blow it up as you like."

Natsume Yuu said casually while sorting out his clothes.

The unfamiliar term made Wiz freeze in place, his head tilted slightly as he thought.

"It turns out that this guy built the fortress."

Aqua's voice suddenly sounded, and she raised a notebook in her hand, pointed at the disintegrating skeleton next to her, and smiled at the few people.

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