"Then let's go, we need to find out where his mansion is."

Chris also stood up and went to the window.

He had previously found through various data that the two artifacts were held by the same person.

And since Alderp had the body-changing necklace, it was very likely that he had another more dangerous thing.

Something that could randomly summon demons.

If the Duke of Hell in Hell, who was at the same level as God, was summoned, it would be a big trouble.

"Don't worry, I gave him the tracking skill."

"Well done!" As they spoke , the two jumped out of the window and followed their senses.

"Max! Are you sure you brought those two treasure thieves here? Why haven’t they arrived in such a long time?

Alderp looked at Max angrily, his eyes bloodshot and extremely creepy.

"It's impossible, some of them have powerful divine powers~"

Max sat cross-legged on the ground, supporting himself with his hands, shaking his body, looking up and smiling like a child.

"Can't do it? You damned lower-level demon? You can't do this, you can't do that, what's the use of you!!!"

With his eyebrows twitching, Alderp walked forward in anger and kicked Max hard.

He kicked Max to the ground, and the glasses on his face were crooked.

The fat pig noble had no mercy, but stepped forward and kept kicking.

Max held his head skillfully, and his face was still that innocent smile.

But in this situation, Alderp was terrified and stopped.

"Bah! It turns out that even after being together for so long, I still can't like you"

"Anyway, this is my last wish."

"If you bring them here, I will pay the full price, cancel your contract, and give you your freedom."

Alderp said casually, spitting.

Anyway, this guy will forget about it later, so it doesn't matter how high the price is.

"Price? Are you willing to pay the price?"

Max responded to this, got up from the ground, and looked at Alderp expectantly.

"That's natural. I've paid you several times before, but you just forgot."

With a hypocritical smile, Alderp said as if he was coaxing a child.

"This is disgusting, Alderp."

"But I still can't do it~"

These two sentences came out one after another, making Alderp unable to figure out what was going on for a while, and looked at Max and asked again

"What did you say?"

"But I still can't do it, but they are behind you~"

Max's words made Alderp stunned for a moment, then turned around.

"Silver hair and black hair? You are indeed good, but..."

Looking at the two men, one tall and one short, with black hair and the other with silver hair, Alderp suddenly felt a little familiar.


Natsume Yuu said nothing, but used the [Theft] skill on Alderp.

The higher the luck value, the greater the chance of stealing precious items.

And his luck value is only lower than that of Eris, the goddess of luck.

Therefore, after the light came on, a badge with a skull engraved on it appeared in Natsume Yuu's hand.

"This is the magic weapon!"

"Damn it! Give that thing back to me!"

Cheers and anger, two completely different emotions rang out

"Max, kill them for me!"

Aldap quickly stepped back, pointed at Natsume and the other two and shouted at Max.

But soon he found that Max did not make a move, and turned to ask angrily

"Why not do it!!!?"

"Why do we have to do it? When they showed up, our contract was already terminated, right?"

Max said with a smile, and the smile on his face made Alderp sick.

"Then take me away to collect the price! Wherever you go, hurry up!!!"

Alderp said in panic as he saw one of the black-haired thieves approaching with a fierce light in his eyes.

Because of Max, only he knew this place.

So even if he was killed here, no one would know anything.

He still had Max, so he just had to lie to him and say that he had paid the price.

"Whoosh, whoosh, then we're going to hell~"

Max made a whistle-like sound and said with an innocent smile on his face

"Wait!!! Where are you talking about??? No!!!"

Alderp's eyes widened instantly, and he and Max disappeared with only his voice.

"I didn't expect that it was actually a demon. That noble was so bold as to make a deal with a demon."

Seeing the two disappear, Chris shook her head helplessly.

Because Max had been kicked all the time before and didn't fight back, she didn't think of the demon, but she didn't expect...

With a sigh in his heart, Chris mourned for Alderp.

The demons in hell do not necessarily eat people. They only feed on people's energy, fear, anger, shame and other emotions.

But to get people's emotions, they need to play tricks on them.

As for how to play tricks, those demons have their own set of methods.

It's just that it will never be easy.

"You should keep this thing first. Remember to...It must never be used to summon demons!"

"Some powerful demons are no match for even our gods."

Chris pointed at the skull badge in Natsume Yu's hand and said seriously

"I don't have any wishes that need to be fulfilled."

Throwing the badge into the space, Natsume Yuu said with a smile

"Do you want to be a chivalrous thief again?"


With their eyes shining, Chris and Natsume Yuu walked out of the mansion and continued their chivalrous thieves' behavior.

If they were to be divided, Alderp would be in trouble.

""Where is this!! ?"

Alderp had just shouted when he saw a change in front of him.

Thick black smoke covered the sky, a hot and sulfurous smell filled his nose, and lava made a gurgling sound like a river winding through the water.

"Welcome to hell, let me enjoy you, Alderp.~"


Max smiled innocently, put his hand on Alderp's hand, and his wrist was broken instantly.


His eyes bulged like a frog's, Alderp covered his broken hand, the intense pain almost made him breathless.

"Ha~ That's it, Alderp, I love you so much~"

As if he was eating something delicious, Max said happily like a child.

"It hurts!!! It hurts so much!!!"

"Why are you doing this to me!!!"

Alderp cried out in pain.

He couldn't imagine that this demon, whom he had kicked and beaten so easily before, would actually do this to him.

"This is the price. You can't die before you pay the price.~"


Those words made him sweat all over. Looking at Max's innocent smile, Alderp shouted in despair.

Max's expression became more and more enjoyable, revealing an innocent smile.

This is one of the most powerful dukes in hell, a great demon who can distort the truth of the world and feeds on despair and pain.

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