"wrong...You are the guy that the Demon King issued a bounty for some time ago!"

The slime seemed to suddenly remember something and stared at Natsume Yu.

Some time ago, a group of guys went to attack the capital for unknown reasons.

As a result, they were killed everywhere. According to the demons who escaped back, there was a person with strong strength.

According to the portraits described by those people, he looked like the person in front of him!


Natsume Yuu raised his eyebrows. This news was a bit unexpected.

"The Demon King's Army actually offered a bounty!!?"

"Who on earth is this!!!"

"Could it be that the person I have never seen before came from somewhere else?"

"As expected of a little brother!!!"......

The Axis Cultist and the guards beside him looked at Natsume Yuu with surprised eyes.

Chomusuke, who was held in Megumin's arms, also showed a surprised look.

But then he thought of the strength he had seen before, and it was not surprising that the adventurer would be rewarded.


Hey! Don’t I have a bounty on that slime?���He shouted loudly.

After all, he is also Yu's teammate, why is he the only one with a bounty?

It sounds very cool.

""Ha!? Who knows who you are?"

Slime said with a buzzing voice, glancing at the short girl with disdain, and then looked at Natsume Yuu

"As long as I get rid of you and infect the water, I can make a great contribution in front of the Demon King!"

He had heard from the escaped demons how powerful and terrifying the magic of the man in front of him was.

But he didn't believe it, and just thought it was an exaggeration of a group of defeated dogs.

After all, if he really had that ability, he wouldn't be unknown and only appeared recently.

Could he have become an adventurer recently?

When he got excited, his huge body sprinted forward with all its might, destroying and swallowing everything it passed.

The terrible venom flowed beside him, and just smelling it made people dizzy and unsteady on their feet.


"Remove the curse——"

A large amount of holy magic fell on the slime, but he did not stop at all despite his strong resistance to magic.

Only Jesta's magic could stop him for a while.

""The Thunder of Curse!!!"

Youyou waved the short staff in her hand.

There was a loud bang in the sky, and a huge light blue lightning whizzed down in a Z shape.

The elastic slime was directly dented under the huge impact.

Countless lightning burst out from its body in an instant.

"You actually said you don't know who I am! ? Then I'll show you how powerful I am! Go to hell and repent!"

""You, don't do it!"

Huihui gritted her teeth and said, then threw the black cat into Natsume You's hand, with red light emanating from her pupils.

"My name is Huihui! I am the Supreme Almighty Ruler..."

The magic power surged rapidly, and a huge magic circle unfolded. The violent aura startled everyone in the field.

"This little girl still likes to mess up her spells, but she has indeed grown into an outstanding magician."

Choshinosuke, who was on his shoulder, looked at the young face beside him and thought of the little girl who was once able to use magic of such strength, and he couldn't help but sigh.

"【[Explosion Magic]? But what is that spell?"

The violent magic made Slime turn his attention to Huihui.

As Wolbach's subordinate, he naturally knew this magic. He also knew the power of this magic.

"Although her magic power is still immature, she will be a formidable enemy when she grows up!"

With this mentality, Slime's speed increased to a higher level, trying to interrupt Huihui before she finished chanting.

"Stop him!!!"

"Give that little girl time to prepare her magic!"

Someone saw the purpose of the slime and shouted loudly.

Then a slender female knight with a cold face rushed out, holding a sword in both hands and slashing down fiercely.

"Even I can handle something this big!"

The huge force made the slime dent again, but the impact also made Darkness's feet pull out a channel on the ground.

Fortunately, the sword in his hand was forged with rare ore, otherwise it would not be able to be used like this.

Even so, signs of corrosion began to appear on the sword. The poisonous gas at close range made Darkness feel slightly dizzy.

But soon a ray of light fell on his body, and the feeling disappeared.

Glancing from the corner of his eye, the perverted high priest was grinning and giving a thumbs up.

The slime did not intend to confront the knight in front of him, as the magic reaction over there had become more and more violent.



The thin ropes condensed from magic power and the white cold air whizzed over, and the huge body was instantly tied up by the ropes.

Then the cold air swarmed over it. Although it failed to turn it into ice, its movements became slower.

""Back off!!!"

Two cries rang out, and Darkness and the other two quickly retreated.

The people not far away who were feeling the surging magic power also quickly moved away.




The slime, trapped by the ice magic and the magic rope, screamed in despair.

A huge roar spread wildly, and at this time, a dazzling light shot up into the sky.

After waiting for the noise to subside, a huge pit appeared in the field.

Even though the poisonous slime had a strong resistance to magic, it was completely turned into nothingness under these two powerful attacks.

"What's with that name you gave yourself that sounds like an upgraded version of Explosion Magic?"

Huihui leaned weakly into Natsume Yu's arms and stared at Alice.

"But my move is sacredexplode, which is different from yours."

Unlike Huihui, Alice, who used her sword to perform the move, did not feel uncomfortable at all and refuted seriously.

"The name of the move is copied from [Explosion Magic]! I think that move is so powerful because of the copied name!"

"That’s the ultimate move of my ancestral sword!"

The two started arguing about the name.

As for the Demon King’s army cadre who was killed, Huihui forgot about it for a while.

After all, she didn’t want to admit that her [Explosion Magic] was not as powerful as Alice’s ultimate move.

"You did a good job."

Natsume Yuu interrupted the two people's calculation.

This time he didn't take action, and he was able to defeat the cadres of the Demon King's army just by relying on them, which made him very satisfied.

It seems that the hydra meat and cabbage during this period have played a great effect.

In terms of strength, they have surpassed the original works of the same period. ps: Sorry for forgetting that he will lose his mind after becoming the prototype...

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