From black technology to super engineering

Chapter 302 Interdimensional!

"Ita, the food is served."

"Come on!"

At home, the old man was sitting on the main seat, smiling and giving orders to Ita.

The latter also happily ran into the kitchen and put dishes on the table with each hand.

Ye Ming watched from the side and shook his head.

There are two robot girls in the house, one Sita and one Ita. Even Sita stayed with the two for longer and longer, and did more work...

But the old man just likes Ita more—it can even be said that he only likes Ita.

Ye Ming summed up the reasons. On the one hand, it may be because of preconceived ideas. The first thing he saw was Ita. On the other hand, it may be that Ita's personality is more lively, and he can chat with him about circuit knowledge.

On the other hand, Sita is a competent housekeeper, the kind who works hard and never complains.

It can be seen from this that honest people really suffer...even if it is a robot.

Of course, there is a greater possibility that Ita is more "human" - the old man does not understand high technology, but he can feel the aura of Ita's digital life.

"Old man, why don't you design a mouth for Xiaoyi too, um, and Xiaoxi." The mother brought the soup, took the bowls and chopsticks from Sita's hand, and then sat down at the table, smiling and said: "You Seeing the two of them, watching us eat like this all the time, I feel embarrassed."

"Auntie, I can eat the battery!" Ita patted his stomach and made a puffy voice: "I'm still full now!"

"Hahaha, do you hear me? I don't want you to worry about it. If you really want to eat, you have to design a stomach for her, and then you have to clean it up at any time." The old man picked up a piece of sauced beef and put it in his mouth, and finally picked up another piece for his son. One piece, and said with a smile: "Otherwise, the smell is not intoxicating?"

The mother laughed dryly twice immediately: "Just wash it."

"Mom, don't think about it, who is to blame if you wash the leak?" Ye Ming chuckled, and said: "Ita, take that device and test it."



While eating, the family chatted about future house renovations.

In the second half of this year, the small villa on the new campus will be repaired.

That's right, the province has been rich, famous, and popular in the past two years, so it has specially set up a piece of land for building villas - these houses are not available to everyone, at least they must be at the academician level Only the bosses can live in it.

Ye Ming... naturally has this qualification.

And Old Tang didn't fool him. In his small villa, he specially built an extremely huge basement to be used as a workshop.

"Don't worry about the decoration. There will be a special team to decorate. You just need to consider a style." Ye Ming refused his mother to add food to him, and picked up a spoon to serve himself a bowl of soup.

"It's mainly in the basement." My father always eats faster. He has already put down the bowls and chopsticks. He heard the words and reminded: "The workshop in the basement should be well arranged. Let's see when the robotic arm here will be dismantled."

Ye Ming coughed lightly.

"Dad... Actually, there's no need to dismantle it. I'll ask the company to directly build a higher-precision one."

The father was startled, and then laughed loudly: "Well, I forgot, my son is still a boss."

"Even if I'm not the boss, I can squander it just by relying on the school's salary and various bonuses." Ye Ming sipped his soup and said with a smile: "I only have 10 million for the Nobel Prize and the Future Science Award."

Mother laughed and said, "Not much, not enough to buy a house in the capital."

The father immediately glared at his wife: "What you said, can someone who can buy 100 suites in your capital enjoy the treatment he is getting now?"

Mother immediately stopped talking.

Ye Ming smiled and shook his head: "Actually, at the end of last year, the company distributed a bonus, and I probably distributed a few hundred million... The money and I set up a public welfare fund with Mr. Tang, Mr. Chen, and Mr. Tao. , if it really comes time to spend money..."

Ye Ming paused as he spoke: "Okay, now my family's food, clothing, housing and medical practice are all covered by the state. Where can I spend money?"

The father smiled and nodded: "Yes, our family doesn't buy any famous watches, cars, big diamonds or anything like that."

Although the mother also nodded, she couldn't help but said: "Then you have to consider your wife."

"Mom, I think the daughter-in-law I'm looking for will definitely not pursue these things."

"That might be."

"Do you think the son will like those who pursue these things?" The father glanced at the mother, very dissatisfied: "Or do you think our son is not qualified to choose a girlfriend?"

Ye Ming laughed.

At this time, Yita's "Hey" suddenly came from the workshop, and then Yita's voice rang in Ye Ming's mind.

"Ye Ming, come and see."



ten minutes later.

Ye Ming stood in front of Chang Boyi with Ita and his father.

The field wave instrument was developed by Capital Precision Instruments in the second half of last year. It is a new instrument specially developed for the YE field. Its specific performance is to receive the actuation from the field wave through the precise atomic layer in the probe and obtain a waveform picture.

At present, this equipment not only belongs to the top scientific research equipment in China, but also belongs to the top echelon in the world.

This is just one, the cost is about one million.

The reason why there is one at home is entirely because Ita is going to come back to secretly do experiments-you let her have a robot to do experiments in the laboratory, and it is always a bit weird for people to see.

"Ye Ming, I think this is indeed the annihilation of the singularity, not an equipment test error or malfunction."

Ita's voice rang in his head.

She also knows that when discussing these issues, she should avoid talking in front of the old man - otherwise, no matter how nervous the old man is, he may think that she is not an ordinary "robot".

"Don't tell me that the YE field crosses dimensions." Ye Ming pursed his lips and replied in his mind.

Since Professor Hollyn and him constructed the hyperdimensional cube information collection, he has tried many times to construct an experimental design to complete the dimension enhancement of information.

But every time, it ended in failure.

Frankly speaking, even if he is the proposer of Ye's Equation and the discoverer of the YE field... when faced with the "Zenith Star Technology" that spans dimensions, he still feels powerless.

There is no other reason.

Lack of theoretical basis.

According to the speculation and discussion between Ye Ming and Mr. Huo Laien, the two felt that if the experimental physics community followed the current direction, there would be a high probability that conditions for dimension enhancement would come up.

But...the two never thought that it would be now.

This time, they estimate, is within the next five years.

"I suspect that it has crossed dimensions."

Ita's voice fell, and at the same time, she also raised a row of formulas in Ye Ming's mind.

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