It's not dawn yet, the cold in the early morning of late autumn is strong, and it's still dark all around.

In the cellar of Luo's family, an oil lamp has been quietly lit. Young Luo Zheng covers most of the light of the oil lamp, sits at the table and quietly pulls out an old thread bound book.

Luo Zheng, who has just turned seventeen this year, is thin and not handsome. But he has a soft temperament, especially a pair of eyes. Even under the dim oil lamp, his eyes are shining.

"It took me a month to finish reading this book of Tianlun Wenxian. The truth in it is very good, but I can't agree with the four words of" good for bad. " Luo Zheng whispered and looked at Douding's lamp flame with a sad look on his face: "if my father hadn't been kind-hearted and believed these four words, my long house would not have come to such an end, and my father would not have died..."

After thinking for a long time, there was a sound of unlocking the door of the cellar. Luo Zheng immediately swept away the sad look in his eyes. Instead, he was full of perseverance. At the same time, he quickly blew out the oil lamp, and then covered himself with the old quilt.

The lock of the cellar was opened, and several footsteps came from far to near. The leader stepped forward, stamped on Luo Zheng's bed, and screamed: "still sleeping? Why do you think you are the young master of the Luo family

This man is a steward of the Luo family. He has a sharp mouth and hairy cheeks. He also has a tumor on his forehead. At a glance, he looks disgusting.

Luo Zheng lifted the quilt, rubbed his eyes deliberately, got up from the bed and put on his shoes and socks without saying a word. Although these clothes were worn, Luo Zheng still wore them meticulously and neatly.

The steward rolled his eyes, and a "Virtue" came out of his mouth. Then he waved. Several servants behind him surrounded Luo Zheng, wearing thick leather armor and handcuffs.

After finishing this set of work, Luo Zheng, led by his servants, walked out of the cellar and toward the martial arts hall of the Luo family.

Luo family is a big family in Chongming County, which has ten thousand mu of fertile land and 100 mines, and is famous in Chongming County.

However, there are thousands of counties and cities in the whole eastern region, among which there are countless powerful families, and the Luo family is not ranked in the whole eastern region.

Luo Zheng was escorted by his servants. He climbed out of the gloomy cellar and went through countless pavilions, bridges, corridors and boats before he came to the gate of the martial arts hall.

Yanwu hall is an open place for the Luo family's children to practice. The dragon, Phoenix and lion are built with white marble at the entrance. The ground is paved with one meter square black basalt. Standing at the entrance of the hall, you can feel the momentum.

In the middle of Yanwu hall, dozens of Luo's children in grey robes are practicing hard under the leadership of Luo's tutor.

There was a lot of fighting and shouting.

These children of the Luo family are all in their teens. In order to fight for a certain position in the Luo family, they study hard every day.

In late autumn, the cold wind is biting, but they are sweating. What's more, their heads are steaming with hot air and white fog

On one side of Yanwu hall, there are more than a dozen men wearing leather armour and hand irons like Luo Zheng. One by one, these men's breath is decaying, their nose is blue and their face is swollen, and they are injured in the light and the dark.

When Luo Zheng was put into the Yanwu hall, he stood with the men.

Most of these decadent men are death row prisoners bought by the Luo family from the local prison, and they become slaves of the Luo family. The role of these slaves is to serve as meat targets for the Luo family's children, and let them beat, train and test their own strength at will. I don't know how many of these meat targets are killed every year.

Luo Zheng is not a prisoner of death. He used to be the eldest son of Luo's family. He is a well-known young family leader. He has a noble status in Luo's family. The family members have to salute him respectfully when they meet him. Even the elders of the family are polite to him.

Just two years ago, a big event happened in Chongyang County. Luo Zheng's father, the owner of the Luo family, was poisoned by his brothers and killed suddenly.

Then Changfang Yimai was planted and framed by the other three rooms of the Luo family, and was charged with treason. Under the brotherhood wall, Changfang Yimai completely declined.

Luo Zheng, as the former head of the Shaojia family, was also charged with treason and became a slave of the Luo family. He became a meat target of the Luo family and allowed the Luo family's children to fight and practice martial arts. He would never turn over.

It has been two years since he was beaten at will. In the two years, Luo Zheng has no idea how many fists and insults he has suffered.

"So far for today's boxing practice, you Luo family children choose their own meat targets! Hitting the human body can make you fully understand the skills in actual combat, and be familiar with the weakness of the human body and the distribution of bones! "

after the leader of the Luo family ordered, the children of the Luo family searched for their own meat targets, and soon there were bursts of wailing and begging for mercy in the martial arts hall. The children of the Luo family regarded these slaves as human beings, and they were not soft hearted.

Many of them will fight harder and harder when they find Luo Zheng, because they have more sense of accomplishment when they trample on the former young master!

In the face of the fists of Luo's children, Luo Zheng protects the vital parts of his body. He has no expression on his face and responds calmly. These He's used to it.Before long, a few people suddenly walked into the gate of Yanwu hall. The first one was a young man in royal clothes with a full face.

"Here comes the young master!"

"Little master, you are finally out of the pass. You are in a refreshing spirit. You want to be a compulsory student and make great progress!"

"The master of the young family is very talented. He is the genius of the Luo family. He must have entered the realm of bone refining."

The children of the Luo family stopped beating and talked to the young man in the royal guards one after another.

Luo Zheng's eyes fell on the young man in royal guards, and an imperceptible anger rose quietly. The young man in the royal guards, the "little master" of the Luo family, was named Luo peiran. He was the eldest son of the second family and was about the same age as Luo Zheng.

After Luo Zheng was demoted as a domestic slave, Luo peiran took the place of Luo Zheng and became the master of the Luo family.

Some time ago, I heard that Luo peiran was practicing in seclusion, but it hasn't appeared for a long time. Now it seems that Luo peiran's strength is improving again!

Luo peiran's perception is very sharp, aware of Luo Zheng's unfriendly eyes, turned to look at Luo Zheng, with a banter smile on his face, went to Luo Zheng's body and said: "Luo Zheng, I've been closed for a long time, but I didn't expect that you haven't been killed?"

"Thanks for your good words, I can't die yet," Luo Zheng said in a dull voice.

"What's that presumptuous tone? How dare you speak to the young master like this? "

"Just a slave, don't you get down? Hurry up and kowtow to the young master, or you will regret coming to this world. "

Several children of the Luo family yelled, as if Luo Zheng had dug their ancestral graves.

Luo Zheng looked around coldly. In the past, these children of Luo family were like dogs in front of them. They didn't dare to go out. Now he lost his power and changed his face faster than turning a book. He immediately became Luo peiran's dog.

Luo peiran waved his hand to stop the excited children of the Luo family. He said to Luo Zheng with a good face: "Luo Zheng, do you know why I shut up?"

Luo Zheng doesn't speak, just looks at Luo peiran with a gloomy face.

"You should know that our Luo family has two pills of heaven and earth? Some time ago, I ate one of them, "Luo peiran said with a smack of his mouth." this Tiandi Zaohua pill is really extraordinary. Its pure medicine washes my body and makes me reborn. It leaps from the realm of refining meat to the realm of refining bone. Moreover, its effect is only one tenth of that. It remains in my body and continuously supports my body. There is only a thin line between the realm of refining viscera and the realm of refining marrow It's just around the corner! "

Heaven and earth nature pill!

These two pills are the most precious of the Luo family. It is said that they are stored in the most hidden place of the family. Most people are not allowed to use them.

According to Zuxun, only the Luo family's children who reached the bone refining realm before the age of 16 are qualified to use the heaven and earth creation pill.

The five realms of the body are divided into five realms: one is refining the skin, two is refining the meat, three is refining the bone, four is refining the viscera, and five is refining the marrow. The difference between each realm is very huge. It is very difficult for ordinary people to break through. Without decades of tempering and wrestling, it is difficult to break through.

Most people reach triple bone training before the age of 30, even if they are gifted.

But Zuxun's stipulation, uses the heaven and earth nature to transform the Dan, must achieve the triple bone refining condition before 16 years old, only then has the qualification!

The 16-year-old bone refining realm is undoubtedly a genius among the geniuses. Not to mention the Luo family, it has never appeared in the whole Chongming County. Therefore, in the past 300 years, the heaven and earth creation pill has never been used.

Originally, Luo Zheng was the most promising one to swallow the heaven and earth nature pill.

At the age of 14, he had already entered the peak of double refining meat. The king of Chongyang County described him as the hope of revitalizing the Luo family, the proud son favored by heaven, and the genius among the talents!

Unfortunately, in this year, there was internal strife in the family. His father was harmed by his brothers because of his pure and good heart. Luo Zheng was even demoted as a domestic slave and became a meat target. He became a prisoner. His cultivation stagnated and he missed the chance to fight with the heaven and earth's creation pill.

Luo peiran has ordinary talent. At the age of 16, he has just entered the double refining realm. He is not qualified to use the heaven and earth creation pill, but after all, he still moves.

The Tiandi Zaohua pill belongs to itself. It's eaten by this kind of uncultivated waste. Even though Luo Zheng's mind has been completely flattened in the past two years, he can't help but get excited. He says angrily, "Luo peiran, you've ignored Luo's instructions and taken the holy medicine. It's worse than animals!"

* hum, you are even worse than the worms in the stone gap in my eyes. I have stepped into the peak of bone refining. I can hold a thousand pounds with one hand. You are just a slave, and I can crush you with one hand. Today, I'm happy to go out of the pass. I'll try my hand with a meat target first! " Luo peiran didn't take Luo Zheng's words to heart at all. When he said that, he pointed at it and said, "I'll choose you!"

He didn't choose Luo Zheng, but found a middle-aged man. When the middle-aged man saw Luo peiran touch him, his whole body suddenly trembled. Although he was wearing thick leather armor on his chest, he could resist a lot of damage, but in the face of bone refining, Luo peiran still couldn't help shivering, and his hip suddenly became wet.

Then Luo peiran took a deep breath, clenched his hands, and put on the unique "red sandalwood boxing" posture of the Luo family. He showed his heart and turned his mental skills to the extreme. His whole body was covered with a faint purple light."Around Spare my life Young master, please keep your hand The meat target saw Luo peiran's momentum, and his eyes showed a desperate expression. This fist was absolutely dead and lifeless. He was about to kneel down while begging for mercy.


Luo peiran was not willing to listen to the meat target's plea for mercy. This blow hit the meat target's chest, and a dull voice came. The skin armor used by the meat target's chest for defense was beaten to pieces, and the whole chest was broken by him. The man directly hit the wall of the Yanwu hall and rebounded to the ground.

With this punch, the fully armed meat target was killed alive.

"The little master's fist is powerful. I'm afraid we can't find a second one among the young people of Luo family!"

"The master of the little family will vitalize the Luo family and carry forward the Luo family!"

The children of the Luo family have lost no time in flattering themselves.

Luo peiran also seems to be very satisfied with the effect of this fist, and then he looked at Luo Zheng with bad intentions.

Luo Zheng subconsciously stepped back. Although he was much better than the middle-aged man, he could not resist Luo peiran's punch.

Luo peiran laughs twice, reaches out his hand and slaps Luo Zheng on the shoulder. "Don't worry, I won't kill you so soon. I want you to watch. I'm much better than you garbage!"

Luo peiran was about to leave when he suddenly remembered something and said, "by the way, I forgot one thing. I heard that my talented cousin was not happy in Qingyun sect. She offended a big man and was sent to the purgatory mountain to think about it! I'll go to Qingyun sect to rescue her when I enter the realm of refining dirty. Ha ha ha... "

Hearing these words, Luo Zheng's heart suddenly tightened!

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