Those Jiashi originally volunteered to go into the mine and find Luo zhenggei, but they were rejected by the two temple owners.

The two temple masters were very patient.

What's the background of Luo Zheng? Is it worth waiting for the two temple masters?

From noon until dusk, Luo Zheng retreated from the vein.

After she became a hundred genuine jade, she chose to leave the vein and go to her uncle. They just left a message for each other

However, I'm afraid it's also a joke to leave a message in the big world.

The transmission order is a means of communication in the lower boundary. The transmission range is only 60000 or 70000 Li at most. The territory occupied by a holy land of Lingwu is tens of thousands of times larger than that. In most cases, the transmission order is useless! Unless Luo Zheng is close to Mu Mingxue's range of 60000 or 70000 Li!

Since Luo Zheng jumped out of that spiritual dilemma, he has also made clear his goal during this period of time. Long term goal Luo Zheng has always had. However, at this stage, he has just entered the upper bound and is still in the stage of unfamiliar life and land. Naturally, Luo Zheng has to explore by himself.

In this stage of exploration, Luo Zheng gives priority to awaken Xun. She has been sleeping for a long time, and there is no sign of waking up now. After accumulating 200 pieces of jade, Luo Zheng is looking for the treasure to repair Xun's soul.

Today's luck is good. Unexpectedly, he encountered the Hydra and took seven real jade from it. Luo Zheng also found out the secret. If he wanted to find real jade, he had to run with those fierce beasts. These fierce beasts were living in the veins all day long, which was to absorb the vitality of the world in real jade.

If it wasn't for the fact that these fierce beasts were too powerful, Luo Zheng really wanted to leave a mark on them and saved himself a long time searching for them every time

However, as soon as Luo Zheng returned to the settlement, he found that there was something wrong with the atmosphere of the settlement.

But Luo Zheng's eyes swept slightly, and his brows suddenly wrinkled

"The strength of these two people is quite strong!"

So far, Luo Zheng has seen a lot of tough characters beyond imagination!

Needless to say, the master worshipped in the immortal mansion is just a remnant of the master. I can't estimate his strength. Luo Zheng only knows that he is superior to the world.

Next is the young man who took his sister away from xulingzong. The strength of the young man is also unimaginable. With Luo Zheng's current vision, it is impossible to judge who is more powerful between him and his master.

Then there is the old man of Tianwei clan who I met with Ning yudie at the double cultivation ceremony. According to Luo Zheng's conjecture, this old man is probably a person of the level of the world leader.

But these two people give Luo Zheng a strong feeling, but they should be under the leader of the world

No matter who it is, Luo Zheng has no intention of provoking. After landing, he plans to register zhenyuanyu with the Jiashi. However, looking at these Jiashi standing in a row, no one seems to come to register. Luo Zheng doesn't know who to give zhenyuanyu to.

At this time, the hall master he came to Luo Zheng, and then he said with a faint smile, "are you Luo Zheng?"

As soon as he said this, Luo Zheng understood that it was mostly towards himself

No matter how, he can't avoid it. He nodded, "yes, I'm Luo Zheng."

He Dian Lord said directly: "Congratulations, you have finished your service and become a member of my holy land of Lingwu!"

As soon as he said this, the Jias looked at each other. The Jias, who had just been the leader, had already reminded the two temple masters that Luo Zheng intended to become an independent warrior.

Luo Zheng's eyebrows wrinkled, then he said with a smile: "this adult, is it wrong? I'm not going to join the holy land of Lingwu. "

"It's not up to you, and it's an order from the holy city. We'll take you directly into the holy city," the God Temple next to us continued.

Hearing the words of the Lord of Shen temple, all the Jiashi's Chins fell down!

The scope of the holy land of Lingwu is too large. Most of the people who join the holy land of Lingwu can only do some errands and positions in 36000 cities!

For example, although these Jias are warriors in the divine sea, even in the upper world, they are not weak in cultivation, but it is a very good job to be a city leader in these 36000 cities.

And the really outstanding martial arts, has always been the target in the 36 hall!

If you can join the thirty-six halls, for many martial arts people, it's really the ancestral grave.

However, it's hard to imagine how difficult it is to join the thirty sixth hall. For the vast majority of martial arts practitioners, it's just an unattainable dream.

But in addition to the 36 halls, it is not the core of Lingwu holy land. The core of Lingwu holy land is holy city!

This holy city is the most important part of the holy land of Lingwu. It is also the capital for the competition between the holy land of Lingwu and the other two holy places of Tongling!Those who enter the holy city do not ask about cultivation, but only about talent, because as long as you have talent, it is an easy thing for the holy city to give you cultivation in the sea of God.

Moreover, generally speaking, those who are selected into the holy city are often below the holy sea, and those who are selected after the holy sea will not be accepted in the holy city unless they are particularly excellent.

There is only one reason, that is the doom of life and death!

When a warrior breaks through the realm of life and death, he will experience a small disaster.

Many ordinary martial arts practitioners only have five or six robberies to open up the divine sea. Although they can enter the divine sea ahead of time, this is not a good thing. The less the number of robberies in the realm of life and death, the less potential they will have in the future!

Just like most of those who fly up, they are always eager to step into the divine sea, and this kind of warrior can't be said to be worthless. After all, this strength is here, but it's hard to do much in the future!

The warrior who can really enter the holy city is often the one who has experienced eight or even nine small robberies!

Therefore, there is a saying in the upper world, which is called "nine robberies turn the world"

That is to say, if you can survive nine small calamities, you will be quite likely to become a world leader!

Luo Zheng didn't know about these things, but he had swallowed the "hijacking flower" in the mainland of the kingdom of God before. According to Qinglong, this thing only exists in the lower boundary. After he swallowed it unintentionally, there must be a ninth hijacking.

At present, those Jiashi are also stupid.

Originally, I thought that Luo Zheng was favored by the two temple masters and was qualified to join the thirty sixth hall. Unexpectedly, the two temple masters took Luo Zheng directly to the holy city

At this time, Huang Jiashi and his descendants were afraid.

Fortunately, the two of them reminded Qiu Jian in time not to ask Luo Zheng for trouble. If they hadn't stopped him at that time, Qiu Jian would have made a big difference. I'm afraid the two of them would have had a hard time.

Under this fear, they also made up their mind not to let the fur blade make trouble. Although they took a lot of advantages from fur blade, if fur blade offended a terrible climber, it would be them who would be in trouble in the future!

In the eyes of all the Jia Shi, Luo Zheng suddenly asked, "holy city? Where is it? "

This almost made a lot of Jiashi fall, but on second thought, this guy flew up. I didn't know that the holy city was normal.

Then he temple Master said: "it is the core of our holy land of Lingwu. If the whole holy land of Lingwu is a great holy land, then the holy city is the Holy Land in the Holy Land!"

This metaphor is very vivid, Luo Zheng immediately understood, but he still said: "if I insist on refusing?"

When they heard that Luo Zheng wanted to refuse, their hearts were bleeding. If they could join the holy city, they could give up everything except their lives.

There was no surprise on the faces of the two temple masters. They were people who had seen the world. Of course, they knew that there were many ten holy places in the world, and some of them were not necessarily holy places of Lingwu.

That he temple Lord just lightly said: "with your present strength, there is no qualification to refuse, not to mention that we are only entrusted by others to bring you into the holy city."

Now that these words have been said, Luo Zheng naturally has nothing to say. They are all smart people. With his current strength, there is really no room for resistance.

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