From Luo Zheng's flying up, when he first came into contact with the clouds, he had a very strange feeling.

In fact, this strangeness has not been eliminated until now.

In Luo Zheng's opinion, there is no difference between Yunluo in front of him and the two Yunluo in the lower world, but actually they are totally different people!

In other words, the cloud that Luo Zheng once knew had disappeared and was swallowed by the cloud in front of him.

Although the present master of Yunluo palace inherited the memory of the two, it was only two parts per million after all.

The reason why Yunluo is so impressed with Luo Zheng is that she has extracted the memory of Luo Zheng from the memory of millions of Yunluo

If Yunluo does not extract the memory of Xue Muyang, Xue Muyang is equivalent to the existence of strangers to Yunluo.

Even though Xue Muyang follows yunmiao Tiangong and makes Yunluo notice because of her excellent performance, she also understands Xue Muyang's intention, but it still can't change the fact that this is a stranger.

However, looking at Xue Muyang's posture, it seems that he will not stop until he reaches his goal. Luo Zheng can only shake his head slightly, even if he proves his strength in the future? Feelings are not won by strength. If Yunluo is an ordinary woman, it's all right. But she is the son of heaven, and now she is in a high position, how can she commit herself to anyone at will?

Of course, this has nothing to do with Luo Zheng

The martial arts below are still flying towards the Cabernet Sauvignon in an orderly way. Those who pass are standing behind many palace leaders and vice palace leaders. Those who fail to pass are leaving dejected. Gradually, the martial arts who fly up are becoming more and more rare.

"Aren't you going yet?" One side of AI an Xin asked.

"You can go up first," Luo Zheng suggested.

But AI Anxin said, "I actually let you go first But if you let me go first, I'll go first! "

After that, AI Anxin gently weighed her toes and circled in the air. She was extremely agile and went to the Cabernet Sauvignon ring. When she turned around, she even turned around and gave a faint smile to Luo Zheng. The whole person passed by with her back to the Cabernet Sauvignon ring.

The moment AI Anxin passed through the ring, a red glow burst out from one end of the ring, and the glow spread rapidly along the ring!


The whole Cabernet Sauvignon ring is singing!

At the same time, a dazzling light just like waves in general, constantly surging on the Cabernet Sauvignon, reluctant to disperse!

It's also because the light is too dazzling. In people's eyes, the Cabernet Sauvignon is not like a ring, but like a big fireball, like a sun.

"What a strong reaction, this woman! Her lotus flower has opened up a few leaves! "

"Xue Muyang is already nine leaves. Has this woman surpassed nine leaves?"

"No wonder you are so arrogant and dare to challenge the whole cloud sky palace. This talent is really unimaginable..."

The faces of the Deputy palace masters of yunmiao heavenly palace are also full of surprise. They are impressed with this woman. Not long ago, this woman directly challenged the genius of the whole yunmiao heavenly palace by using the tiger roaring order. After inquiring, these Deputy palace masters knew that they were the disciples of the old palace master, and they didn't study deeply.

Since it's the old palace master who left it here, just let her go

The old palace master's disciples, regardless of their strength and talent, naturally will not be weak, but they did not expect that AI Anxin could trigger such a big reaction from Cabernet Sauvignon.

Cloud also revealed a trace of surprise, "let the reaction of Cabernet Sauvignon, her lotus should also open up nine leaves!"

"Well," one of the Deputy palace masters nodded, "it should be so. If my guess is right, she should be at the peak of nine leaves. If she is inspired to go through ten small disasters, I'm afraid there is a little possibility that Mahayana will grow up!"

"Mahayana lotus..." Another vice palace master sighed, "the old palace master's luck is so good that he can not only attack the throne of heaven and escape the five failures of that day, but also find such a treasure!"

Those who have Mahayana are also very few in the whole world and in the major races!

Yun Luo nodded, but with a smile, "this girl should have a place in the world..."

However, Yunluo does not dare to say absolutely. Now the great world has just opened, and the whole great world battle will last for a long time. Many things are unknown and cannot be judged. Even if you really have the great world battle and the bad luck, you are the darling of this era, but you may not be able to become the protagonist!

Besides, in Yunluo's opinion, the woman is too proud. Although Yunluo didn't leave her palace during this period, she knows some news, especially when she repeatedly provokes Luo Zheng. It's hard to say that she looks like a pure death

If you die blindly, it will be difficult to save the bad luck!

Of course, Yunluo doesn't care about this kind of thing. She doesn't give Luo Zheng any advice or special preferential treatment. Since Luo Zheng has a double life, let him go his own way."Luo Zheng, why don't you come up?" Cloud falls a light glance at Luo Zheng.

In fact, both of them are in the same position as Xue Muyang

However, when Yunluo recalled his memory, Luo Zheng's memory shocked Yunluo much more than Xue Muyang's! So Yunluo's impression of Luo Zheng is many times more profound than Xue Muyang's.

AI Anxin is standing in the sky. She was introduced by the old palace master to yunmiao temple. She should be standing behind the cloud. However, she is floating alone. As for the glow of the Cabernet Sauvignon ring, it is still gorgeous and extraordinary, and the red glow reflects her face.

She felt the shock of the people's eyes, face some calm, but also slightly proud in the heart!

Complacency does not mean she is satisfied.

Her goal is definitely not limited to a small cloud sky palace. What she will face in the future is the top talents in the whole world. She wants to win her place in the only big world battle in this era!

And this inheritance is just the beginning.

As the glow slowly faded, the whole Cabernet Sauvignon was calm.

Behind her, several more warriors flew up. At this time, she was also staring at Luo Zheng, "Luo Zheng, it's yours. Don't you plan to join in the inheritance of firewood?"

Luo Zheng refused her challenge again and again. She had no choice but to defeat Luo Zheng in the inheritance of firewood!

Hear AI Anxin's words, Luo Zheng light smile, many people also focus on Luo Zheng's body.

During this period, AI Anxin and Luo Zheng are the two most excellent newcomers. In fact, many of the warriors in yunmiao Tiangong are also curious. If they fight, how can they distinguish between the two?

However, Luo Zheng only shot twice in yunmiao heaven palace. The first time he defeated the warrior of Lingyun hall, and the second time he almost killed master Jingxuan of Yanyun hall with one sword!

But Jingxuan's ranking in yanyuntang is only about 200 So it is difficult to refer to Luo Zheng's real strength through Jingxuan.

However, AI Anxin has defeated more than ten people in a row, including hundreds of yanyuntang's top ranking and dozens of yanyuntang's top ranking. The fourth ranking warrior in yanyuntang has also been defeated by AI Anxin!

At the moment, when AI Anxin was crossing the Cabernet Sauvignon ring, the light she attracted was several times more than Xue Muyang. It also made everyone understand that the potential of this woman was far beyond their imagination.

So most of the martial arts people, though they don't like AI Anxin, still prefer her to Luo Zheng

"Come on up!" AI an Xin stretched out his palm towards Luo Zheng, and spread out his five tall and white fingers, as if he wanted to pull Luo Zheng from a distance of tens of feet.

Luo Zheng nodded, that is to urge the chaos of the gas, slowly floating up his body.

"Look at Luo Zheng. He seems to have no confidence."

"It seems that no one knows how many lotus flowers he has opened. Did he just open three? I'm afraid I can't get through this Cabernet Sauvignon? "

"No way..."

"It's really a little bit possible. After all, I know how many lotus flowers I've opened. You see, most of those who are hesitant can't pass!"

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