It's rare to have a series of robberies.

Even Luo Zheng didn't expect that this time he would trigger five small robberies in a row

Fortunately, today's Luo Zheng has been promoted again in his physical body. In addition, he seems to be too powerful to imagine. It's not so difficult to deal with.

Under the baptism of this round of natural calamity, Luo Zheng's cultivation is also improving rapidly.

Now Luo Zheng has been regarded as a warrior in the realm of life and death.

Strictly speaking, the realm of life and death does not have this level, because from the sixth level of the realm of life and death, Zhenyuan begins to liquefy continuously, and the later the liquefying, the more perfect the divine sea will be.

After reaching the ten levels of the realm of life and death, Zhenyuan liquefies rapidly, forming a perfect sea of gods, which is already a warrior in the realm of the sea of gods.

However, Luo Zheng's current situation is somewhat special

Like AI Anxin, Xue Muyang and others, now the Dantian in the body is naturally evolving into a sea of gods.

After passing through the ten levels of the realm of life and death, Luo Zheng also tried to explore his own elixir field. He wanted to see if the Qi of chaos had successfully evolved into the sea of gods.

In the secret art of chaos, my master once deduced that the Qi of chaos is the essence of the world, which can be derived from the sea of God. Moreover, unlike the sea of Zhenyuan, the sea of God created by the Qi of chaos will be a real world!

The sea of gods opens up the sea of gods, and when it reaches the extreme state of gods, it can gradually cultivate one side of the world in the body, from which all kinds of creatures can be cultivated, and even the birth of a country, society and a new culture can be born.

However, there is an iron rule between this world and the real world. Any living creature cultivated in the inner world cannot leave that world. As long as it leaves, it will be suppressed by the rules of the world and split into the true element again!

This iron rule is also the most powerful law of causation in the world! So far, no one has been able to break the rule.

There are many legends and stories in the world. One of them is about a god falling in love with a woman cultivated in the inner world!

Finally, the God tried to take the woman away from her inner world. For this reason, he spent tens of thousands of years traveling around the world, trying to find a solution. Later, it seemed that the God really found a way!

The God paid a great price, let the woman survive in the outside world for a day, just one day!

One day later, under the influence of the law of cause and effect, the woman quickly disintegrated into a Tao of truth, dissipated between heaven and earth, and no longer existed

This is a sad and tragic story, which is widely spread in the upper world, especially among the human race. Many martial arts people also understand that this rule is that even the God can't disobey it, and ordinary martial arts people can't disobey it!

But in the secret of chaos, according to master's inference, the world cultivated by the Qi of chaos is no different from the creatures and materials in the world!

That is to say, if Luo Zheng succeeds in opening up the sea of gods and cultivating the birth spirit and various substances, he can bring it out of his inner world

The reason is very simple. All the creatures and materials in the whole world are derived from chaos. Naturally, the creatures evolved by Luo Zheng in the sea of chaos are no different from the creatures in the world, and they will not be affected by the supreme law of causality.

However, this is just an inference made by master in the secret art of chaos. Up to now, no one has practiced the secret art of chaos. Of course, master transcends the existence of this round of heaven, but the inference will inevitably have a big error

Only after the 10th natural calamity, Luo Zheng looked inside and observed the movement of the world inside him. Under this observation, he only found that the chaotic Qi was getting thicker and thicker, but there was no sign of liquefaction.

When Luo Zheng had just stepped into the realm of life and death, Zhenyuan had already begun to liquefy. Unexpectedly, now he had stepped into the realm of Shenhai, but there was still no sign of liquefying this chaotic gas.

It's a pity that Luo Zheng is the only one in the world who practices the secret art of chaos. No one can answer the problems he encounters. Even the master who created the secret art of chaos can't give him a precise answer. At present, he can only go step by step.

After Luo zhengdu was robbed, the inheritance of firewood came to an end.

Then the old man waved his hand and removed the seal that shrouded this area.

However, just as the old man in cloth clothes was removed, people suddenly found that something was wrong with the surrounding scenery

AI Anxin raised his head, looked at the sky faintly, and then said: "a lot Clouds. "

Above the heads of the people, they are covered with white clouds!

"What's the matter?"

"There is no rain in the orange sea all the year round. How can these clouds appear?"

"There's something wrong with these clouds..."

Soon someone found the strange thing. In these clouds, there was a sword shadow that was constantly evolving.The Lord of the sunset world stares at these clouds, his eyes suddenly coagulate, and one step away is to disappear in the same place.

Besides the Lord of the sunset world, other palace masters seem to think of something, and their bodies disappear in an instant

The next moment, the Lord of the sunset world came to the huge stone in front of Changsu island.

In front of the boulder, the two ragged warriors of shenjijing are staring at the clouds in the sky, with indescribable joy in their eyes. They are constantly feeling something from the clouds!

This huge cloud covered the whole island.

But just at this time of continuous fluttering, there are faint shadows in the clouds. All the shadows have only one action, which is a simple stab.

But it is this sword, but it contains infinite power in it, which gives people a kind of uncanny feeling!

"Yishen sword This is a sword that Yijian Tianzun spent all his life to comprehend. Although there is only one sword, only such a sword is qualified to hurt the real God... "

"Unfortunately, I'm not Jian Xiu..."

"But such a rare opportunity can't be missed. I can't feel the meaning of the sword, but I can turn the artistic conception into my own and integrate it into my own gun..."

The Lord of the sunset world murmured, thinking of this, he is just like the two warriors in the extreme realm, sitting cross legged, floating in the air, looking up at the thick clouds, and comprehending their opinions!

The Lord of the sunset world will not miss this opportunity, so will other people!

A palace master, including Yunluo himself and the old man in cloth, began to understand the opinions in the clouds!

As for Luo Zheng and others, they can't think of these palace masters and boundary masters moving here in an instant, but their speed is not slow. When they come here one after another, how can they not understand what happened in front of them?

Someone must have touched the mystery left here by Yijian Tianzun!

At this time, no one cares who it is and how it touches the mystery. In the face of this great opportunity, no matter who is willing to let it go, they all look up and begin to understand the sword meaning contained in the shadow. As for how to understand the sword meaning, it depends on everyone's nature.

When Luo Zheng saw the figures, his mouth was Zhang's boss, and his eyes were slightly stunned.

In fact, this sword is very similar to the "Wu Shi" that Luo Zheng has realized since. It can be said that it is very similar

But there is a big difference in essence!

It's the same sword, and it's the same road of "the road to simplicity", but Yi Jian Tianzun's sword is more fierce than Luo Zheng's Wushi.

The reason why Luo Zheng's sword has no fixed form is that it can't be cracked. However, Yi Jian Tianzun's sword still can't be cracked because it has a very fixed form

The same road, completely different methods, came to a very different result!

It has to be said that Yijian Tianzun is still better. This Tianzun, who takes "Jian" as his title, is a Grandmaster level figure on the basis of his understanding of sword moves!

But it doesn't mean that Luo Zheng's understanding is useless. On the contrary, because Luo Zheng's understanding is formless, it's easier for him to understand the beauty of Yi Jian Tianzun's sword

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