Luo Zheng grasped the alchemist's spirit beast bag and swept his eyes lightly.

There's a little bit of eye heat on the faces of other warriors

They don't know if this Alchemist's skill of refining utensils is really powerful, but alchemist has just said that he made this pile of ancient treasures himself.

The quality of these ancient treasures is not low. Such a craftsman is very popular in any holy land of ten grades.

To say the least, lianshenzi is a liar, but he has lived as a puppet for so many years, at least he can solve the secret of the underground palace!

At present, Luo Zheng's hand is just like this, and he puts the spirit refining son into his spirit beast bag. Naturally, the other warriors are very unhappy.

There's no way to be unhappy. In this underground palace, Luo Zheng doesn't intend to reason with anyone. What's more, he puts the alchemist into the spirit beast bag, just doesn't want the alchemist to reveal too many secrets

Besides the warriors of the three holy places, the three holy masters, besides the underground palace, were also very unhappy at this time.

The Lord of the Terran also shook his head. "This boy, it's too much. It's wrong to eat alone like this!"

The holy master knows how important an artifact refiner is to a ten grade holy land. However, the lack of artifact in the Magnolia holy land often gives him a headache.

Although the holy land of Magnolia shoulders part of the convenience of Commerce and trade, the holy land of Magnolia is only a trade channel of the alliance, and the real benefits will never be their turn.

"Ha ha, in the abyss of reincarnation, let him have a good time first. I'll see if this boy has a good harvest, but he will leave the underground palace after all. I'll see if he has the life to leave the Yin kingdom!" But the demon lord sneered.

On the contrary, this made the Terran Lord's face slightly heavy. "No matter what, this boy is from the thirteen palaces. If he can come back safely, I will keep him safe. Don't have such an idea any more..."

Naturally, Luo Zheng in the underground palace couldn't hear such a talk. After he stuffed the alchemist into the spirit beast bag, he summoned mu Mingxue and left the cave. As for the pile of ancient treasures, Luo Zheng didn't look at them any more.

When mu Mingxue heard Luo Zheng's call, she collected some ancient treasures in a hurry. Then she followed Luo Zheng contentedly.

In her heart, she was thinking about how many real yuan jades these ancient treasures could sell. Just now, she carefully selected more than ten ancient treasures with extraordinary appearance. Although these ancient treasures are not valuable, she would be very happy if she could sell a few real yuan jades

The remaining ancient treasures were soon divided up by other warriors.

It can be imagined that Luo Zheng got the world tree species in the first cave. In the second cave, there was a pile of ragged ancient treasures. However, Luo Zheng took a puppet of unknown origin, but it was obviously of great significance. It seems that this time, they are doomed to be the only one to accompany the prince to study!

However, although their hearts are not balanced, they are always following Luo Zheng!

In fact, in their subconscious, they also think that Luo Zheng's strength is extraordinary, and can take them to the deeper depths of this abyss.

"We Continue to go down, "Luo Zheng said to Mu Mingxue with a slight smile. As soon as he slipped, he turned into the abyss.

Mu Mingxue didn't speak much. She was 100% trusting Luo Zheng. She also tilted her body slightly and jumped down.

Others, such as AI Hu, follow Luo Zheng and enter the abyss again

As Xun describes it, the whole abyss is actually a "ring". From Luo Zheng's feelings, they are indeed falling in this abyss, but in fact they are flying around a huge "ring".

Every time they go around the circle, a new cave will appear!

According to Xun's conjecture, there should be a limit to the number of circles in this ring, and the ancient god should have only arranged five circles of tests in this ring.

One hundred thousand years ago, Xun passed the four lap test, and the biggest secret of this reincarnation abyss should be after the fifth lap

Reincarnation to the fifth lap is the purpose of Luo Zheng this time.

Now he only passed two laps, and now the third lap is just the beginning!

When people are in a crisis, they have a lot of time to adjust their posture, so that they can fall slightly.

For those who can stick to the present, except for mu Mingxue, Luo Zheng and AI Hu, all the others have the cultivation of divine extreme state.

At this time, mu Mingxue's heart has sprouted a retreat.

Perhaps with the help of Luo Zheng, mu Mingxue can go further, but after thinking about it for a while, she decides to observe it and activate the return to divine lines. She can choose to wait for Luo Zheng outside the underground palace!

This fall was about a stick of incense, but there was no danger. There was no movement in the whole abyss.But at this time, no one relaxed. After all, according to the experience of the previous two falls, when they just fell, they were generally relatively safe, and the crisis often occurred in an instant, so at this time, people became more and more cautious!

After all, in the second cave, people didn't get much benefit, they just got some abandoned ancient treasures, and they could only place their hopes in the third cave!

"Yes, please be careful," the blonde women of the demon night clan looked down all the time, and then told them in a faint voice.

Luo Zheng also gathered his eyes and shot at the bottom of the abyss, frowning slightly, "what's this?"

You can see that a touch of blood red appears at the bottom of the abyss. When the color of blood red appears, Every warrior's heart suddenly contracts!

"Good, strong evil spirit!"

"It's very angry How to resist

"Keep the mood, can not be affected by this evil spirit!"

With the continuous decline of the crowd, the color of the surrounding abyss wall began to change. There were cracks on the abyss wall, and there was a little red light flowing in the cracks, just like the blood vessels of some living beings, and the endless evil spirit was also released from the abyss wall!

In order to avoid these evil spirits, everyone gathered in the center of the abyss and began to stay away from the wall.

In general, the evil spirit will not have a great influence on the warrior.

After all, if you wipe out the living beings, you will be infected with evil spirit. At this stage of everyone's cultivation, it's hard to count the living beings who died in their hands.

But in general, the evil spirit of martial arts practitioners is within the scope of control. Some martial arts practitioners who need to obtain evil spirit are different. They need to kill more creatures in order to gather more evil spirit

If there is too much evil spirit, there will be demons and all kinds of magic obstacles in the heart of the warrior. Especially in the cultivation, it is very easy to fall into the devil.

In this direction, although the evil spirit of the abyss is dignified, it will not have a great impact on these warriors. After all, these evil spirits are not attached to them. Therefore, in the face of this turbulent evil spirit, many warriors are nervous, but they are not afraid.

But after that, these warriors found that they were completely wrong.

When they continued to fall, the evil spirit in the abyss became more and more intense. At first, the bloody light just flowed along the cracks on the wall of the abyss, but as the people continued to fall, the evil spirit was condensed into red light spots and floated in the whole abyss.

These light spots are everywhere, even floating in the middle of the abyss can not escape, there are light spots constantly hit Luo Zheng, there are other warriors.

And these red light spots formed by the condensation of the evil spirit, as long as you touch them lightly, they will directly sink into the body of the warrior, and they will be absorbed very smoothly

At the beginning, they absorbed a few, but they didn't feel too much. As they absorbed more and more red light spots, they felt more and more restless. With their heart beating wildly, they wanted to tear everything around them to pieces!

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