Xun and Luo Zheng stare at each other, just like a puppet.

Under the death of her heart, her thinking became dull

Seeing Xun like this, Luo Zheng's eyes twinkled with pity, and his heart moved. He manipulated her light body of the sword spirit and took her into his arms.

Xun lowered his hands, still did not move.

They didn't die in your hands

Yao is very happy to see this scene, either four of them die, or you die

I will help you to kill Yao. I will!

These words Luo Zheng did not say, these ideas are constantly circulating in his heart!

"Thank you," Xun said suddenly.

"What?" Luo Zheng was stunned.

Xun's dazed pupil slightly recovered a trace of color. She and Luo Zheng are interlinked. Under the flow of Luo Zheng's thoughts, she can feel the decisive heart in Luo Zheng's heart!

"I won't compromise, that bitch. I'll kill her!" Xun said softly.

Because of the death of four people, she is heartbroken, but Xun is from a ghost to the present step, her obsession is not so easily broken!

Seeing that Xun regained a trace of color, the corners of Luo Zheng's mouth turned slightly up, but he continued to ask: "bitch? Who's that bitch? "

"Yao! I'm going to kill Yao himself, "Xun's voice was a little louder, and there was a little more killing in his eyes!

Luo Zheng continued to encourage: "a little louder!"

"I'll kill you, Yao!" Xun almost screamed. Her voice was very pleasant, but it was very loud and full, just like a girl's roar.

At this time, the color in her eyes became stronger and stronger, and the meaning of killing became stronger and stronger.

Luo Zheng is suddenly a point, in the face of the stars, the whole world, but continue to say: "can't hear, they can't hear, you have to be a little louder!"

Xun wanted to continue to amplify his voice, but Luo Zheng put his finger between her lips. With a slight smile, he had a roaring order in his hand, which had been quietly activated by Luo Zheng. "Now they can hear it..."

Xun's body was tight, his chest was slightly shrunk, and he roared at the roar.

So, in the whole world, there is a loud and full scream, which is a declaration that resounds all over the world.

"Yao! I will surely kill you - "

in the world, there is a sharp scream in the ear of trillions of creatures, which startles many creatures, even causes some intelligent and uncivilized beasts to be restless, and leads to several small-scale animal tides

After a while, Yao's voice rang again, "ha ha, kill me? Xun, do you think your four dead men will be able to rest easy if they die for you? Since I'm willing to send people to kill and exterminate, I can't even predict such a thing! You think you can escape? "

Xun's eyes were quiet, and he was ready to reply with the roaring order again. At this time, Luo Zheng did snatch the roaring order from Xun.

"Bitch, remember me?" Luo Zheng says with a smile to the roar.

"You? Well, of course I remember the little ant beside Xun, "Yao replied.

"In the lower world, you tried to kill me several times. Do you want to kill me now?" Luo Zheng continued.

"Hum, it's just an unimportant ant. It's only when she meets Xun's ghost that she has this chance to fly to the divine world. Now Xun will die, just like you," Yao said faintly.

In fact, the speed of Luo Zheng's progress really makes Yao feel a little dangerous. She has never seen Luo Zheng before, but as Xun said, Luo Zheng has the destiny of the great world. If she gets a qualification in the dream battlefield and becomes the favorite of this era, it's really a threat to her!

"What if you don't die?" Luo Zheng asked suddenly.

Without waiting for Yao to answer, Luo Zheng immediately reactivated the roaring order, "then you admit that you are a bitch?"

"You At the beginning, Luo Zheng called her a slut. She was a little angry, but out of the magnanimity of the king, she didn't care about the contempt of a junior. She didn't expect that Luo Zheng would come back!

But the roar order's voice will cover, but Luo Zheng's roar order is almost infinite. Before Yao opened his mouth, Luo Zheng said, "I forget, you don't have to admit it. You are a slut, or the king of the demon night clan. Together, that's the slut king!"

"Poof One side of the smoke is suddenly between laughing.

Mu Mingxue, who is in the circle of reincarnation, can't help laughing with her mouth closed. She already knows that Luo Zheng is using the roaring order. At the same time, she also confirms that the guy who used the roaring order to count is Luo Zheng!

That was the first time Luo Zheng used the roaring order.

Mu Mingxue still remembers what Luo Zheng asked at that time. He was looking for a woman named Luo Yan, but he didn't know if he found herMu Mingxue and Xun are definitely not the only ones who are amused. Many martial arts people in the world can't help but spray rice when they hear this.

That's the king of the demon night clan. He was so buried by Luo Zheng. I don't know where the demon night clan's face has gone.

In fact, even the martial arts in the demon night clan have a lot of expressions that can't help laughing!

Yao is certainly the most noble king of the demon night clan and their belief totem, but there are also factions within the demon night clan. Each of the three kings has its own supporters. Besides, a considerable number of demon night clans can't stand the king of punishment, especially the old gang headed by the Presbyterian Council!

After all, the rule of three kings was established after the birth of the demon night clan. Today's king of life has always been in a state of silence, and Yao still has to kill Yao. If Yao succeeds, it will become a king's only power in the future. The elders have already made a lot of complaints in private, but they just dare not speak up, but these old guys are not fuel-saving lamps, They are just waiting for a chance to rebound!

Now when they heard that Yao was humiliated, they were not angry. On the contrary, they were very happy. It seemed that they had been spitting out their grievances for many years.

"Hey, little guy, he's got guts!"

"But Yao has locked Xun in. I'm afraid this little guy will be dead sooner or later. I don't know where he comes from."

"Don't look down on anyone. A brave person may not be reckless. Maybe he really has something to rely on..."

"as like as two peas, the voice of this little fellow is just like the mysterious young man who had been scold at the same time over a year ago with the spirit of heaven and the emperor."

What can mu Mingxue think of? How can those strong people not think of it?

More than a year ago, a mysterious young man appeared. The roaring order in his hand seemed to want no money. He not only scolded Linghuo Tianzun, but also counted the numbers Then I chatted with the mysterious girl.

The mysterious girl is nothing more than that. For so many years, her origin has not been found out. The next year, the mysterious girl fell into immersion, and the mysterious youth seems to have disappeared.

Later, Xun's voice suddenly resounded all over the world, and soon afterwards, the voice of "mysterious youth" was heard again.

No matter how stupid people are, they can infer that the mysterious youth is the youth who is speaking now. No doubt, Xun's roaring order should also come from the mysterious youth!

"Hey, Terran boy, where do you come from with so many roaring orders in your hand?" Sure enough, at this time, the emperor of heaven raised a question to Luo Zheng by roaring.

Luo Zheng is not afraid. He has already offended Yao, and he is not afraid to offend another God, "do you want to take care of it?"

This day Zun is choked by Luo Zheng, is also a little angry, "boy, do you know who you are talking to?"

"Heaven, right, so what?" Luo Zheng responded.

"Since you know, aren't you afraid of death? Through the demon night clan, I can also find you, "he sneered.

After hearing this, Luo Zheng activated the roaring order again, but with a arrogant smile, "ha ha ha Since I can resist the pursuit of the king of punishment of the demon night clan, and I have one more God, the pressure is not much greater than that. Why do you think I'm afraid? "

His words were really arrogant. Xun put his hand under the roaring order and shook his head with a smile. "OK, I'm ok..."

But she knew that Luo Zheng's hard work was for her own sake.

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