Today's Xianfu is the last resort of Luo Zheng and Xun.

If the immortal mansion is destroyed, Luo Zheng can only choose to accept his life

Now in the face of so many Tianzun, in the face of Yao, it seems to have fallen into a dead end, but Luo Zheng doesn't mind making the water more turbid.

Then he took out the roaring order. A moment later, Luo Zheng's voice had been heard all over the world.

"Hey hey, bitch, we meet again!"

Suddenly hearing Luo Zheng's words, Yao's cold eyes burst out a wisp of anger.

This ant in Shenhai has been insulting himself!

As the king of the demon night clan, how can she tolerate such a guy's humiliation?

However, her face was still calm, but she said faintly: "in my eyes, you are just an ant with a mouth. The warrior of Shenhai is not qualified to meet me. Let's smoke it out!"

Luo Zheng's voice came from all over the world

"Hum, in my eyes, you're not the king of the demon night clan, you're just a slut. At most, you're a slut King If you want us to come out, there is no way. If you have the ability to come in, there are many good things in my immortal mansion. Besides the crown of destiny, there is also my roaring order. As far as I know, it should be something beyond the way of heaven, right? Use it infinitely.... "

After Luo Zheng's voice resounded through the world, it shocked the wisdom of the whole world and the world!

"This warrior in Shenhai has a crown of destiny?"

"It's said that it's something that makes the leader of the world become the emperor of heaven. It's got by a little guy in the divine sea!"

"I If you have the crown of destiny, you can be the God of heaven

The low-level warriors are just talking. The crown of destiny falls in their hands, which is also a hot potato. It's not good for them to lose their lives.

But some of the world's leaders were immediately red eyed

In every realm of the world, there is a master. Of course, in some extremely poor or harsh realms, there are no strong masters. For example, in many realms, such as Yin Luo realm, there are even two or three strong masters!

At present, when they hear Luo Zheng's words, they feel like a cat scratching their hearts!

They have come to the extreme of martial arts growth. If they want to go further, what they lack is this destiny!

How did a small generation of Shenhai get it?

"Fight for that day!"

"I'll go Please my grandfather, I want this round of destiny

"Where is the boy now..."

Some ordinary world masters may have nothing to do, but other world masters have powerful forces behind them. They are even the sons of heaven and even the descendants of heaven!

For various reasons, some middle and upper gods may not have planned to take action, but now the situation has changed. Previously, only 128 gods knew about the birth of this round of destiny, but now it has spread to the whole world, all people, all races and all creatures!

"The boy's roar! Is it used infinitely? "

"Isn't that exaggerating? Who can make such a roaring order under heaven? I don't believe it

"No? Do you think the boy has ever loved the roaring order? Even Tianzun would not use the roaring order at will. The difficulty of obtaining the roaring order is not what it used to be. Where did the boy get so many roaring orders? "

This news, Luo Zheng took the initiative to say, once again triggered more shock.

Such a roaring order, even the heaven's strong have to pay attention to

Hearing Luo Zheng's words, Yao's eyebrows are more wrinkled. What kind of tricks does this guy want to play?

Then Luo Zheng put down the roaring order and asked the fumigation beside him with a smile, "what star is this?"

Xun thought about it and said, "this is the twelfth star in the middle heaven. It seems to be called Huangsha star..." There are many stars all over the sky. Although Xun's memory is extraordinary, he is not sure.

So Luo Zheng activated the roaring order again, "it's really a great honor to see several celestial beings gather on the 12th star and the yellow sand star in the middle heaven. Hey, I don't know if there will be more heavenly beings coming. I'm also extremely honored to see so many heavenly beings!"

When Luo Zheng spread these words to the whole world through the roaring order, and then to the ears of the heavenly gods on the yellow sand star, their faces changed a little!

"This boy wants to make the muddy water more muddy!"

"It's attracting more celestial beings. Hehe, this boy is smart..."

"It's naive. It's useless."

There was a trace of appreciation in the eyes of the gods, and a trace of disdain in the face of the gods.

In the eyes of these celestial beings, the boy hiding in the immortal mansion is facing a situation of death today. Maybe he is willing to give up. Attracting more celestial beings will only make the place more chaotic. Maybe he just wants to escape in the muddy water.Under normal circumstances, Luo Zheng's move is certainly useful, but heaven's strong, even if the water is turbid, want to escape in the chaos is not to see things!

But Luo Zheng still did so, not only threw out the bait, but also accurately revealed his position

In fact, it's just unnecessary to reveal the location. After all, as long as it's the God, it's not difficult to figure out the location of the crown of destiny. The key is that Luo Zheng succeeded in making everyone know about the crown of destiny. In addition, the roaring order makes the situation different.

Most of the 128 deities stand behind some major races, and only a few of them are eccentric. They are alone and have nothing to do with it.

Before that, many tianzuns kept a wait-and-see attitude. They had already become Tianzun. The risk of competing for the crown of destiny is not small, and the hope is not particularly great But at present, they need to face their own heirs, their own sons, and the entreaties of future generations!

Soon after

Some of the gods, who had not been able to fight, began to set out for the middle heaven.

It even includes the God of water stop and the God of spirit fire, whose goal is not only the crown of destiny, but also the roaring order!

They were ridiculed by Luo Zheng's roaring at the beginning, and they were also puzzled. How could this mysterious young man have so many roaring orders?

Now I hear Luo Zheng admit that his roaring order is beyond the way of heaven. I'm shocked and convinced that they don't want the crown of heaven's destiny, but they have to get it!

As a result, more and more deities began to leave their own world and move towards the middle heaven

"It seems that I'm wrong," Yao said with a sneer on her face. When she first found Luo Zheng, she should go to the Yin Luo world in person, instead of procrastinating and even sending people to kill and exterminate. It's a waste of time.

If not, she would have taken away the crown of destiny and the remaining soul.

Now Luo Zheng exposes these things in order to attract more powerful celestial beings to come. She even thinks more about it. For example, Luo Zheng can compromise with a superior celestial being, give his own crown of destiny, and save his life

Anyway, the current situation is complicated, which is beneficial to Luo Zheng!

Because of this, Yao no longer has any hesitation, with the power of faith irrigation her body, in her hands of the holy thunder hammer bloomed tens of thousands of amazing arc!


She's going to hit the immortal mansion with this blow.

However, as soon as Yao Gang moved, the black smoke of the old dark devil spread rapidly. The dark devil God was the first one to arrive. In addition, the character of the demon clan was so overbearing that how could the prey found by himself be handed over to others?

The dozens of giant hands formed by the black smoke were grabbed from different directions towards the immortal mansion.

However, as soon as the old dark devil moved, countless tiny shadows broke out on the body of the shadow God. Each shadow is only the size of a palm, but it contains its unique law of cause and effect, which seems to be able to completely melt the things it touches! Even the black smoke giant hand of the dark devil was no exception. It was completely ablated in the blink of an eye!

But the shadow God blocked one of them, but he couldn't stop the remaining five. They were both strong and arrived at the first time. They didn't care about the crown of destiny!

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