With the burning of linghuotianzun, the burning speed of the yellow sand star gradually slowed down.

The surface material of the stars is the most soft, but it's just sand one by one, and below the sand is ten li thick soil!

Under the soil is the rock, under the rock is the mantle. In fact, the mantle is also formed by the condensation of a kind of rock, but it is much stronger than ordinary rock countless times, and in the mantle is the star core!

This star core is in the center of a star. Besides being extremely strong, it is also astonishing in weight. It is said that a star core as big as a palm is comparable to the weight of a mountain!

Although linghuotianzun's fire dragon is powerful, it's also something that he doesn't want to see if he wants to burn down the whole yellow sand star in a short time

"This round of the crown of destiny is for me. There is one person in my family who urgently needs it."

The God of water stop said faintly, taking advantage of the process of refining stars, people also want to discuss the ownership of the crown of destiny.

"Is there a need in your family? Linghuotianzun, are you kidding! Is it true that you are the only one in your family who has a ruler Another God immediately jumped out and said discontentedly.

There are many World Masters in the world, but the crown of destiny is very few

Now there are nearly 20 gods. With the roaring order of Luo Zheng in the whole world, I'm afraid there will be more and more gods coming. How can we divide this crown of destiny?

The key is that this thing is not divisible. It's impossible to cut up the crown of destiny, one by one, right?

"Hum, you seem to be in the wrong direction. Have you ever thought that this crown of destiny is the 129 th one? If someone really carries this destiny, have you ever thought about what will happen?" Another emperor asked in a loud voice.

As soon as he said this, many heavenly beings were silent.

It is true that one round of the heavenly way can only carry 128 heavenly orders, which has never changed.

What will happen if there is one more destiny? No matter who is hard to say!

In case of the collapse of the way of heaven, or even the early end of Yanji, the risk will be too great

When he was talking, there was another emperor who came at a gallop. When the emperor appeared, the dark devil laughed and suddenly had the strength to say, "brother thirteen, you are here at last!"

The dark devil Tianzun was the first one to arrive, but now I've seen so many tianzuns appear, and I'm even pushed to the edge

Although the dark devil Tianzun is called laoguai, which is the oldest one among all tianzuns, Tianzun's strength is determined by the destiny. The law of cause and effect in the destiny is powerful, so Tianzun's strength is extremely strong!

However, the destiny of the dark devil God was not a very powerful law of cause and effect. Comparatively speaking, he was a comparative one among the gods.

However, when the dark devil called out "Thirteen younger brothers", the faces of the 20 or so heavenly Lords on the scene changed slightly

This mysterious devil God is the second one among the demons. He is fierce in nature, and he is also the middle God. He is equal to the water stop God and the fire spirit God, and even slightly stronger!

As soon as this guy came, the third middle God appeared on the yellow sand star!

However, when the mysterious devil appeared, people saw that there were thousands of dense shadows behind him. The shapes of those shadows were skeletons, nibbling on the back of the mysterious devil!

No matter how these skeletons nibble, they can't nibble his body protecting true yuan.

"Brother thirteen, behind you Why so many cursed skeletons? " The dark devil God approached the dark devil God and looked at the skeletons. His face also showed a strange color.

Xuanmo Tianzun's face was a little ugly, but he said: "no, when I came here like this, I met the shadow clan! These guys are like lunatics, tearing the space, how dare they chase me! In my anger, I killed them a lot! "

"The shadow clan, how dare they chase you The dark devil asked with a puzzled face.

It was the other celestial beings who had a strange look on their faces when they heard this.

The shadow clan is a very troublesome race. Even the strong ones don't like to be provoked. It's not that the God will be afraid of this race. It's just that after killing the shadow clan, these guys will release this curse skeleton before they die!

The cursed skeletons can't be ruled out, even the gods can't. They will always follow behind and bite the cursed.

And this curse often lasts for years

The strong are not afraid of the curse of the skeleton bite, but go where, are followed by a lot of skeletons, tightly stick to their own behind, it is a very disturbing thing!

However, the other gods didn't answer. Anyway, it wasn't because they were cursed. People still focused on the yellow sand star.In the immortal mansion

"The yellow sand star is getting smaller and smaller," Luo Zheng's face showed a trace of worry. If he continues, I'm afraid there is no hiding place.

There was still no expression on Ah Fu's face. He didn't seem to worry about this problem, but he said: "it's too conspicuous to change into a stone now. I will turn the immortal mansion into a grain of sand!"

Then the stone transformed from the immortal mansion began to shrink sharply, from a stone to a grain of sand, and then into the core of the star!

In the outside world, the quarrels among the gods continue. When they meet with their own vital interests, these gods are no different from ordinary people. However, how so many people distribute a crown of destiny is really a big problem, and many gods are secretly on guard.

If we can't talk about it, I'm afraid we still have to fight for it in the end!

It's just that I haven't burned the mini immortal mansion for such a long time, and it's not time to do it.

Linghuo Tianzun looks at the slowly burning star core. With a wave of his hand, a fire dragon appears again in his hand. The fire dragon hovers twice, which is integrated with the previous fire dragon. With this fusion, the power of the fire dragon is more than doubled, and the speed of burning star core is suddenly accelerated!

"Linghuo Tianzun, I'll help you too," another Tianzun said.

Almost everyone understands the original law of the world. Even if some tianzuns don't practice fire skills, their power is unmatched by ordinary martial arts.


Flames were injected into it.

Let the power of the fire dragon begin to multiply!

Under the burning of this flame, such a hard core shrinks at a visible speed

A thousand miles in diameter

800 Li in diameter

A hundred Li in diameter

All the debris have been burned, the rest is just a solid glass like material, as if it is like a spoonful of hot metal, slowly rotating in the starry sky, while continuing to shrink!

Ten li in diameter

One mile

One hundred feet

In the end, the only remaining star core was burned into a fist sized one. This fist sized one was what was left of Huangsha star with a diameter of 80000 Li before. Almost all the matter above the whole star was burned!

Looking at this black thing, the faces of many celestial beings became ugly again.

"What about the mini fairy house..."

"Can't you really escape? If this Law of space can move space No, if there are signs of space moving, it can't escape my eyes! " A celestial being couldn't figure out where the tiny fairy house was hidden? Is it in the black core the size of a fist?

Linghuo Tianzun also stopped for a moment, and then he reached out and pinched his fingers, sneered, "keep burning! This magic weapon of space is really interesting! It's hidden all the time

Now the mini fairy house is transformed into a grain of sand, drilling into the center of the star core!

However, with the burning down of linghuotianzun, the mini immortal mansion will still be exposed

Fist size star core, burned again, is to become the size of a finger, and then into the size of a stone, and finally the stone was burned away, leaving only a fine and inaudible sand spinning slowly in the air!

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