Ask for me? Conditions?

Luo Zheng's eyes suddenly flashed. Just as he was ready to put away the roaring order, he suddenly froze.

Then he suddenly seized the roar order and activated it again!

"Can you help me?" Luo Zheng asked excitedly.

"Well, I'm just asking for you I can't guarantee if I can find Luo Yan, "the voice of the mysterious girl rang out again.

"You said you wanted a condition. What condition?" Luo Zheng asked again in a tense tone.

At the moment, Luo Zheng is constantly weighing in his heart. What kind of conditions will this mysterious girl put forward?

Luo Zheng will try his best to do what he can, but now he can't get out of the fairy house, and the mysterious girl entrusts himself with some things. I'm afraid he can't do it. In this way, it will be quite troublesome for Luo Zheng, but the method is still thought out by people. How can he give up when it comes to Luo Yan?

The mysterious girl was silent for a while, then giggled, "the condition is to tell me a story. It's boring to stay here!"


Hearing this, Luo Zheng's forehead was also directly on the ground.

After slowly lifting his head up, his face showed the expression of crying and laughing.

Xun shrugged his shoulders again and said without expression: "I've said that, this is an idiot woman..."

It's not just Luo Zheng who can't laugh or cry. Naturally, there are more than one hundred heavenly gods, hundreds of thousands of world masters, and trillions of living beings in the world.

"Tell a story with roaring order. Is there anything more luxurious in our world?"

"I'm afraid Luo Zheng is the only one who can do it? Generally speaking, there are only hundreds of roaring orders in the hands of Tianzun. I'm afraid there will be no roaring orders before one story is finished. "

"Yes, she can pick people, but how boring is this woman to make such a request..."

All races in the world were shocked by this woman's request!

But he didn't know that it was boring for the mysterious girl to stay in the world

Luo Zheng rubbed his forehead and took a deep breath. Although this request is beyond the limit, he can still meet it.

No matter what the identity of this woman is, since she has a way to help herself find out the whereabouts of Luo Yan, let alone tell a story, even if it is a sea of fire, he is still duty bound to rush up!

Others may be very embarrassed about this request. After all, the number of roaring orders is too rare, which is not difficult for Luo Zheng.

The story must be told

He took a faint breath, then brewed for a while.

Luo Zheng read a lot of poems and books freely, but he read a lot of rare works. Although the stories like "seven heroes and five righteousness" and "the legend of ghosts and demons" are old, he still remembers some of them.

When Luo Zheng was about to open his mouth, he frowned slightly. He could still remember some of these stories, but it was still difficult to start from the beginning. After all, after his childhood, Luo Zheng set foot on martial arts. Even if he was studying, he would not go to see those fictional Legends!

By the way

In a twinkling, Luo Zheng's face showed a smile.

His memory may be unreliable, but he still has the memory of the world!

In that memory, it contained all the memories of the whole world. In these memories, he could easily find out some stories.

After an idea flashed, the memory of these stories was like a tidal wave, gushing towards him, and a large number of them were stories that Luo Zheng had never read or heard.

The most widely circulated story in the world where I live is naturally the most popular one.

The name of this story is called "Yue Nu forgets her love". That's it!

So Luo Zheng activated the roaring order, and then said, "if you can really help me find Luo Yan's whereabouts, I will tell you this story naturally!"

"Well," the mysterious girl replied faintly.

"A long time ago, there was a big mountain called yuenv mountain. It was at the foot of yuenv mountain..."

It was thousands of years ago that Yue Nu forgot her love, which was widely spread among the four great gods. Luo Zheng had never read it before. Now he read it word by word according to the memory in his mind, and the faint voice resounded throughout the world.

Although Luo Zheng told the story to the mysterious girl, all the creatures in the world couldn't avoid the roaring voice, so trillion people had to listen to Luo Zheng

I'm afraid it's the first time for a person to tell a story to all the creatures in the world!

Luo Zheng recites it little by little according to his memory. Gradually, he himself is immersed in the story

To be fair, the story is really fascinating!

It tells the story of a Vietnamese girl's revenge after her husband was framed by a traitor. The story is very compact.With such a breath, Luo Zheng told an hour, an hour of time, but only half of the story

"Under the Yue girl's sword, suddenly something happened..."

When the story comes to this, it is the most critical moment.

All the creatures in the whole world passively listen to Luo Zheng's stories. Some of them may not distinguish what Luo Zheng says because of different cultures and even different languages.

But the vast majority of the creatures still heard the story in their hearts. Not only ordinary mortals, but even the God sea, the Lord of the world, and even many celestial beings craned their necks to listen to Luo Zheng tell the story

After this sudden stop, the world is calm

Luo Zheng did not know that when he stopped, many creatures in the world began to scold him!

"Damn, half of the story stops here. Isn't that a joke?"

"Or don't say it, just say it!"

"I don't have a roaring order. I have a roaring order. I'm sure I'll scold this guy..."

"It's just a legend. As for your excitement?"

Luo Zheng didn't stop because he couldn't talk any more. It was just that mu Mingxue left the library and came to collect money from Luo Zheng, but asked him for advice on some cultivation problem.

The mysterious girl was very patient and didn't urge her.

But after a while, there was another voice in the world, "and then? What happened to the Yue girl with her sword? "

This is the voice of a God

About half of the story is heard, but also itchy heart, even use roaring order to ask Luo Zheng.

Tianzun is also a mortal step by step up, they did not deify, mood is certainly much more powerful than ordinary martial arts, but this winding story can still move the string in their hearts.

When he heard the emperor's question, Luo Zheng was also stunned. He knew that there were other people besides the mysterious girl listening to his story. Luo Zheng said with a smile, "just a moment, I'll tell you the story later."

"Can you hurry up, don't stop at such a critical time!" Another emperor used the roaring order to urge Luo Zheng to tell a story.

"What are you doing here..." The voice of several heavenly masters resounded all over the world, and they were urged by turns.

"What do you urge? This story was told by Luo zhengshuo and me alone. He can say it whenever he wants to, so that he can get your gossiping?" The mysterious girl actually helped Luo Zheng speak.

Naturally, Luo Zheng didn't care about the urge of the emperor. He discussed it with mu Mingxue in a leisurely way. It took about half an hour before he raised the roaring order again.

"Go on! After the sudden birth of that accident, Yue Nu also left her own life behind... "

The story of "Yue Nu forgets love" tells for three hours in a row. When he talks about the most moving and beautiful plot at the end, even Luo Zheng sighs that the cultivation and strength of the martial arts in the world may not be enough, but he is also a talented person who can write such a story.

Soon after the whole story was finished, there was a girl's sob. The mysterious girl was moved by the final plot of "the Vietnamese girl forgets her love". Naturally, she was not the only one who was moved. In fact, most of the creatures in the world who listened to the story were very moved, but they didn't have a roaring order. They could convey their own voice …

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