Luo Zheng's goal is to pass the third section of Zhenjue road.

And this guy is the guy who Snipes himself in the third paragraph

Although Luo Zheng also believed that this guy was his second elder martial brother, he didn't give up.

This guy's strength is too strong, once give him a chance, he is likely to lose in his hands!

At present, there should be no room for resistance for the "second elder martial brother", but it's suitable to talk about it.

Looking at Luo Zheng's smiling face, Xian An rolled his eyes, but he was very unhappy. "How can you treat me like this?"

He has been bullied by the elder martial brother for countless years. Now he meets a younger martial brother. He thought he could turn over, but he was treated like this when he met him. How can Xian'an not be depressed?

Luo Zheng had a faint smile on his face. "Are you going to talk about this?" While saying that, Luo Zheng has already raised the thunder wind sword in his hand, which is full of cold light. It seems that he will cut it off at any time.

"No, it's not..." This Xian'an is really depressing.

Luo Zheng slowed down and asked, "what do you want to say?"

"Well, elder martial brother, it's for your own good! If elder martial brother Xian'an says, "I'm afraid you'll let me know again."

Luo Zheng is still looking at Xian'an lightly, without speaking.

"It seems that when you enter the immortal's mansion, you have only practiced the secret art of chaos, and none of the other skills come from the library?" Asked Xian'an.

Luo Zheng nodded. Although he didn't know how Xian'an could see it, he didn't choose the cultivation method in the library.

The martial arts of the library are all inclusive, and even the supreme martial arts are not uncommon. However, Luo Zheng thinks that the best martial arts is the one that suits him. In addition to the secret art of chaos, he only seeks the original rules to understand

"Oh, what a waste! This is an empty guarding mountain... " Said Xian'an, turning her lips.

"Your body is disappearing. Can you speak quickly?" Luo Zheng reminds a way.

Yin Yang Qi is transformed into Xian'an's body. Because of the serious injury, the small part of the body above the chest is slowly transforming into Yin Yang Qi, which is constantly dissipating

Xian'an himself didn't care. He just said, "I can't figure out your destiny! But if master's apprentice can't cross the way of heaven, it's a joke! But to be honest If only rely on you this cut feeling Shinto, across the difficulty of heaven or big unimaginable! If master is not here, elder martial brother, I will give you some advice on behalf of master! "

"The neck is about to disappear," Luo Zheng said with an expressionless face.

The small part of Xian'an's body was almost dissipated, even his neck was slowly dissipated, turning into yin and Yang.

"I know!" Xian'an screamed, "don't remind me!"

"So much nonsense?" Luo Zhengdao.

“……” Xian'an glared at Luo Zheng with a gnashing expression on his face. Then he said, "a long time ago, I heard master mention that after cooperating with chaos esoteric skill, some skills can change qualitatively. Master is not here now, but I can recommend some skills for him. You can choose them in the immortal Mansion. These basic skills are Wanfa enemy book《 "Thunder robbing and killing" and "Baqu flying smoke"... "

"These three gates are all of the highest martial arts?" Luo Zheng asked.

Xian'an's face did show some disdain, "supreme martial arts? Only these guys in the world dare to call themselves supreme! Hey, hey This is not the supreme martial arts. I can't say it well, elder martial brother. I just want to tell you that elder martial brother used to rely on these three skills to cross the world and the way of heaven. How about you It's a little worse, but it shouldn't be so bad! "

He said here, the whole brain began to disappear, into yin and Yang, completely dissipated!

However, just after it dissipated, a light spot appeared from the Yin and Yang Qi. After circling around Luo Zheng, a consciousness came into Luo Zheng's mind, "come on, climb up, elder martial brother. I'll wait for you. When you climb up, I'll meet you again! Ha ha ha... "

Then the light spot began to rise rapidly, continuously and again, and rushed into the pink border at the top of the immortal mansion, and then disappeared completely



On the way of heaven, in the endless realm of God.

The rich fog can not be dissolved, and a piece of glittering jade buildings is wrapped in it.

At the top of one of the Qionglou, there was a green ox kneeling on it. On its back sat a little boy.

The boy, with a flute in his hand, was playing softly

Soon after, there was a figure in the distance jumping on the Qionglou, waving to the boy while jumping!

"Elder martial brother! Elder martial brother

The figure jumped up, and it was on the Qionglou where the boy was!

"Boom!" With a loud noise, even the tiles on the roof of Qiong's building were crushed."Moo -"

is about to frighten the green cow, which is the voice of protest.

The boy also put down his flute and stared at the man with poor eyes. But he said in a cold voice, "younger martial brother, what's so flustered?"

"Hey, big brother, I have little brother!" The man said with a shy smile.

Hearing this, the boy's face showed surprise, "little younger martial brother? You mean Master, have you found someone who is suitable for practicing the secret art of chaos? "

"Yes! But That guy is just in the realm of God sea. He is still struggling under that circle of heaven

This is Xian'an!

But Xian'an is his nickname, his real name is yushenfeng! Even in the endless realm of God, he is also a famous figure.

"Shenhaijing..." The boy's face showed the color of thinking, that is, he pinned the flute on his waist, stretched out his hand and pinched it gently! A mysterious halo diffused from his palm!

Even if it is heaven, it is impossible to arbitrarily calculate the fate of someone in the world Only when the person to be reckoned stands in front of the other person, can he finish this reckoning. The reason why the crown of destiny was originally reckoned is that the number of crown of destiny is rare and the variables are few, so the specific location can be calculated!

But this boy is trying to calculate Luo Zheng's fate.

After the faint halo rose, it rose slowly. The boy's fingers kept counting, but his face was full of doubt. He couldn't figure it out!

When the halo completely disappeared, the boy waved again, another halo spread out, continue to calculate!


The boy's face showed a look of surprise, "this man, seems to be a lifeless one? I can't figure out his fate

"The dead?" Xian'an's face also changed slightly.

"In the way of heaven, there is nothing I can't count out, except for the lifeless Now there's only one explanation, "said the boy, staring at his fingers and frowning. Then he gave a cold look at Xian'an, but said," you have the magic power of heaven's eye, and a ray of soul can see the life breaking pattern. Since you meet this little younger martial brother in the immortal mansion, why don't you investigate? "

"This..." Xian'an's face showed an innocent expression, "elder martial brother, I've taught younger martial brother how to select skills!"

"Useless fellow!" The boy patted qingniu gently, and he struggled a few times and then stood up, "I'll go to the love forgetting Pavilion..."

After that, qingniu stepped out of the way and soared into the air.

At this time, Xian'an patted his head and said, "elder martial brother, there's another point. It seems that the guy is following the way of beheading emotion!"

"The way of behaving?" The boy turned his head and thought, "isn't he just a god of the sea?"

Xian'an shrugged his shoulders, "I'm also strange, but he realized a lot of the Dao of chopping emotions. My distraction condensed into the cultivation of Shenhai, and I was killed by his sword intention!"

"It's useless..." After that, qingniu took the boy away quickly.

Looking at the back of the elder martial brother's departure, Xian'an sat down on the top of Qionglou with a gloomy face

For countless years, he has been despised by the elder martial brother, which is a habit.

But after a while, a faint smile appeared on his face. If the younger martial brother could cross the heaven in the future, he would be able to pull a guy at the bottom.

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