On the metal head of the alchemist, there are two strange lights!

Although his puppet body is very simple, he can still express his emotions. These two brilliances obviously represent that he is very excited!

"This, this is why!"

That heavy and unimaginable xingxuan refined iron, and it's still such a big piece, was so easily clamped up by Luo Zheng!

It's beyond the imagination of alchemist

Luo Zheng held this sword embryo and shook it around. He said with a smile to lianshenzi, "try it, you can do it." After that, Luo Zheng handed the calipers to lianshenzi.

After lianshenzi took the calipers over, he also found that the calipers in his hand were as light as nothing. "It's amazing! This caliper is amazing

Although lianshenzi had high expectations for the workshop and knew that the things in the workshop must be extraordinary, it was obviously beyond his imagination

He looked up and down at the calipers in his hand. After looking at them for a long time, he didn't see anything special. But why can he make the heavy unimaginable things weightless?

"This calipers is made of growth stone. In theory, this calipers can lift any heavy objects," said Ah Fu lightly.

"Boundless destiny!" Ah Fu's words came in exchange for a strange cry from the alchemist.

Ah Fu stared at lianshenzi in surprise and then asked, "what is the boundless destiny?"

"A destiny in the last Yanji, the crown of destiny controlled by wuliangtianzun, contains this destiny!" Refining Shenzi is to remember.

The so-called boundless destiny is also a law of cause and effect. If the boundless God masters such a law of cause and effect, he can lift up almost everything, including the sun, the moon and the stars.

"Oh," Ah Fu replied faintly, and then said to Luo Zheng, "the master doesn't need to worry about the weight of the sword. The material of the growth Wuliang stone should be still in the refining workshop. If the xingxuan refined iron is shaped, just make the growth Wuliang stone into a sword handle, the master will be able to use the sword freely..."

Luo Zheng nodded slightly.

Judging from the materials alone, I'm afraid this sword can't be destroyed

But the specific power depends on the alchemist

"Hey, hey, hey..."

Lianshenzi was overjoyed at the moment. Holding the calipers, he skillfully manipulated the sword embryo!


The rise of fiddling, even toward the top of a slight throw, while loosening the calipers.

"Ah..." This scene scared mu Mingxue!

Although the sword embryo is only four inches long, it contains the weight of tens of millions of mountains. If it hits anyone, it will be smashed into meat sauce in an instant! This guy

Shenzi's technique is very skillful, waiting for the sword embryo which has tens of millions of mountains to roll in the air, before landing, he used the calipers to clamp the sword embryo firmly! How could he have failed in the process of refining Shenzi and utensils in the past hundred million years?

However, when the alchemist put the sword embryo into the furnace, he asked, "with this pair of pliers, I can refine the instrument, but how to process the xingxuan refined iron?"

Ordinary hammers can't be tempered at all

But lianshenzi also knew that since the sword embryo was put here, there must be suitable tools in the refining workshop.

"Come with me." With a faint smile, Ah Fu directly took Luo Zheng, Lian Shenzi and others into the storeroom of the refining workshop.

In addition to all kinds of tools, there are countless rare materials neatly placed together in this warehouse, just like a treasure mountain. Lianshenzi is dazzled in this warehouse, even when he is dancing

For alchemist, this workshop is the best destination. It's a lucky thing for Luo Zheng and alchemist to enter here.

However, it will take some time for lianshenzi to master the workshop. The time for forging the embryo of the sword has not been on the agenda. However, since he entered the workshop, he has not taken a step.

As for Luo Zheng, he once again entered the library.

The second elder martial brother's incarnation of Yin Yang and Qi was once recommended three martial arts to him after he was killed.

They are Wan FA Di Shu, Lei Bu Sha and Ba Qu Fei Yan.

There are many kinds of martial arts in the library The second elder martial brother recommended these three kinds of martial arts very carefully. Luo Zheng will pay attention to them. Whether they can cultivate or not depends on whether they are suitable for him.

Anyway, outside the immortal mansion, there is the leader of the world guarding outside.

After the gods left, several big clans sent the strong one to follow the immortal mansion.

Of course, these world leaders still keep a considerable distance. After all, even Tianzun can't get rid of this fight. If several world leaders are involved in it, there will still be no good end.

In this way, Luo Zheng is just curling up in the immortal mansion to practice peacefullyA month

Two months

Three months

The immortal mansion is still floating in the boundless sky

The world is quiet.

During this period, many celestial beings were unable to emerge.

Although they didn't get the crown of destiny in Luo Zheng's hands, now that they have lost the four gods, the four brand-new crowns of destiny will reappear.

To win the crown of destiny is to have one more God in the family. Many races in the world are planning to fight for the crown of destiny

After the sixth month!

The way of heaven shakes

This is the first crown of destiny.

In the seventh month, the way of heaven shakes again

This is the second crown of destiny.

In the eighth month and the ninth month, the remaining two crowns of destiny came out one after another.

Around the four crowns of destiny, the demon night clan, the demon clan, the Terran clan, and many other forces all exert their best to fight fiercely one after another.

The participants in the struggle for the crown of heaven's destiny can only be the God and the world leader, and they have little influence on the warriors under the world leader.

However, in the struggle for the crown of destiny, although there was a big fight among many deities, none of them fell. Even the world leader just fell six!

When you reach the realm of the world Master and master the method of moving space, it's very difficult to let the other party fall.

From this, we can see that the abnormal part of "Jueming Luan Dou" just appeared once, which led to the fall of the four gods

The "gods without thoughts" headed by the God of original sin got two orders at one stroke!

The other two were captured by the demon night clan and the demon clan!

However, among the four previous deities, the broken shadow deity originally belonged to the demon night clan. This time Yao regained a crown of destiny, which can only be regarded as a compensation for the loss of the demon night clan.

As for the demons, the same is true.

But the "gods without thoughts" did not fall in the last time. This time, it won the crown of two heavenly orders, which greatly enhanced the "gods without thoughts"!

Originally, the gods' mindlessness is the largest of the three forces of the human race, which controls the four thousand realms. The original sin God is also the only superior God in the world, and there is a very strong law of causality in the destiny. This time, the gods' mindlessness added two gods, which also caused the worry of other races, including the "League of humanity" and the "holy land of Ten Thousand Buddhas" …

Luo Zheng didn't know about the external situation. During this period, he couldn't leave, so he simply closed the door to practice.

Time flies

One year

Two years

Three years

Four years

In a flash, five years have passed.

For most of them, five years is just a flash.

Just like mu Mingxue's Shouyuan, he is far from being "young", but for Luo Zheng, five years is equivalent to one sixth of his life!

In these five years, Luo Zheng has experienced three great disasters, and his cultivation has successfully stepped into the middle of the divine sea.

Now that tree species of the world have grown and formed in the sea of chaos in Luo Zheng's body, and a tree trunk has emerged from the surface of the sea of chaos

One day five years later, the way of heaven shook again.

This time, it is not the birth of the crown of destiny. There are 128 ways of destiny in the way of heaven. All of them are in their place, and there will be no new crown of destiny.

But this time, the whole world, the world and all living beings are very concerned.

Because the dream battlefield is finally about to open

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