For this proposal.

Luo Zheng just laughed. The cloaked warrior said to Luo Zheng, "what are they doing? These useless dogs can't spit Ivory out of their mouths!"

"My fault," Luo Zheng said no more.

Seeing the attitude of these two Terran warriors, there was a trace of anger on the young master's face. After thinking about it for a while, he took the first two steps, put the huge head together and said with a grim smile: "you No regrets

The cloaked warrior suddenly raised his hand in front of his nose: "to tell you the truth, I regret it a little bit!"

Hao Shaozhu was slightly stunned, and heard the cloak warrior continue to say: "because your mouth is too smelly..."

The young master of the demon clan was finally completely infuriated. Standing upright, he roared: "you, follow these two people. As long as they go out of the city, they will be killed."

"Yes, young master!"

After hearing the little Lord's order, all the demons on the scene stood by Luo Zheng and the cloak warrior.

An hour passes quickly.

At this moment, the blue light curtain around all the cities in the dream battlefield disappeared at the same time

Many warriors can't wait to rush out of the city, and then there is endless fighting!

"It's time to get out of town?" The cloak warrior says lightly to Luo Zheng.

Luo Zheng nodded slightly, then they got up at the same time and walked out of the city along the street of the big city.

"Whoosh, whoosh..."

While Luo Zheng was moving forward, he noticed that there were light red streamers flying back from outside the city.

These warriors are the ones killed outside the city.

According to the rules of the dream battlefield, after death outside the city, the body dissipates, it will turn into a streamer and return to the city, and it will resurrect soon

For the younger generation of martial arts, this is not only a holy land for competition, but also an excellent training place!

When Luo Zheng and the cloaked warrior got up and walked out of the city, there were two teams of demon warriors behind them. They were ordered by the young master to follow them all the way. They were bound to kill them after they left the city.

But they didn't know exactly who the two Terran warriors were!

"I don't want to fight with you for the moment," he said, while the cloaked warrior was on the left side of Luo Zheng, and the gate was close in front of him.

"It doesn't matter, I can wait," Luo Zheng replied faintly.

"That's good," the cloaker said with a smile.

Other warriors usually rush out of the gate, either rush to their own target or leave the city quickly. In short, they are extremely vigilant and will never stay in front of the gate.

But after they stepped out of the gate, they still kept a slow pace!

The two men's actions confused their followers. They thought that Luo Zheng and the young man with the cloak would run away in a short time. They were also wary of this move, but they seemed to be shorting the ten warriors behind them

Is this a solid foundation? Or stupid?

"Hao Shao Lord's order, kill them. Once you go out of the city, kill them once, and take away all the light of their dreams."

One of the leading demons said that as soon as his voice fell, all the demons rushed towards them.

At this time, Luo Zheng and the cloaked warrior turned around at the same time. Their faces showed similar smiles. It was the smile of the wolf seeing the sheep

Luo Zheng did not use a sword.

He just condenses a wind blade with the air of chaos and rotates slowly at his fingertips!

Such a light green, unimportant wind blade is like the blade of death to these warriors in the divine sea!

"Puff, puff, puff..."

For Luo Zheng, the demons in front of him are not sheep, they can only be grass. They can't see Luo Zheng's figure clearly, so their lives are cut like grass, and they are reaped quickly!

The cloaked warrior pinned the pipe behind his head. He didn't use his own weapons either. He just turned his palms into fingerprints and patted them on the head or chest. Then there was a time of bone fragmentation. These demons were smashed like watermelons by his fingerprints

When these demons die, their bodies will dissipate, and then many yellow light spots and a red light spot will emerge from them!

A red light spot wrapped the soul of the warrior and slowly flew back to the city until it was resurrected.

Those yellow light spots scatter and gather on Luo Zheng and the cloak warrior. This yellow light spot is also the dream points of the dream battlefield!

The first stage of the whole dream battlefield is to rank by dream points!

When the dream battlefield is in the initial state, everyone has the same dream points, that is 100 points!

After death, the dream points will dissipate by half and be reduced to 50 pointsDie again, dream points reduced to 25 points, so in turn halved, until there is no left!

The cloaked warrior killed five demons. These five demons were also out of the city for the first time. There were 100 dream points in their bodies. Each one contributed half of the dream points, and he absorbed 250 dream points.

When Luo Zheng killed six people, he naturally absorbed 300 points. Plus his own 100 points, he had 400 dream points.

At the same time, an idea appeared in Luo Zheng's mind, which was to tell him his current ranking

"The total ranking is 8.8 billion In this world, it ranks 1.9 billion.... " Seeing this ranking, Luo Zheng also showed a faint smile on his face. The ranking is too low. I didn't expect that as soon as the dream battlefield opened, the warriors were so desperate!

As for the cloaked warrior, his face is also showing a helpless smile. He killed five demon warriors, ranking lower than Luo Zheng.

But neither of them cared too much about the ranking

The dream battlefield has just opened

There are too few dream points in these "grass". Their goal is sheep.

Sheep eat grass to get fat, so wolves eat sheep to get fat faster

At the same time, the strong of all races in the whole world are paying attention to the ranking on the pyramid!

Although the dream battlefield only opened for less than a long time.

Most of the names still lie at the bottom of the pyramid, while some people's names have slowly emerged, and their names are also climbing up the pyramid.

After Luo Zheng and the cloaked warrior killed these demons, they stayed at the gate of the city.

Most of the warriors are concentrated in the city. If you want to collect the dream points as soon as possible and keep at the gate of the city to kill people, it is naturally the fastest way to accumulate the dream points.

However, just now the two showed too fierce means.

Originally, inside the gate, there were a large number of demons preparing to leave the city, or considering whether to leave the city

As a result, I saw such a bloody scene at the gate of the city!

A group of demonic warriors who boast of Rao Yong are immediately shocked. Are they not the target of being slaughtered when they go out of the city with their strength?

So they were all blocked in the city and refused to come out!

As the front of the road blocked by the demons, leading to behind the demons can not get out of the city, the rear of the demons do not know what happened in front, they began to yell!

However, no matter how the warriors at the back yell, the warriors at the front refuse to leave the city. In the end, a large number of warriors can only choose other gates

Seeing this scene, Luo Zheng also knows that his wishful thinking may have failed. Other people are not fools. Standing naked at the gate of the city, they will not rush up and let themselves be slaughtered. Although this dream battlefield will not really die and their lives are worthless, they will always lose their dream points.

After two people helplessly look at each other, they can only leave the city gate, but they leave in different directions.

They both know that there will be a war between them eventually, but this war is obviously not at this time. At least it will be worth fighting after the other party has accumulated enough dream points!

After leaving the city gate, Luo Zheng chose a route, but he was thinking about how to accumulate dream points faster.

It's obviously unrealistic to stand at the gate of the city and mow grass. It's only 50 points to kill one person. Moreover, if a warrior who has been washed with blood once is killed again, his dream point will be reduced again, and only 25 points will be left in the second killing. This is absolutely not the way

Thinking of this, Luo Zheng's eyes fell on a mountain not far away. After a little thought, he was flying on that mountain.

"I seem to be in a hurry. The sheep have not been fattened, neither have the wolves You can wait! After fattening

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