Compared with other demons, the three demons were slightly smaller.

Their armor is very special. At first glance, although it is black, it reflects different colors in the sunlight

This armor is made of "Yun Guang iron". After it is excited, it can change its color constantly according to the surrounding environment. With the spirit pattern of convergence breath, it can completely hide the warrior, and even can't find their movement near.

This kind of means is still useful for the general warriors in Shenhai, but it is of little significance to Luo Zheng.

Luo Zheng's perception today is much stronger than that of ordinary martial arts, so even if the three are careful to hide, he can easily detect their existence.

Before that, the three demons saw Luo Zheng show extraordinary strength at the gate of the city, but when they saw Luo Zheng leave alone, they also had the idea of chasing him!

The strength of the three of them is not weak, and they have killed the powerful in the divine realm under the joint efforts of the three. They are following quietly.

Luo Zheng's face shows a lazy color. Although he has been immersed in it for several years, he is ready, but he is like a butterfly just pupating, and his heart has quietly changed. Now he also needs to fight for a spiritual baptism.

He looked down at the three people below and said, "since you are interested, let's go together..."

The three of the demons looked at each other, and a sneer appeared on their faces. They were in the laughter, and the huge figure disappeared quietly in Luo Zheng's sight.

This method of seclusion is very effective indeed.

Because they are not only convergence voice, at least in terms of vision is to completely hide their body!

Looking at the rapid disappearance of the three people, Luo Zheng is a smile.

Idle is also idle. Now he is waiting for the grass to grow and the sheep to grow fat before he can relax in the wild. Since these guys are willing to appear in front of him, Luo Zheng doesn't mind.

In the past five years, Luo Zheng also dabbled in the three skills recommended by the so-called "second elder martial brother".

However, in five years, Luo Zheng hasn't stepped out of the immortal mansion, but no one can compete with him. Xun is the body of sword spirit, which is not suitable for him. However, there is a big difference between mu Mingxue and her strength. Although mu Mingxue has made great progress in the past five years, she is still not qualified to compete with Luo Zheng.

After the three men were reclusive, they used the art of breathing. They came straight to Luo Zheng from several directions. From the perspective of vision, their figures had disappeared completely, and even their shadows did not exist.

But at this moment, Luo Zheng gently closed his eyes, and a perception diffused from his mind!

The environment around him is shaped in his mind under the description of perception

Among them, there are three blank spaces, and these three blank spaces are rapidly approaching to Luo Zheng.

"The speed is not slow, but..."

In Luo Zheng's inner world, the seedling of the world tree shakes gently, and then a stream of chaotic air rises quietly along the seedling, and is quickly pumped into his body.

At the same time, Luo Zheng's hands appeared on a silent light smoke!

"Baqu flying smoke!"

Although Luo Zheng didn't like to see the second elder martial brother very much, his vision was very unique indeed!

The three skills he selected are not conspicuous in the library, but when Luo Zheng browses them, he finds that each of them is very suitable for him

If you think about it carefully, although the second elder martial brother has some problems, it's not strange to have this kind of vision. After all, he is beyond the way of heaven. In his eyes, Luo Zheng may be like a transparent person, but he can see through it at a glance.

This "Baqu Feiyan" is a very unique body method!

The vast majority of evasion techniques in the world are processed by using various original principles

For example, fengdun naturally uses the rules of the wind system, while tudun uses the rules of the earth system, and all kinds of skills are processed by using the power of various rules. Although they have different emphases, they lead to the same goal in the eyes of experts.

However, this "Baqu Feiyan" is different. In fact, this skill is similar to some lower level skills in the lower bound.

The smoke in Luo Zheng's hands is created by his imagination, which does not contain the power of law!

According to the truth, the higher the level of the Dharma, the stronger the power of the Dharma. In this round of the world, the so-called "supreme divine power" is also the Dharma that the emperor of heaven realized by using his own supreme law of cause and effect!

"Baqu Feiyan" is the opposite way!

On the first page of the book, a pattern is drawn.

It's a ball with eight holes, and in this pattern there's a thin line running through the eight holes

Until now, Luo Zheng didn't understand what it was, but the first step to cultivate the eight pieces of flying smoke was to visualize the pattern!

However, Luo Zheng's thinking is more and more mysterious!The location of the eight holes and the route of the thin line vaguely remind Luo Zheng of something. This pair of patterns seems to want to say something, even makes Luo Zheng's heart have a strange feeling!

This kind of feeling, Luo Zheng these years only produced once!

It was on the mainland of the kingdom of God when Luo Zheng first went through the robbery.

At the last moment of Luo zhengdu's robbery, a black awn appeared, which was enough to destroy the sky and the earth. This black awn pulled a thin line in the air and kept spinning and weaving, slowly descending towards Luo Zheng!

It seems that the thin thread pulled out by the black Mangla is disordered, and it seems to travel in the air at will, but its trajectory seems to coincide with some extremely terrible law!

Although Luo Zheng felt this kind of law, he couldn't say a reason, and he couldn't even describe it!

The lines on the pattern recorded in Baqu Feiyan are not as complicated as the thin lines pulled by the black Mang, but they feel similar to Luo Zheng

Therefore, although this technique is not the supreme martial arts, and there is no original law in it, Luo Zheng is still willing to practice it!


With the shallow smoke and dust spreading down Luo Zheng's body.

At the same time

A black black iron broadsword cuts through the space and quietly appears behind Luo Zheng!

At the moment of the broadsword's attack, two weapons appeared from the other two directions


"The emperor cut off!"

In the face of the sudden attack and killing, Luo Zheng's face did not change at all. He shook in the air, and the picture was already familiar in Luo Zheng's mind. He was completely relaxed. He had no intention of killing, and no idea of fighting back. He seemed to be at a standstill, and he seemed to turn a blind eye to it.

These three people display the fierce means, naturally produces a wave!

Especially the swordsman with broadsword, this knife cuts over, contains the sound of whistling, as if even the space will be cut to pieces!

But now Luo Zheng is like a cloud of smoke, wandering between the heaven and the earth

The blade breaks through the space and reaches Luo Zheng's back. The speed of this blade is as fast as lightning. Most people can't see the shadow of the blade clearly.

But when the blade was about three inches away from Luo Zheng's body, his body moved with the blade!

It's not that Luo Zheng is moving, but that this knife pushes Luo Zheng out!

If you don't get a cut, the one who holds the sword doesn't hesitate. The broadsword in his hand swings out again, and the second cut!

Luo Zheng is still keeping a three inch distance from him, and still hasn't cut!

Third cut!

It's still three inches!

Seeing this scene, the demon warrior with broadsword was also a little stunned.

Although the offensive in hand has not slowed down, but the heart is also appalled.

What body method is this

He had never seen such a strange body method!

This guy's body seems to have no weight in general, as long as his broadsword cut out, it is to push him away a certain distance, and then cut, and then push!

In this way, he could not kill Luo Zheng at all!

There is always a three inch distance between him and Luo Zheng Is a natural moat, insurmountable!

Emperor chop is also a fierce sword technique. It was originally thought to be the most fierce seven swords of the demon emperor. It contained a meaning of extreme sword, which was sealed into the emperor's seven swords.

However, without any resistance from Luo Zheng, the seven imperial cuts did not even touch Luo Zheng's sleeve.

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