Red dots of light continue to return to the main city.

Those who are constantly killed, half of their dream points are squeezed, and after a period of waiting, they come back to life again.

This process is an excellent opportunity for martial arts practitioners to practice!

Not all martial arts practitioners have the ability to practice in dreamland

In fact, only in the big world, the core cultivation place of the ten holy places, is the dreamland built.

Often only the core talents in the holy land are qualified to enter.

But now, the dream battlefield is facing the world of one hundred thousand. All the warriors in the Shenhai realm, regardless of their origin or talent, are free to enter and fight freely.

It's a good dream for those who want to be famous in the battlefield.

There are so many geniuses in the world

The inheritors of some small holy places, the descendants of some city masters, the core talents of the holy places, and even the descendants of the holy masters

These warriors alone are a terrible number, not to mention the descendants of many world masters, even the descendants of heaven, and the warriors who have the power to fight for life, the beloved of heaven and earth!

With these top talents ahead, how difficult is it to rise to the top in this dream battlefield?

After giving up the impact ranking, some of the Warriors also despise the dream points. They constantly fight outside the city, experience, die, resurrect, and start over and over again. In this life and death experience, they realize a trace of Taoism!

There is also a huge pyramid above the cloud sky palace.

Many warriors will check this pyramid from time to time to check the ranking of the trillions of warriors on the pyramid!

"The name of Luo Zheng He has never stood out, "an old man stood respectfully beside Yunluo." there are too many names at the bottom of the pyramid to find him! However, AI Anxin's name has come up. She ranks 130000 in the world where she lives, and 4.6 million in the whole dream battlefield! "

With the perception of Yunluo and the old man, it's easy to find your goal from millions of names

But after Luo Zheng came out of the city, he hardly accumulated dream points. Now, his ranking has not risen, but declined. Now, Luo Zheng's ranking is behind tens of billions!

It is by no means easy to find Luo Zheng among these massive names.

"Strange, what's that guy doing?" There was a look of doubt on Yunluo's face.

With Luo Zheng's strength, not to mention dominating the dream battlefield, it is not difficult for him to stand out in a city. The top five million should be the simplest thing for Luo Zheng.

"Continue to observe, if you have my warrior in yunmiao temple, you will report to me," said Yunluo faintly.

Of course, yunmiao heavenly palace is the core force in the alliance of humanity, and its warriors are all elites

But the world is so big, and there are amazing talents in many unknown corners, so Yunluo dare not say that the martial arts of the thirteen palaces can win the first prize.

At this stage, AI Anxin has already entered 130000 places in the world. With her talent and strength, I believe that it's not a big problem to enter the top 5000. If we go further, we can only see her play and strength.

Dreamland, 50 worlds, countless main cities are killing madly, and the names of those top talents are in the eyes of 100000 worlds, countless creatures, all the way to the top of the pyramid!

Six hours later, night fell.

But the dream battlefield is still fighting day and night


The shell of an evil Turtle was torn apart by Luo Zheng's fist. With a faint green blindness passing by, the body hidden under the shell was easily killed by Luo Zheng.

When the body of the evil turtle disappeared, ten dream points burst out and went straight to Luo Zheng.

Traveling in the wilderness, the speed of accumulating dream points is quite slow, but Luo Zheng doesn't care.

In fact, many strong men like Luo Zheng leave the main city for a while, waiting for the grass to grow and the sheep to grow fat. Some of them even dig a big hole and have a good sleep in it.

Luo Zheng took this opportunity to explore in the wilderness, and he was not willing to waste his time.

After killing the turtle, Luo Zheng looks at the rolling hillside ahead as if he can't see the edge

This dream battlefield is so huge, which is equivalent to the area of 50 big boundaries. Although there are countless main cities, the distance between the main cities is not too close!

"Almost, it's time to go back," Luo Zheng looked over and smiled, then prepared to return to the main city. Now it's almost time to harvest.

However, when Luo Zheng just turned his head, he suddenly felt a faint energy wave coming from the front left.

With a flash of his eyes, his figure disappeared in the same place, and then appeared under the top of the mountain in front of him on the left.In the depression under the two hills, there is a light that is constantly rotating, and this light is transmitted from a hole.

"What is this?" Luo Zheng was slightly stunned.

It seems that this dream battlefield is not as simple as Luo Zheng imagined. Perhaps, the way to get the dream point is not only from other warriors.

Around the optical rotation, there were three mice covered with golden hair. These mice were as big as a pig, but they just crawled here, emitting a kind of dignified momentum, which was emitted from their blood!

"God beast, Tongtian rat?"

Luo Zheng's brow slightly wrinkled.

The real adult animals are extremely powerful. These Tongtian rats are all level 11 animals, which is comparable to the existence of Shenhai. However, because of the blood of the animals, it is still a bit of trouble to deal with them.

What's in this cave? There are three rats to guard?

Because of this, Luo Zheng is more interested in that cave!

On the one hand, they are very aggressive, and their talents are all focused on the invincible pair of rat teeth. On the other hand, they are the fastest beasts.

Three rats are troublesome for Luo Zheng, but he won't give up exploring this cave.

After all, in the dream battlefield, if you fail, you still have a chance to come back. Besides, Luo Zheng may not be afraid of the rat

He walked slowly down the hill.

The three rats, which had been crawling together, raised their heads alertly. Six pairs of black eyes, the size of soybeans, were staring at Luo Zheng. At the same time, they made squeaking sounds, as if they were communicating something.

Luo Zheng's face is calm, but his heart is more and more cautious. It's very important that the rat can stand on the top of the beast.

Twenty feet

Fifteen feet

Ten feet!

"Whoosh, whoosh!"

When Luo Zheng's steps just stepped into the range of ten feet, the three rats suddenly disappeared in Luo Zheng's sight!

Three vague shadows, in his pupil gently under a flash, Luo Zheng will feel his body above, came a sharp object scratch pain!

Then the three rats reappeared not far away. They formed a triangle between each other and surrounded Luo Zheng. At the same time, they showed their pair of sharp incisors towards Luo Zheng! The incisors are full of colorful colors. This pair of incisors is the talent of the rat. There is a law of cause and effect in them. That's why their lethality reaches a terrible level.

"Puff, puff, puff!"

At this time, Luo Zheng's body just spewed out three blood fog, namely left shoulder, right chest and leg.

This speed, really fast to the point of incredible!

Luo Zheng doesn't care about the wounds on his body. The speed of the three little rats has exceeded a certain limit, and Luo Zheng won't follow him foolishly.

Luo Zheng still fixed his target on the cave with the twinkling light, and then walked towards the cave with his feet raised!

When he had just taken action, the three rats disappeared in place again!

Just as they disappeared, the Lei Fengyou sword in Luo Zheng's hand was suddenly pulled out. A sword shadow was like a wheel, protecting himself in it. At the same time, dozens of mysterious shadows were blooming from the tip of the sword, spreading around with Luo Zheng as the center.

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