Luo Zheng didn't even bother to inquire about his ranking.

It's not that he doesn't want to fight for a good place in this dream battlefield. In fact, if he chooses to step into it, he won't give up any chance to climb to the top!

It's just that the dream battlefield has just opened, so Luo Zheng is not in a hurry.

After absorbing those dream points, Luo Zheng's eyes fell on the cave. The cave was guarded by three rats, but he didn't know what was hidden in it?

As Luo Zheng walked towards the entrance of the cave, the optical rotation moved slowly and blocked in front of Luo Zheng.

At the same time, a sentence appeared in Luo Zheng's mind.

Enter evil wind tunnel, need to pay 300000 dream points!

Three hundred thousand dream points, Luo Zheng's face immediately revealed the color of a bitter smile.

Now he has collected less than 4000 dream points, which is a big gap.

Luo Zheng was a little depressed when he couldn't enter the cave after spending so much skill. However, Luo Zheng wrote down that there were not only three sacred beasts guarding the cave, but also 300000 dream points to enter. What was there in the cave?

After thinking about it, Luo Zheng didn't stay here either. His body was turned upside down and shot in the air. He returned at a very fast speed!

"Hoo -"

after a long time of incense, the main city reappeared in Luo Zheng's sight.

At the moment, a demon warrior in silver armor is winding up and down with blood evil spirit, and a pair of generous blood axes are waving wildly!

This demon warrior is Luo Zheng's "little master" who met in the city before!

Although he is not the core disciple of shipin holy land, he comes from a powerful family of the demons, which is comparable to shipin holy land. This powerful family is also quite famous among the demons!

The dream battlefield opened, he is to obtain the family treasure!

Not only put on the holy devil's armor, but also took away this pair of artifact, the devil's bloody battle axe!

In a few hours before that, Hao Shaozhu organized the warlords of the demons and killed all the warlords of other races. He killed 600 warlords of other races and 300 or 400 warlords of other races. The total number of them is more than 1000!

In the first round, he earned more than 50000 points of dream points, and his ranking in the dream battlefield suddenly rushed to the forefront!

After these warriors resurrected, he slaughtered them in the second round. The second time they died, their dream points would be reduced by about half. This time, he only got more than 20000 points. Under these two times, he got more than 70000 points in total!

Under greed, haoshaozhu originally wanted to kill the third round, but this method was not easy to use.

At the beginning, although the warriors in the dream battlefield knew the rules, they didn't experience them personally.

However, we are not fools. After being beheaded once or twice, people also understand why they should be manipulated?

Death is just the loss of dream point, let you kill for no reason? What's more, if you stay in the city all the time, you will be in a state of absolute safety. Do you have a way to deal with me?

Those who have this idea are not only those who have been killed, but also the demon compatriots who have helped the rich little Lord to figure it out!

You enter the dream battlefield, either to compete for the place or for your own experience. You may have a lot of appeal outside, but there's no way to make people here. Although you are fellow demons, you are enemies when you stand in the dream battlefield

Now, the young master can only find his own goal by himself, in order to get more dream points.

He was born in a well-known family and has the high expectations of many elders in the family. Naturally, he hopes to strive for a good result!

However, not long after Hao Shaozhu left the city, he was targeted by several demon warriors.

At the beginning, Hao Shaozhu made so many dream points by taking advantage of people's ignorance of the rules. Naturally, some people were envious. If he killed the Hao Shaozhu once, he could get 30000 or 40000 dream points. That's one step!

But the strength of this master is not bad, and his talent is enough to be included in the core of some holy places!

What's more, he has a great treasure. He has not been killed all the way. On the contrary, he has killed five or six warriors and earned a lot of points.

"Roar I'll chop as much as you trash This young master also activated his blood power, bronze blood!

This bronze blood is similar to the blood of the demons. It can make the warrior forget the pain in a short time, double the strength, and make the whole person more excited and brave! However, bronze's blood increases more than violent's blood and does less damage to itself.

Since the three martial artists who besieged him dare to find the master, they are not good at it.

At the beginning, the three of them were able to suppress the young master. However, with the activation of the bronze blood of the young master, he became more and more brave in the war. This time, he was defeated!"Poof!"

One is not careful, and the Blood Axe strikes one of the demon warriors. This heavy axe splits the demon warrior into two pieces from the beginning to the end!

After the fall of the demon warrior, he turned into a red light and went back to the main city to revive. As for those dream points, they were naturally absorbed by the master!

After being killed by Hao Shaozhu, the remaining two are even more helpless. One of them even turns around and runs to escape back to the main city!

However, how can the young master who is activated by the blood of bronze make these two people run away?

He roared, and a mysterious mark appeared on the Blood Axe of his hands. Then he threw the Blood Axe straight ahead!

"Hoo Hoo..."

The two demons heard the sound of heavy objects flying in the rear. Before they could look back, they saw that the blood axes changed into two and four. Suddenly, countless Blood Axes appeared in the air!

"Cut you to pieces!"

With the roar of Hao Shaozhu, the blood axes cut the two demons at the same time.

In a flash, it seemed that countless people were holding blood axes to chop down. The two demon warriors were directly chopped to pieces by these blood axes

"Hoo Hoo..."

Those Blood Axes merged together again and again, and finally turned into two blood axes and returned to the hands of Hao Shaozhu.

The blood axe in the hands of the young master can really be regarded as an artifact, and the faces of many warriors who watched the battle on the wall were silent.

"The Blood Axe I thought it was a mirage

"Hum, the strength of this young master is not so good. He only relies on the bronze blood and the two artifact of his family."

"With these two artifact in hand, the attack is incomparable, and you are invulnerable!"

Because the strength of Hao Shaozhu's show has once again made the warriors in the city dare not go out of the city

Holding two blood axes, the young master knocked the blunt side of the axe on his chest armor. Stimulated by the blood of bronze, he roared at many warriors in the main city: "fools! Come out quickly and let me kill you! What's the use of you besides contributing your own dream points? "

It has to be said that among the demons, this kind of master is a smart one. When he first stepped into the dream battlefield, he could persuade his fellow warriors to help him accumulate dream points.

Now that Hao Shaozhu has accumulated enough dream points, he is so provocative. Naturally, the targets of his provocation are not limited to foreign warriors. In fact, the warriors he is facing are basically demons!

"Yuppie! You go up

"Damn, I helped him bind so many Terran warriors before, but now it's a bite back!"

"Ah, this is a dream battlefield. There is no race between us. At first, we were stupid!"

"Bang bang bang bang!"

Hao Shaozhu's two blood axes kept hitting his chest armor. The sound was loud. The pupils of his eyes were red, but there was a trace of cyan in the red. That was the effect of bronze blood.

At the moment of Hao Shaozhu's provocation, Luo Zheng's figure quietly appears behind him.

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