In the whole dream battlefield, "sheep" are constantly eaten!

The ranking of some martial arts players, who had risen to the top, began to decline rapidly

And before some ranking is not high, ranking began to rise rapidly!

All races are paying close attention to the pyramids in dream space and the trend of ranking

Although they are concerned about the names of the top talents of various races, in addition, many creatures are concerned about the name of a person, that is Luo Zheng.

Today, Luo Zheng is probably the most familiar name in the world. Even the top talents of all races, the sons of heaven, and the descendants of the world Master, can't match Luo Zheng.

The reason is very simple, or because of the roaring order

No one in the world can escape the roar of the trillions of creatures, and the mysterious girl has called the name "Luo Zheng" more than once.

As for a few years ago, Luo Zheng was besieged by dozens of tianzuns, and even killed a few tianzuns. For a time, the story was very popular, but the whole world was very popular!

I'm afraid that Luo Zheng is the only one who can have such a reputation. Even Tianzun can't do it.

The people who are looking for Luo Zheng's ranking are not only Yunluo and others, but also Tianwei people, and even many good people in the world.

After all, Luo Zheng's reputation was so high that even many celestial beings were curious. What was Luo Zheng's performance in the dream battlefield?

However, this search has disappointed many people

There are hundreds of millions of names on the pyramid. It's hard to imagine the number of them. The names on the bottom of the pyramid are even more indistinguishable.

Millions in front of us are still OK. After all, the names in front of us accumulate a lot of dream points, and the distance between us is relatively open!

In order to find Luo Zheng's name, some good people go all the way down from the top of the pyramid, but they spend a lot of effort, that is, they can't find Luo Zheng after searching thousands of names.

"Isn't this Luo Zheng's Fairy house full of cattle? Why didn't you even get into ten million? "

"It's very simple. This guy is lucky enough to get that indestructible immortal mansion. It's estimated that his talent is average, 10 million. Hehe, it seems that Luo Zheng is not as talented as some core Holy Land..."

"Indeed, 10 million is a very low standard. It seems that there will be a disaster in the world soon!"

"Disaster? What disaster? " There's some wonder.

"If you think about it, Luo Zheng is so gifted that he will be trapped in the immortal mansion all the way. After tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of years, he will surely fall, and the immortal mansion may become a ownerless thing! Such an immortal mansion will not cause the plunder of all the heavenly beings in the world! I'm afraid no one will give up? "

"There is a certain truth in this inference..."

In addition to those who are at the top of the pyramid, the warriors outside are also discussing Luo Zheng.

With 70000 dream points and 19 million, Luo Zheng is naturally dissatisfied with this ranking.

The bottom line of Luo Zheng's return to the main city this time is 300000 dream points, which can just open the cave in the wilderness

However, with Luo Zheng marching all the way around the city wall of the main city, the color of bitter smile on his face is more and more intense. Is there something wrong with the rules of this dream battlefield?

It's not that Luo Zheng doesn't want to fight with others to win the dream point, it's because he doesn't have the chance at all!

There are more and more wolves returning to the main city. Like Luo Zheng, the warriors returning to the main city are killing around the main city.

The area of this main city is also huge, but the warriors who have accumulated rich dream points are becoming more and more intelligent. Such guys as Luo Zheng can't make trouble. Can they always hide?

As a result, many "wealthy" warriors simply squat in the main city and never come out.

Fighting is forbidden in the main city. Luo Zheng can't rush into the main city to kill people!

Those who have rich dream points to escape into the main city, not to say, along the way there are some "death squads" rushed out to challenge Luo Zheng.

There are no dream points for these guys to kill. Many of them still have all kinds of provocations. They even chase after Luo Zheng all the way. Luo Zheng has to work hard to get rid of them!

"There's something wrong with the design of the rules of this dream battlefield..."

Generally speaking, this rule is not a big problem. If any warrior wants to stand out, he must kill other warriors. In this way, big fish eat small fish, small fish eat shrimp, shrimp eat mud

But we should not arrange such a safe haven in the main city, which is unfair to Luo Zheng.

However, the dream battlefield has just started. If all the people begin to shrink in the city, they can't measure each other's strength. The dream battlefield has lost its original intention, and the rules should change soon.

Luo Zheng thought and ran around the main city.

However, just as he passed the corner of the city wall, he saw a purple flame curling up, and the violent explosion was transmitted in front of him."Hoo Hoo..."

In the wind pressure produced by the fierce bombing, there are blue wind blades! You can imagine how violent the explosion was just now!

After those light bands slowly disappeared, a big pit appeared under the front wall, which was about a thousand feet wide and hundreds of feet deep

On the city wall, many demons are also looking at the pit with lingering fear, from which there is a wisp of purple flame rising.

"This dragon bird is worthy of being the descendant of the demon flame world. It seems that he has already cultivated the purple return flame to the extreme! The power just now is too exaggerated! "

"Ha ha, it's so amazing that Baize just returned. He killed seven people in one hour and accumulated nearly 200000 dream points I didn't expect LongQin to kill Baize. It only took three moves! Three moves

"The most powerful warrior in our city must be dragon and bird!"

Many warriors in the city wall were staring at the pit and talking about it. Naturally, these voices were also passed on to Luo Zheng's ears.

"Dragon Bird..."

The name is not important, but Luo Zheng has heard a very important message. It seems that this dragon bird is one step faster than Luo Zheng. In a short period of time, it has accumulated 200000 dream points, which is indeed much faster than Luo Zheng.

In fact, before Luo Zheng, many warriors had returned to the main city. After obtaining some dream points, they quickly hid in the main city. When Luo Zheng came back, the sheep were basically cleaned! Therefore, Luo Zheng only encountered two "sheep" along the way.

Soon after, a slightly emaciated figure rose slowly from the pit!

This man is the Dragon Bird among all the people. At his feet, the purple magic flame turned into a giant hand and lifted the Dragon bird up.

Although LongQin is also a warrior of the demons, he is not as tall as the demons. Although he is much bigger than human beings, he is more "pocket" among the majestic demons.

When the Dragon bird came out of the cave, his eyes swept around, looking at the many warriors in the wall, his face showed the color of ridicule!

These cowards, even if they take the initiative to go out of the city, he is too lazy to kill!

However, when LongQin's eyes swept along the edge of the city wall and extended to the end of the city wall, he saw a figure floating around the corner.

It's Luo Zheng in green!

The Dragon Bird's face suddenly showed a little doubt. Why didn't the Terran warrior hide in the city wall?

As a descendant of the demon flame world, he conquers the main city in front of him. It's just a trivial goal. He wants to collide with the real top strong in this dream battlefield!

From the beginning to the end, the Dragon Bird did not pay attention to the main city or the warrior in the main city.

So seeing that Luo Zheng didn't evade himself, he was so confused that this Terran warrior was not scared by himself, was he?

When LongQin was wondering, he saw Luo Zheng flying slowly towards him with a warm smile on his face

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