The golden hammer shadow in front of Luo Zheng's eyes is also a mysterious hammer method that has experienced thousands of years of precipitation!

These golden hammers are so overwhelming that people can't tell the truth from the false. It's not easy to crack them.

But Luo Zheng didn't want to solve it at all. He still planned to fight with brute force, which is also the quickest means.

However, this niujin has great power. How many of the same level warriors can fight against it? Even those who are more powerful than Niu Jin, such as the "little Lord" served by Niu Jin, that is, the "city Lord" of the main city, can't compete with him with brute force. That's too much to lose.

Luo Zheng won't suffer. He uses the body of artifact to cooperate with the power of dragon scale. Let alone the same level of martial arts, the martial arts who are one level higher than Luo Zheng can't fight against him!

So Luo Zheng didn't step back. Instead, he went up to Niu Jin

"Yes! I give you a happy death

Found that Luo Zheng not only did not run, but straight to himself, Niu Jin's arms also filled with all his strength! At the same time, the sea of gods began to stir up the tide of heaven, the cultivation spread, just like a god of power, all the golden hammer shadows came down towards Luo Zheng!

At this moment, Luo Zheng also opened the power of dragon scale as many as ten thousand pieces!

The power of the body is also like the tide, rushing in. Although the shadow of the hammer shakes people's eyes like flowers, which makes it difficult to distinguish the true from the false, Luo Zheng doesn't intend to defend against the hammer. His goal is only Niu Jin himself!


Luo Zheng's body shape suddenly accelerated three points, one handed fist, this is a very ordinary punch, which contains power far beyond anyone's imagination!

In Niu Jin's view, Luo Zheng's fighting style is a little desperate.

With a laugh, he grabbed it with his right hand, but the shadow of the golden hammer was less than half. Originally, for the sake of safety, he blocked a golden hammer in his chest to resist Luo Zheng's attack. He had smashed two hammers of Luo Zheng before, and knew that Luo Zheng must have something extraordinary. The punch in front of him looked very simple, but he was afraid of deception! He doesn't want to die with Luo Zheng

If they die together, half of their dream spots will stay here. If they are robbed by other good warriors, they will be scolded by the young master.

Niu Jin looks reckless on the outside, but his mind is also very meticulous. He takes back a golden hammer, and the other golden hammer still conjures up countless hammer shadows, and directly smashes it down from Luo Zheng's Tianling cover. Under this hammer, it is necessary to smash this man's head to pieces!

It can be said that in an instant, Niu Jin made the most correct judgment.

But in any case, the correct judgment is useless under the suppression of absolute strength!

When Luo Zheng hit Niu Jin's golden hammer, Niu Jin suddenly understood

The momentum of Luo Zheng's punch is not strong. His whole momentum has been completely covered by Niu Jin. However, when Luo Zheng's punch touches the golden hammer, Niu Jin feels the overwhelming power from his hammer!

This force fell on the golden hammer, and the golden hammer fell on Niu Jin's chest


The sound of a crack came.

The round golden hammer was smashed directly from the middle by Luo Zheng! But Luo Zheng's punch still didn't stop. He directly penetrated the golden hammer along the crack and blew it on Niu Jin's chest!


When Luo Zheng's fists hit the gold chest, it made a loud noise again!

Hearing this voice, Luo Zheng's eyes flickered slightly, but he sighed in his heart. This guy has a treasure to defend himself!

It's a defense treasure that can bear the power of ten thousand phyllosaurus scales. At least it's an artifact However, even if there is a treasure to protect his chest, this guy will be seriously injured. After all, defending the treasure can only reduce his own damage, but can't resist it completely, unless this guy's chest defense treasure is a supreme artifact.

What Luo Zheng is worried about is that this guy also has Jinwan. If he crushes Jinwan at the moment, he is afraid that he will get nothing

Under the huge inertia, Niu Jin also flew backward. He knew that he had been seriously injured, and the terrible force was still in his five internal organs and six lungs. He even shook the world inside him, and one side of Shenhai was also facing collapse!

At this time, Niu Jin is not thinking about saving his life, but about saving his dream points!

If you lose your life, you can revive. If you are robbed of the dream points by this person, he will face the severe punishment of the little Lord!

So in the moment of inverted flight, a golden pill suddenly appeared in Niu Jin's hand!

But just as Niu Jin took out the golden pill, before he could crush it, there was a sneer in his ear!

Luo Zheng unexpectedly expected that he would take out a golden pill and force him to approach him. Niu Jingang just wanted to crush the golden pill with his hand, but before he could use his strength, a blue golden light flickered

Niu Jin can't feel the existence of his right hand!

His hand, however, was cut off by Luo Zheng's Lei Fengyou sword in an instant, holding the golden pill and flying high.Luo Zheng's movement is extremely agile. He grabs the golden pill out of his broken hand in a flash of his body. Under a roll, his knee has been pressed on Niu Jin's chest, and his sword blade has been aimed at Niu Jin.

"Young master can't..."


Luo Zheng didn't let this person finish what he said. If he was elsewhere, he might be able to make this person say more nonsense.

The main city is full of strange things, but he is afraid that the dream points he is about to get will fly, so he should kill this person first. He will not kill the person he killed. Will the dream points fly away?

In fact, until now, Luo Zheng couldn't understand why the dream points would fly away automatically after the blue shirt warrior died

As soon as Niu Jin died, he was wrapped by a red light and came back to the city. At the same time, a large number of dream points burst out. This guy's dream points are even more than that of the blue shirt warrior!

These yellow light spots burst out of Niu Jin's body and flew towards Luo Zheng's body. Seeing this scene, Luo Zheng was slightly relieved. He really thought that someone could influence the rules of the dream battlefield!

On the wall, many warriors saw this scene, and most of them looked at it with admiration and pity.

The envy is that Luo Zheng has such strength. Facing Niu Jin head-on, he can kill Luo Zheng with a single blow and gain so many dream points!

The reason for pity is very simple. They know what Luo Zheng's fate is

Before that, the "city Lord" wanted to control the main city, which caused a lot of reaction from many warriors. Among them, there were some powerful warriors. Some of them were more powerful than Niu Jin and others. Some of them killed Niu Jin several times.

But the final result is that he was tortured and killed by the city master again and again!

Now those warriors are not only poor in dream points, but also very difficult to leave the main city!

As long as those warriors go out of the city, they will be chased by the city master, and the speed of the city master There is no one who can get rid of it!

In their opinion, the end of Luo Zheng may not be much better.

"Niu Jin is dead, Lord I'm afraid we'll be here! "

"This guy hasn't left yet. I'm afraid it's too late to leave now!"

"This person should be a warrior from other main cities. I don't know the strength of the city master!"

They don't know that Luo Zheng doesn't intend to leave here at all. His goal is the city leader

Several of the city Lord's subordinates are already fat. Isn't the dream points accumulated by the city Lord an astronomical number? Thinking of this, where would Luo Zheng leave?

Since the city Lord is so overbearing in the rumor that he killed two of his subordinates in a row, he should find himself later

Luo Zheng is still standing outside the city, but his eyes are focused on looking at the golden pill in his hand!

I'm afraid this golden pill is also a treasure. Its power is so terrible. Fortunately, this golden pill is only a disposable consumable! But even so, if you release this golden pill in response to the enemy, you can also reap miraculous effects by surprise!

But the golden pill needs to be crushed before it can be stimulated. Can it be used only for suicide?

Just as he looked at the golden pill, Luo Zheng suddenly felt that the golden pill was boiling hot, and that there was a great power to bloom from it. He almost threw the golden pill out of the distance by conditioned reflex!


After the golden pill flew more than ten feet in the air, dense blood colored lightning escaped from the golden pill!

See this scene, Luo Zheng's face is also some ugly, if not for his quick reaction, I'm afraid he will also be involved in it!

Just then, Luo Zheng felt a chill coming from his back. When Luo Zheng looked around, he saw a purple suit walking slowly towards him, but there were pieces of snow falling behind him

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