It's no doubt a miracle that such a guy with no amazing appearance can kill Ji Luoxue.

This battle has made many low-level fighters feel surging

They are all whispering about the identity of Luo Zheng. Who is he? From where? Where to learn from

But no one dared to ask Luo Zheng face to face.

"Here comes Ji Luoxue..." Someone reminded me.

Many warriors turn to look around one after another, and then they see Ji Luoxue in purple walking towards the wall!

"After Ji Luoxue resurrected, she didn't go out of the city directly, but went to the city wall!"

"Isn't she going to challenge Luo Zheng again?"

"That means giving up!"

Although Ji Luoxue is defeated by Luo Zheng, many martial artists think that Ji Luoxue will not give up. After her resurrection, Ji Luoxue may challenge Luo Zheng again.

After killing Ji Luoxue, Luo Zheng has been floating outside the city wall, standing on the mountain of yuanci, and has no choice to escape

The possibility of another war between the two is quite great, but Ji Luoxue chose to walk on the wall, but did not leave the city, the surrounding warriors have to avoid, to make way for Ji Luoxue.

Luo Zheng leaned against a corner of yuanci holy mountain, with a faint smile on his face. Looking at Ji Luoxue, he said, "fight again?"

Ji Luoxue shook her head and answered firmly, "No

The goal of the first stage of this dream battlefield is to accumulate dream points as much as possible. Before she is sure to win Luo Zheng, she will not rush to fight with Luo Zheng again.

"But sooner or later we have a chance to fight again," Ji Luoxue added, "I hope you Don't be timid. "

Said Ji Luoxue reveals a pure smile, at that time she will be black snow fusion will become the whole, then she will win this battle!

Hearing Ji Luoxue's words, Luo Zheng shrugged his shoulders, "yes!" Then he touched his head and said, "there's another problem..."

"Say," Ji Luoxue said lightly.

"Why did you absorb the dream points of the blue shirt warrior?" Luo Zheng asked.

Luo Zheng asked once before, but Ji Luoxue didn't answer. Now Luo Zheng says it again. He is really very curious about it. He can't understand how Ji Luoxue did it? No matter how strong she is, she can't influence the rules of dream war!

Ji Luoxue smiles a little. This time she chooses to help Luo Zheng solve his doubts, and then a golden pill appears in her hand, "this golden pill is integrated with my mark! Therefore, those who were killed by Jinwan were killed by me. When Jiafan crushed the Jinwan before he died, he was killed by me Naturally, it's for me! "

After hearing this, Luo Zheng suddenly realized

He just patted his head. He didn't think of such a simple thing.

However, the more simple the rules are, the more difficult it is to turn one's head.

But Ji Luoxue's method gives Luo Zheng a new idea

If so, a warrior has set up numerous traps in the main city, all of which are marked with his own mark. Then the dream points of those who are killed by these traps will come to him in an endless stream! And I just need to stay in the city and collect dream points!

What Luo Zheng can think of, others can think of naturally! In this dream battlefield, some people do this, such as AI Anxin.

Now AI Anxin's ranking is soaring all the way!

She just thought of such a way

AI Anxin constantly wanders in the dream battlefield. After discovering a main city, AI Anxin will not choose to enter the main city to challenge the strong.

It's not that AI Anxin doesn't want to fight with the strong. It's just that it's too time-consuming and there's a risk of falling. Half of his dream points will be deducted once he falls. With AI Anxin's shrewd calculation, it's undoubtedly a loss business.

Constantly pondering, AI Anxin thought of a way, that is to sow seeds!

A new main city appears in front of AI Anxin. She sprinkles a large number of seeds. These seeds are very unique. After they are sprinkled on the ground, they just climb into the ground like living insects.

Within an hour, those seeds begin to germinate, begin to plant, and finally grow into shape, but they are dandelions!

These dandelions are about the size of a fist, but on the outside there is a ring of transparent needles. They look very beautiful, shining with crystal clear luster

The more beautiful things are, the more deadly they are!

This dandelion is the most lethal trap. When the warrior approaches, the fur on the surface of dandelion will crack quickly and scatter in all directions at a very fast speed to penetrate into the warrior's body.

These tiny needles will continue to swim along the meridians of the warrior, tracking the breath of Zhenyuan in the warrior's body. Finally, they will penetrate the elixir field and enter the inner world of the warrior, and then directly release a deadly toxin in the body, polluting the whole sea of Zhenyuan!If the warrior doesn't run the Dantian, it's OK to release Zhenyuan. Once released, he will die suddenly.

Sprinkle these dandelion seeds on the road one by one, AI Anxin will leave here and continue to wander in the dream battlefield, looking for the next main city.

In this process, there are constantly dream points flying towards ai'an's heart

Although the number of these dream points will not be too much, a group of dream points, there are only dozens of points, or hundreds of points, occasionally thousands of points!

However, within an hour, dozens of dream points often escape into AI Anxin's body, but AI Anxin has no risk in the whole process

"I see," Luo Zheng said with a slight smile. He jumped up from the yuanci mountain. With a flash of light in his hand, the huge yuanci mountain began to rotate, and eventually shrank into a mini mountain and fell into Luo Zheng's hands.

Ji Luoxue is not willing to see the refined yuanci holy mountain. Before that, she planned to force Luo Zheng to hand over the method of refining yuanci holy mountain. Now it seems that her idea is childish. People don't need her to let it go

Luo Zheng put away yuanci holy mountain, and then he took a light look at Ji Luoxue, and was ready to fly away in the distance.

The dream battlefield is so big that every warrior has different ways of accumulating dream points. Luo Zheng has a move order, which is a great advantage for him.

It is also an effective way to catch and kill the "fat sheep" in different main cities!

Ji Luoxue is the biggest fat sheep in the main city

Luo Zheng robbed her of so many dream points. It's estimated that she won't fight again. Luo Zheng doesn't have to stay here to waste his time. He can choose the next main city.

Seeing that Luo Zheng was about to leave, Ji Luoxue sipped her lips and finally said, "you Can you wait? "

Luo Zheng turns his head and stares at Ji Luoxue with puzzled eyes.

"I can make a deal with you!" Ji Luoxue said with Zhenyuan.

The refining method of yuanci holy mountain is too important for Ji Luoxue. If she refines her own yuanci holy mountain, it will be of great benefit to her five elements cultivation!

"What deal?" Luo Zheng responded.

With Ji Luoxue's thin lips moving, Luo Zheng's face showed a touch of emotion!

After burning incense for a long time, Luo Zheng appeared in the courtyard in the corner of the main city.

Stepping on the thick snow, Luo Zheng feels the serenity of the house. He can't help but sigh in his heart. Does Ji Luoxue earn so many dream points so leisurely? People are really different from each other. Instead, he is working hard to fight with others outside, earning less than one tenth of her dream points!

Ji Luoxue, standing in the middle of the courtyard, holds a row of blank jade slips, and her index finger is constantly circling on the jade slips.

After a long time, with Ji Luoxue's charming voice, she vomited out the word "Feng". A piece of jade was simply made. Holding the jade slip in her hand, she said to Luo Zheng, "on this jade slip, she only teaches you how to extract the power of yuanci in yuancishen mountain. As for how to use it, it's up to you to understand it."

Luo Zheng nodded, then stretched out his hand to Ji Luoxue.

Ji Luoxue wanted to deliver the jade slip, but there was a hesitation on her face

If I give this jade slip to Luo Zheng, what will he do if he doesn't give me the method of blood refining?

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