In the face of this palm size skull, Luo Zheng "bang bang" two punches!

Luo Zheng didn't put this little skull in his eyes. These two fists only used one point of strength!

According to Luo Zheng, it is enough to crush it.

Unexpectedly, these two skeletons were just hit by Luo Zheng

After being shot hundreds of feet by Luo Zheng, and even running through two huge skeletons, he came back again, still opening his big mouth and biting at Luo Zheng!

This little skull abnormal!



At the same time, Luo Zheng heard the sound of chanting incantations from the huge skeletons around him!

Black whirlpools appeared around Luo Zheng, and small skeletons came out of the whirlpool.

"Really not broken?"

Luo Zheng's eyes flashed, and he crushed the guy on the ground with one foot. Then with a wave of his right hand, he grasped a small skeleton in his hand.

"Break it for me!"

This time, Luo Zheng used the power of Wanmei dragon scale!

The surging power rushes into Luo Zheng's five fingers along his right arm. Under such violent power, even the artifact will be distorted.


The little skull, however, was like a rock, which completely took over the power of Luo Zheng. Luo Zheng still could not crush it.



To deal with this small skull, Luo Zheng almost exhausted all his strength, and even with the help of the power of the dragon scale, he broke out the Gangyuan in his body completely!

But the little skull still didn't move

At the same time, other small skeletons also bite toward Luo Zheng.


When Luo Zheng flies, he kicks away all the skeletons. Suddenly, he wants to kill the guys hiding in the huge skeletons.


The huge skeletons, one by one, were broken by Luo Zheng.

These guys in black cloaks and rags are not hard to deal with.

With Luo Zheng's all-out efforts, it's almost impossible to escape in his hands

He is along the tree crown, these huge skeletons will be destroyed one by one, and those guys will be killed one by one.

In this way, he found himself closer and closer to the top of the tree crown.

If you want to get out of the maze, you must destroy it. Luo Zheng understands!

Although Luo Zheng came up with a way to solve the problem, it was not difficult to get close to the purple light, but new problems appeared. What about these little skeletons?

Since these skeletons are provoked by these strange guys, Luo Zheng wanted to kill them, and the small skeletons should disappear. But now he has killed most of these guys, but he has not seen a small skeleton disappear. On the contrary, the number of small skeletons following Luo Zheng is increasing, and he can't get rid of them at all.

Now there's no connection between killing these guys and little skeletons.

Half an hour later

All the big skeletons above the tree crown were smashed by Luo Zheng.

And the guys of the shadow clan were also killed by Luo Zheng!

But behind Luo Zheng, there are four or five hundred small skeletons of palm size. They are floating closely behind Luo Zheng, biting Luo Zheng's body in turn, which makes people feel numb!

"Go away!"

Luo Zheng's body gushed out a great force!

The power patted the dense little skeletons behind him. All the skeletons were shot and scattered by Luo Zheng

But after a while, he gathered to Luo Zheng and continued to bite behind him!

The biting power of these small skeletons is not strong, and Luo Zheng has the body of artifact. He doesn't have much feeling.

But if these small skeletons can't be eliminated, won't they always be behind them?

At this time, Luo Zheng just remembered!

Before, when he was surrounded by Tianzun in zhongtianyu, there was a Tianzun who was followed by countless skeletons, and those skeletons were biting that Tianzun like this.

The God should have killed the shadow clan, which caused these skeletons

The emperor has nothing to do with these skeletons, and Luo Zheng is even more helpless.

But after all, Tianzun was killed in the world, and Luo Zheng is now in the dream battlefield, but carrying so many skeletons in the dream battlefield is not a matter!

After struggling for a while, Luo Zheng immediately shook his head. No matter what, he could only take a step. At most, he was carrying a "shell" formed by a skeleton. This little skeleton is so hard that he might be able to resist some attacks

After no longer thinking about it, Luo Zheng walked towards the purple light.After breaking the maze, Luo Zheng was less than 200 Zhang away from the purple light. In front of Luo Zheng's eyes, there were steps formed by tree trunks. These steps soared in the air and extended all the way to the top of Ailanthus altissima.

When Luo Zheng just stepped on the steps, a giant eye in the sky blinked gently.

Luo Zheng's breath was filled with a strange fragrance, and the surrounding fog changed from lead gray to light yellow.

"Poison fog?"

The two most powerful housekeeping methods of the ancient witches were voodoo and incantation

That spell really gives Luo Zheng a headache. The small skeletons hanging behind him constantly grinding their teeth are examples. He has no solution at all!

As for voodoo

He completely ignored it.

In fact, the Yellow poison fog is the long lost poison of the ancient witches!

The method of disposing this poison has long been lost. However, according to some records, the tyranny of this poison can't be resisted by those who incarnate in three changes. Even some world leaders have heard of it. At the time of the expansion of the ancient witch clan, countless people died under this poison.

But no matter how overbearing he is, he will have no effect on Luo Zheng.

He is a weapon, just looks like a human weapon

When Luo Zheng walked ten feet further, another giant eye blinked. The yellow fog dissipated, but the blue poison fog filled the air!

This blue poisonous fog makes Luo Zheng frown!

It wasn't because he was afraid of the poison, but because the blue poison fog smelled so bad!

The Yellow poison fog is extremely fragrant when inhaled into the nose, while the blue poison fog is extremely smelly. It is totally two extremes.

Luo Zheng can only cover his nose.

Next, every time Luo Zheng stepped ten feet, the poisonous fog would change, and the smell was totally different, but most of them were very smelly, either fishy or rotten. In short, except for the first kind of poisonous fog, it smelled good, and the latter kind of poisonous fog didn't make Luo Zheng feel very good.

If those great powers of the ancient clan still exist, I'm afraid that Luo Zheng will vomit blood when he uses this method to judge their thirteen strange poisons!

These thirteen strange poisons are the pride of the ancient people. Each of them has different poisons. Some poisons can cause people to fester and die, while some poisons can only break out after hiding in the body of a warrior for several years. Once they break out, the whole body will not be left, and even the whole person will be devoured by the poison!

However, Luo Zheng's use of these poisons is also a bit of "outrageous". It's too wasteful

This stage is full of all kinds of poisonous fog. I'm afraid it's a natural moat for ordinary martial arts. It can't be passed at all.

Now Luo Zheng is easy to pass through, and finally came to the purple light group in front of!

The purple light was like a blue water wave floating in the air. Luo Zheng looked it around, and his face showed a trace of disappointment.

"Without the fruits and the rewards of dream points, what is this..."

Luo Zheng saw a rectangular iron coupon floating in the purple light.

He reached into the purple light and grasped the rectangular iron coupon. His eyes flashed with curiosity.

Luo Zheng's eyes were slightly frozen when he took out the iron coupon. He only saw that there were four words left on the iron coupon, "Hall of cause and effect".

At the same time, an idea comes from the iron coupon!

"If you pay five million dream points, you can enter the cause and effect hall. To open the cause and effect hall, you need ten people to attend at the same time. There are still three people short of opening the cause and effect hall. Do you want to pay dream light points..."

When this voice reverberates in Luo Zheng's mind, it suddenly makes Luo Zheng slightly stunned!

"I've been wandering at the top of the tree crown for so long, even if I don't give my dream points, I've even asked me to pay five million dream points," Luo Zheng said.

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